The baby....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Was thinking about that entire improbable embryo theft........and the fact that Clint had to draw blood from both Theresa & from Brady. I guessed it was to ascertain blood types and suitability for that bone marrow transplant.

However, Melanie took plasma from Theresa, to get it tested. This was from the blood Theresa donated for Eve's possible surgery. Wasn't that drawn before Theresa was pregnant? I know Days plays games with timelines, and on the show they have said several times that "the baby was born early, which is normal in these situations".

The baby looks older than "newborn". Maybe 2-3 months old. But if early, seems it should be smaller???? Yes, better than a doll. LOL
There was a throw-away line a long time ago about how Theresa had donated blood a few times so there would be enough in reserve for Eve's surgery. Apparently she had donated early in her pregnancy.

As for the baby not looking "newborn", since they have to be about a minimum of 6-8 weeks to work, I guess that's the best they can do.
Exactly! When I heard that, I was ...."huh"??? Kristen stole that embryo in November, Jeannie was not showing, so......3 mos. pregnant? (At the time I figured about 6-8 weeks). So....even early, Kristen carries it for 3 mos???? Sheesh!
I would have imagined that TPTB put their collective heads together, and decided that since all of the children finally get SORASed, and the fans accept the fact, time speeds by when you are young on the DOOL, and the Days of our Lives are just zooming by. I think the "Tater Head", as Just Samantha stated in another thread, but might have been just a sprout when the mean old doctor decided he could just reach into the babies nursery (even though the womb is noted as very temporary) and yanked that poor little sprout out into the bright lights of day, and with the Miracle Grow that I read a moment:):rotfl:, and implanted that sprout, and presto, Tater Head Black.:rotfl:
I'm pretty sure the baby was conceived sometime in September. It was late October when Theresa took the pregnancy test, told Anne with Kristen overhearing, and then the "procedure" took place sometime in the first several days of November. The baby should have been due in June but was obviously born in March. They may have SORAS'd the pregnancy slightly but probably not much. I think it was sometime in Sept/Oct that Theresa gave blood for Eve's surgery so that's why the pregnancy hormone was in the plasma Melanie had tested.