So predictable/Sonny


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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What happened to the wonder and mystery of the storylines?:confused: Things we couldn't figure out and the surprise of what really happened and who did it.:eek:

Sonny's loss of memory was so predictable. Disappointment, but for now I am glad he doesn't remember. ShaSha
Oh I wish Sonny would have flat-out answered Will's question of "why were you in the square?" With the whole family in there, he should have said "I was looking for you so I could confront you for cheating on me".

Then Sonny could have had some blood pressure issue and the doctors bar Will from the room because Sonny's blood pressure goes through the roof when he sees Will. Then the family could chew the crap out of him like he did his mother and remind him of how he treated her for doing the same thing.
I think he's fuzzy about it and as the effects of the sedation wears off it may come back to him.

On the note of sedation: A couple years ago my son had his wisdom teeth removed. When we went back in the room after it was done he asked me when they were going to start. On Friday my hubby broke a wisdom tooth and the result was the removal of three of his wisdom teeth on Monday morning. What's the first thing he said to me when I went back in the room when they were done? "When are they gonna start"? After he was in the car on the way home and more with it I told him and we both had a good laugh.
I would agree but WHY is he having these 'fake' memories? Is this a cheap trick of the writers'? Even they haven't stooped that low as to purposefully mislead the viewer with fake self-talk or flashbacks!!

My read on it, after re-watching, is that Sonny is trying to think of happier things, keep calm, and is waiting to privately confront Will. At least, that's what I hope, if I had to lay money; I'd say he's got storyline-prolonging amnesia.
Come on, if you're going to have someone lose their memory, don't let it be the traumatic event memory (the brain *does* protect itself sometimes). It should have been full-bore, entire loss of memory. He doesn't know who he is, who is parents are, who Will is. NOTHING. AND a personality change (no more Saint Sonny, not that I mind him that way, I think he's adorable). Now *that* would have been fun.
People DO experience exactly what SaraBeth wrote about, happened to me as well. In Sonny's case he experienced really bad trauma. People in car accidents don't even realize they may have blacked out for a few moments. Many folks have said......"last thing I remember is.....and it is something that occurred long before whatever happened to them.

In my opinion, if Sonny does remember about Derrick, why in heaven's name would Sonny want to confront Will with a room full of people there. And why would he even want to do so, when he is very weak and tired from all that happened. The mugging, surgery, the reaction.....
He can see Will is very concerned, very worried, reluctant to leave his side.
I don't trust these writers.....
but I do think right now, Sonny doesn't remember. And if he does, then he will deal when he is stronger.
Agree Poirot.

I work with brain damaged people all the time, and they almost never remember the accident, event, fall, etc. We joke that it's like the brain has a "tape delay" censor button to protect from trauma. I hope that's what's up with Sonny now, from the blood loss. I WILL NOT ACCEPT him lying.

The only thing worse in my opinion would be a personality change (à la Jason on GH, who went from preppy rich kid to murderous mobster after a car accident) let's keep Saint Sonny around in Salem. After all, Daniel can't be the only one in town, right?)
As much as I agree Jason there's a part of me that wants Sonny to go full blown Kiriakis. And now that Clyde has told Victor that family isn't off limits in his book I'm wondering if Victor decides to mess with Ben since he's offered him a job.
JasonDiSpeech said:
I don't want Victor to stoop to Clyde's level...
Victor was evil before Clyde was even born. Granted, Victor is classier than Clyde but, in my opinion, is just as ruthless, if not moreso. Victor looks and behaves as if he is legitimate, but he's as dirty as they come.