The Horton Family @ Christmas


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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My thanks for this wonderful picture to Jason47, the master of all that is Days related. I love this picture, and am sooo grateful for the one of Alice & her plate of donuts. Perfection!


Awesome pictures!!

Love how little Abby and Will are. That's the version of Will who was a horrid little brat.
On Jason's site, in the pictures of the Horton ornaments, who are the two ornaments between Joshua and Daniel's ornaments? (last row)

Are those for Allie and Johnny? (do they say Alice Caroline and Johnny Roman?)

The Christmas letter from Caroline (on Jason's site) is a hoot!
I knew that had to be Will, and LOL, I so remember that "brat". I think everyone wanted to turn him over their knee. Ha.

And yes, that is exactly what those two ornaments say....(had to really zoom them big to read)
Even back then, the SORAS was out of whack since Abby was born in 1992 and Will was born in 1995, but it clearly looks like Will is older than Abby in that picture. Poor Abby; Will and Brady zoomed into their teenage years while she still puttered around as a small fry.
For those who may not know......the family picture contains.....
Back row: Belle, Shawn D. , Bo, Lucas, Jennifer, Jack, Doug, Julie, Maggie.
Front row: Mickey, Alice, Hope, Abby, Will.
On Jason's site, in the pictures of the Horton ornaments, who are the two ornaments between Joshua and Daniel's ornaments? (last row)

Are those for Allie and Johnny? (do they say Alice Caroline and Johnny Roman?)

That's the best I could do when I was updating the site today. They only showed them on the screen for a few seconds, so I tried to do the best "computer screen" capture I could. But, yes, they are a little dark to see.