The legal document


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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You know it would be just like dimwhit Jack to make the agreement with Eve, not tell anyone and then forget about it years later. If it is a sound agreement then Eve should get her portion and Jenn and JJ can just deal with it. Jenn is acting like she is being wronged and she isn't. JJ also has his undies in a bunch over something that is none of his business. The agreement does not affect either Jenn or JJ in any way. If the documented agreement is sound it's none of Jenn or JJ's business as they weren't part of the agreement. Jenn and JJ are acting like a bunch of snotty little babies.
This particular book, though, deals with his experiences in Afganistan, and particularly with his time as a prisoner. His fellow prisoners were military, and Jack felt very strong about them. And I think perhaps his PTSD had an effect as well, especially when Marlena took him to that group meeting (and I think he attended others off camera).
So when he wrote the book, he felt those men, those vets, should benefit from any proceeds and arranged for them to do so.

I agree, it is not Jennifer's battle now, she is not reaping anything from the book. It would be that Foundation vs. Eve. But, Jennifer is concerned about Jack's name, his efforts, something he tried to do that was right and good.
Jenn can be concerned all she wants, Jack could have had the greatest of intentions, but neither negate the agreement. Right now as it stands Eve has a legal right to proceeds and the foundation is denying that to her. She wouldn't be taking anything away from the vets by receiving her portion. She would be receiving what was agreed to. The vets would still be getting proceeds.
The main question is the validity of this agreement. I seriously doubt that Jack would ever enter such an arrangement with Eve, considering he did make sure that he got Eve's inheritance from Nick. By the way, the money that Nick willed to Eve, was in fact, Harper Deveraux's money which Nick hid to begin with.
I see both sides. I think Eve feels entitled to the money, she has an agreement that has not yet been challenged, and the fact she can antagonize Jen by attempting to cash in is just a bonus for her. Jen knows what Jack wanted to do with the money and she wants to defend his wishes as he is not here to speak for himself. I think JJ is upset not so much about the money, but about the fact that the lawsuit is a constant reminder that his father is no longer here to stand up for his own wishes.

That said, there's no way to prove that Eve coerced Jack in any way, no matter how much Jen WANTS to believe that, and I think it's a bit petty of Jen to keep this fight going. If the book makes millions and Eve gets half of a lot of money, that still leaves a huge share for Jen to donate to the vets as she believes Jack would have wanted.
I agree. Jack's intentions are irrelevant, however noble they may have been. Eve's intent with the money is irrelevant as well. If the document is valid, Eve deserves her share, and Jack's estate can do what he wanted with his share.

The foisting of this issue into the 2nd generation is just stupid, boring plot-driven BS. I'd rather watch Rory doing this...
...all day than JJ/Paige fighting about their mommies. (I can't believe I would be longing for the Days of Bev's scheming.)
You know it would be just like dimwhit Jack to make the agreement with Eve, not tell anyone and then forget about it years later. If it is a sound agreement then Eve should get her portion and Jenn and JJ can just deal with it. Jenn is acting like she is being wronged and she isn't. JJ also has his undies in a bunch over something that is none of his business. The agreement does not affect either Jenn or JJ in any way. If the documented agreement is sound it's none of Jenn or JJ's business as they weren't part of the agreement. Jenn and JJ are acting like a bunch of snotty little babies.

Oh God thank you, I'm glad someone feels the same as I do about all this book crap! Bless your heart!