The Castle


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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How disappointing. They just don't make windows like they used to! lol! And the rooms. Sometimes you can hear the screaming and other times not. And just one more observation, I hated the nursery!
At least the nursery looked like a nursery and it wasn't that overly repurposed room that they turn into the office of Jen/Marlena/Daniel/Hope/Roman/misc. hospital room/hospital waiting room/DiMera board room.
What about castle security?? Kristen DiMera is hiding out there and no security?? Except for Clint & Dr Mandrake? Marlena can just pop up and in after a 15 hour flight in the same clothes? When are these people going to learn to have a gate out front that keeps people that you don't want in...OUT??
Well it must be a light hike if Melanie made it in those boots!! Yikers!!

Kristen didn't do a great job hiding out. The cops knew where she was, the villagers knew where she was, Victor knew where she was. And Marlena easily got there. She may as well have hidden out in the Horton attic.
She may as well have hidden out in the Horton attic.
Heck, she may as well have camped out in the middle of the Town Square. As her the DiMera hideout, it has to be the most insecure castle in history. Medieval knights wouldn't have dared to dream about attacking such a poorly defended place.


No need for the catapults and battering ram.
We're attacking DiMera Castle.
After Marlena's flight I was wishing my clothes look so good after an 8 hour flight. Heck my clothes don't look that good after a 2 hour flight. The 30 minute drive to the airport, at least she knew to bring her passport.

Wonder how Melanie is going to get back on the plane? Wait that's a silly thing to say. She will just start babbling and pouting because Bwady is paying more attention to his son than her that the cops will forcibly put her on the plane just to get rid of her.
I was disappointed that this little adventure only lasted less than 2 weeks. I would have liked for them to have at least gone through some rough times trying to get to the castle, trying to find a way in. I mean this was supposed to be a DiMera compound, it shouldn't have been so easy to walk to the front door. I also would have liked for John to find out what happened and to come save the day. Would have been a great time for a reconciliation with Marlena. I would have thought that Kristen's "last" stand would have been more meaningful and she would have given her best effort. It all seemed too rushed for me.
For some reason, the show is keeping John & Marlena apart, even though they are supposedly friendly, working their way back. Each has suffered in some way, but Marlena the most. Them being thousands of miles apart right now is done on purpose. Marlena suffered the most at the hands of Kristen, both her sons had as well, plus her husband. She HAD to be the one who Kristen confronted at the end.
I do not blame the police for taking them all down to the station, as the babbling by Theresa & Melanie was just too confusing and made no sense. Kristen is missing, no trace. And let's face it, if Stefano has paid moles within the Salem PD, why not practically OWN the ones in his native Italy?
I would have much rather seen John with the Italy crowd than mingling with Paul and his grandfather in San Francisco.

I also wouldn't have minded a cameo from Shane to save his daughter.

Instead we will likely get Dr. McScruffy involved in yet another storyline where he doesn't belong (aside from helping the baby).

TIIC really screwed this up. Kristen lights up the screen whenever she is on and I feel the first few days were just repetitive filler. This also could have been a great umbrella story too. Why not have Eric and Eve back in Salem wondering where their siblings are? Have them get Rafe, Roman and John involved. Maybe even Hope. They could have tied Nicole in through Eric instead of Daniel. And where are Victor's men that he sent to tail Brady? This also would have been more powerful had Stefano been in the castle with Kristen.
Tweet from Eileen Davidson (Kristen) :rotfl::rotfl:
Eileen DavidsonVerified account@eileen_davidson
@nbcdays OH NOOOOOOO!!!! Marlena pushed Kristen out the window! Eh, Kristen's a great swimmer. I refuse to believe Marlena won!!!!