Signature Guidelines


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
hey, guys and gals....Just a heads up here in regard to signatures..........
Banners containing graphics tend to slow down access to the forums, especially for dial up posters (and I am one of them)
Signatures here are really not intended for huge graphics. Nope, we do not want to be Soup Nazis, just asking your cooperation.

We would really appreciate if signatures are confined to one or two lines of words only.
[size=medium][color=000066]Poirot...what are Soup Nazis??[/color][/size]
"The Soup Nazi" is a character in the TV Show Seinfeld. His catch phrase was "No soup for you!" whenever he heard anything that he either didn't understand or didn't like (or to draw the analogy to our idea, strict adherence to harsh rules).

Even though I didn't like Seinfeld (I liked every character EXCEPT Seinfeld himself), "No soup for you!" has entered the basic American Lexicon as a way to say "Nothing for you, go away!"

Here's probably the best explanation possible on the Web.

[size=medium][color=000066]Thanks for the explanation soon as I read your post I remembered. I watched Seinfeld but had forgotten the Soup Nazi. (old age IS about all it's cracked up to be!!!) I didn't like George. He grated on my nerves to no end. Now Jerry I liked. I saw him live when he was still doing standup before his TV show. I thought he was very funny. [/color][/size]