Stefano, seriously??


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Today we see Stefano visiting the castle for the first time since Kristen's "death" and we see a window with that yellow tape still across the opening. No police other than Stefano's henchman. I get the family dynamics, but he has to know that Kristen was not blameless in what happened to her. Marlena could have been clear across the room and he would have blamed her. Hasn't this ship sailed before?
Is this the best the writers could come up with? Seriously?:beat:
Stefano doesn't care about details or the truth. If one of his mortal enemies was even in the same country at the time of one of his family member's death he will find some way to blame them. I actually don't mind this turn of events. Kristen did die due to the struggle with Marlena. Did Marlena kill her? Absolutely not but Stefano doesn't care about that. He's going to be out for revenge. Even if this is a rehash I'm ok with it. If it gives Stefano, Marlena, and John screen time together then fan-fricken-tastic!!
Stefano doesn't care about details or the truth. If one of his mortal enemies was even in the same country at the time of one of his family member's death he will find some way to blame them. I actually don't mind this turn of events. Kristen did die due to the struggle with Marlena. Did Marlena kill her? Absolutely not but Stefano doesn't care about that. He's going to be out for revenge. Even if this is a rehash I'm ok with it. If it gives Stefano, Marlena, and John screen time together then fan-fricken-tastic!!
I'm here for every last bit of it!! For the record, I hated the Pawn/Gina thing - but I'd love to have them wrap up that golden coin, especially since it involved Alice directly interacting with Stefano. That's one story - cheesy as it was - they should have brought to conclusion.
Today we see Stefano visiting the castle for the first time since Kristen's "death" and we see a window with that yellow tape still across the opening. No police other than Stefano's henchman. I get the family dynamics, but he has to know that Kristen was not blameless in what happened to her. Marlena could have been clear across the room and he would have blamed her. Hasn't this ship sailed before?
Is this the best the writers could come up with? Seriously?:beat:

Stefano never sees guilt, unless he wants to. I would love for someone to lay some of that guilt at Will's feet. He has quickly become Sami's replacement in Salem, rationalizing any and everything misstep he takes.
I want to see how Stefano and Victor "work out their differences" about the baby, Brady and Marlena. Stefano does owe Victor a favor, so.......:confused:
Stefano really needs to get a grip. His ability to come back from the dead is apparently not hereditary. If he wanted his children to live out their natural life spans, he should have encouraged them to go straight. Kristen's idiotic, criminal plots were sure to have fatal consequences some day, and EJ getting shot was not an unexpected result of the line of work that he was in -- drug dealing. Even Tony would still be around if he'd have stuck to running his p/r firm instead of involving himself in the nasty DiMera-Kirakis battle over the rights to Tricky-Nicky's now-forgotten fuels project. If he wants to stay healthy, Chad should keep their untimely deaths in mind.
Stefano never gets his hands dirty....he would sit in his study, bd.rm., airplane, listening to opera, and usually have his children go do his dirty work. He called Kristen to Salem to "bring the family back together". He had EJ running for mayor, while fronting the nasty business deals, (even double crossing him in the process) and now is doing the same to Chad. Yes, Chad should take heed.

I always remember my favorite scene from Fried Green Tomatoes, where Kathy Bates was waiting for a car to back out of a parking space, so she could pull in, and these 2 young gals in a convertible came \swooping in from another direction to take it. She called out, hey, I was waiting for that space, what are you doing? And the girls laughed....we're younger and faster, as they sauntered off. And Kathy Bates backed her car a bit, revved it, and plowed into the back of their car, not once, but a couple of times. Gals came running, "what are you doing"? She smiled.....I'm older and have more insurance.
And that is Stefano (Victor, too) Older, (smarter) and definitely more insurance.