Hope apologizes to Ben for misjudging him. [The pigs will be flying around the city hall roof again today.]
Gabi turns to Brady for help. [If this is about saving GabiChic, Brady should take a pass. Not only would Victor probably not like such a deal, what member of the public would want fashion advice from somebody with Gabi's sketchy reputation?]
Rex puts Eric in an awkward position. [Scowling, glowering Eric has been in an awkward position since the showing of Kristen's sex tape.]
Jack and Eve take advantage of Melinda’s scandal. [How low can Eve go? First, she manipulates poor Jack and now she wants to take ruthless advantage of a young woman's immigration status. If she keeps this up, Eve will lose any sympathy that she gets as the mother of the murdered Paige, and will replace Ben as the town pariah. E.g., Typical Salemite: "Hey, this Ben has turned out to be a pretty good guy, but that Eve Donovan is the scum of earth.]