"Spoilers" for Monday May 25th *wink*


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Mar 4, 2007
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Melanie is so disappointed when Brady gives her a ring and not a sticker from a Cracker Jack box that she storms off and buys 10 Happy meals to cheer herself up. Kate is working at the counter and says it's only temporary.

What have you heard will happen :wink:
Nicole decides she's had enough of Daniel and Eric. She decides she doesn't care what Serena and Xander are up to. She also decides that if Serena hurts Eric, that's on him for being so stupid.

She goes over to Victor's club and invites Rafe out for a fun-filled day at an amusement park, followed by a romantic dinner and dancing later that night. Rafe is delighted and they have a wonderful time.
Nicole decides she's had enough of Daniel and Eric. She decides she doesn't care what Serena and Xander are up to. She also decides that if Serena hurts Eric, that's on him for being so stupid.

She goes over to Victor's club and invites Rafe out for a fun-filled day at an amusement park, followed by a romantic dinner and dancing later that night. Rafe is delighted and they have a wonderful time.

Love this!

Abby decides that she doesn't love Ben and breaks up with him. She then goes and finds Chad and confesses her feelings for him. Chad of course reciprocates. And somewhere Stefano grins because now he can further his mysterious plan.

Sonny decides he doesn't want to be married to Sami Jr. After filing for divorce, he asks Uncle Victor to work some magic and get Gabi released from prison. His reason being that Sami Jr. is a bad influence on Arianna and she will need her mother's protection.

Daniel looks through an old photo album, remembering the good times when he followed "the perfect wave". He pulls his surfboard out of storage, straps it to the car, and leaves Salem to relive those wonderful times.

With Daniel gone, Kayla becomes involved in more cases at the hospital especially the case of the mysterious man covered from head to toe in bandages.

Jennifer realizes that her feud with Eve is silly and decides to stop chasing her down. While looking through fan mail about Jack's book she comes across a mysterious letter in a very familiar hand writing.
Maggie receives a mysterious envelope (revealed to the audience as coming from Stefano). It indicates that her frozen eggs were destroyed years ago making it unlikely Daniel and Melanie are related to her. Very distraught, Daniel packs up his toddlers and heads off to California to work at UCLA. The threesome are never heard from in Salem again.
John and Marlena return to Salem since it's their home and have dinner at the newly remodeled Chez Rouge (there's a "sorry it took so long for the re-model!" sign on the door). They sit for dinner, turn their phones off and as they eat, discuss everything that's happened. He apologizes for the nonsense with Kristen. Marlena apologizes for not telling him about them & letting Kristen's line about "If Brady wasn't in my bed, John would be" get in her head. He apologizes for leaving town every eight minutes. Marlena apologizes for being so distant at times.

They forgive, they talk, they hold hands, they dance, then they go home to the Townhouse (it was being fumigated for the past couple of years...pesky Salemese hissing cockroaches, dontchaknow) and reminisce about all their adventures, the love they share, and how they can't imagine life without one another. John drops to a knee and proposes, Marlena accepts and they call all their family & friends to return to Salem the next day where they have a lavish ceremony, a BBQ/carnival/circus reception, and then jet off to Paris for a romantic honeymoon. When they return to Salem, they live in the townhouse, make love every other day, work and have absolutely no un-necessary drama from outside sources.

Hope brings Ciara by Daniel's place, hoping to find out what happened over at Jen's house with JJ and Paige...because you know, her closest cousin didn't invite her, but she invited Maggie :rolleyes:

Ciara finds a huge diamond in Daniel's couch, shows no one and hides it in her new backpack. She figures out it was Serena's and thinks about blackmailing her with it, but decides to let things just take their course and hang onto the rock. She might need a quick-sell item to get out of Salem some day, and leave these losers behind. :rotfl:
Paul throws out the first pitch at Wrigley Field and hits Cub manager Joe Madden in the head. Joe is taken to Salem hospital and is in a coma, but Dr. Jonas is hopeful he will recover. Will walks in on Sonny watching the game and demands Sonny change the channel or he will throw a hissy fit!