The Park

Except EJ had his men "escort" Percy to some remote part of England. Maybe Percy saved enough money to fund his ticket back, and yes.....that Horton cabin would be the perfect hiding place. Good thought.
See, with so little snow, and the warm up in Salem (evidenced by folks dressing like it is 40° outside) if Clyde were still there, he would have been spotted by now. Heck, people walk their dogs, and those dogs are good at that. Plus soooo many people use that park area as a shortcut for some reason....
Well, you can't really do notorious things in the Horton Town Square, and they don't have the docks anymore, which is the other perfect place to do bad things, so it has to be the park. Although, there is that alleyway next to the Pub that people keep walking out of. I think that would be a great place to do bad things, instead of sullying the reputation of the park and making everyone afraid to go near Benchie.

Poor Benchie. I wonder if Benchie is starting to feel threatened now that the neighborhood is getting violent.
Salem radio & TV needs to start doing public service messages...Stay Out Of The Park! Nick Fallon was shot, EJ was shot, Drug sellers accost, Theresa was grabbed, drugged and lost her fetus and memory, Sonny has been knifed....
The Salem P.D. might also try patrolling the place instead of having its top cops wandering around the Town Square or keeping an eye on the Pub and Club TBD while eating and socializing. Instead, its first order of business is helping barracuda Melinda Trask drop the hammer on the hapless Ben. Only in Salem.

By now, Percy (who returned to Salem to play Santa Claus and can't afford a ticket back to England) has found Clyde and is hiding him at (WHERE ELSE??) the Horton Cabin.
Not a chance! The Horton Cabin raccoon/squirrel defense force has had enough! If Clyde shows up there, the angry critters will finish what Victor started.
Ya know, Sonny was clearly attacked in the park, Victor and Maggie were strolling the park, and yet Maggie said later that Sonny was attacked in Horton Town Square??????? (by the way, was there snow where Sonny lay on the ground? )