Should I be so hopeful??

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Is my favorite character finally getting a GOOD storyline? I've missed a whole lot over the last year, but I'm thinking there's a lot that might go on now with Mr. John Black. (((SIGH!!))) I'm loving his attitude now confronting miss Doe Eyed Theresa. I might have missed it - but has ANYONE said a word (on the show) about Shane, and WHY she is such a brat???
Oldsoapie - is that what Theresa said? Wow. If that's the case, grrrrrr. I couldn't see Kimberly nor Shane letting their children be such brats.

And anybody else have some thoughts on John? I've not watched the show, until the last few weeks, so I'm hoping to see some more John... and not Marlena drama either. That ship has sailed. If they are going to be happy - GOOD. But I want some storylines with other characters... Please and thank you!
Theresa is Sami 2.0, she blames all of her poor life choices on her parents. Shane was always away on ISA missions and Kimberly was a stressed out "single mother", blah, blah, blah.

Look for Ciara to become Sami 3.0 when she's old enough.

Maybe Baby Ari can be Sami 4.0 when she grows up, with the whole "my dad was always busy and my mom was in prison" routine.
When John returned to town, we really did not see much of him at all. He tried calling Marlena, got the cold shoulder, saw what was happening to Brady, so was trying to help him get back to no alcohol or drugs, was not successful. Then when Theresa got him drunk enough to go to Vegas, marry her, and they came home, Brady was so out of it, she called John to come over. He did, was trying to help him, was sitting in front of Brady, but had told Theresa to leave them alone. She grabbed his arm, he shook it off, she fell, grabbed the nearby poker, whacked John, moved bodies, (Brady was passed out) called 911.
And so, John was in a coma for weeks and weeks, with Marlena never or hardly ever leaving his side, Brady sobering up, doing the same, Theresa worried John would come to and her lie would be exposed. we are, John woke up finally, has been in rehab, but still determined to protect his son.
I think the whack to the head made John forget how horrendous his plan to get Kristen out of Brady's life was and that Brady's whole thing with Theresa is a direct result of it.

He should have learned his lesson on interfering. Last time Brady hated him and now John is allowing Brady to cavort with Theresa, who is dangerous, while he comes up with another plan to rid Brady of her.

If John truly wanted Theresa out of Brady's life he should have just told the truth of what happened. John is just as stupid post-coma as he was pre-coma.
Oh, I am thinking that John doesn't want his son hurt any more. So far, Brady has accepted the story that he, in a drunken stupor, seriously injured his own father. He went cold sober and has been trying to turn his life around. He has declared that he told Kristen to leave town, there is nothing for her here, in re: him.
John thinks if Theresa leaves of her accord, Brady will be o.k. as he is not all that serious about her. But if ol Jeannie T. stays and refuses, he is willing to tell all, and thus still be helping Brady by getting rid of his guilt.
Alas, I doubt John's plan is viable......he doesn't know what the info Kristen has, that Daniel suspects, etc. And I do think Jeannie T. has another card up her sleeve. She is too smug.
Theresa is Sami 2.0, she blames all of her poor life choices on her parents. Shane was always away on ISA missions and Kimberly was a stressed out "single mother", blah, blah, blah.

Look for Ciara to become Sami 3.0 when she's old enough.

Maybe Baby Ari can be Sami 4.0 when she grows up, with the whole "my dad was always busy and my mom was in prison" routine.

Any chance a recast teenage Arianna will walk in on Sonny being unfaithful to the absent Will in the next six months? That would definitely give her the grist to be Sami 4.0!! :back:

I'm a giant John fan and have been disappointed since his return - sometimes I think it's better for a character not to be on screen - but I actually bought his explanation today about why he didn't out Jeannie T, although his plan failed miserably. He was darned if he did, and darned if he didn't. I think he needs to disinherit Brady and implore Victor to do the same, until Brady can clean up his act.
My problem with John is they are treating him like Rafe and Jordan. Yes, he seems to finally be involved in a good storyline however, that is all he is involved in. Why no good-bye to Sami and the kids? No consulting for the Salem PD? No mention of contacting Shane? Etc, Etc.

These writers are very one note and seem to only know how to write isolated storylines rather than dynamic characters that can be part of multiple storylines.
What was the point for this story? There is no redemption arc for Theresa, Brady is still as dumb as a box of rocks, and John is backing off from Brady again. So now it looks like we are back to square one in this story with Brady mad at John again which made the entire John in a coma senseless and stupid and did not move anything forward :angry: .
Well said. I didn't seem to miss a whole lot by not watching regularly over the last year. Same ol' stuff, different month. SIGH. I would soooo write this differently. Kristen should have exposed the goods on Theresa, and left Salem just like she did. But NO almost hate boink with Daniel. That was icky poo. What should have been different is Brady's reaction. He should be upset about being lied to...he should have ran into Lucas or someone, telling him Sami was leaving.

Brady and John could have met up by accident, and both giving Sami a sweet and loving farewell. Sami then could sail off into the sunset with kids in tow. Then Brady and John could mend fences, and Mr. Brady Black would come to the epiphany he needs a break from air headed evil women. Once he gets his groove back, and shaves off evil Brady beard...he could run for local office and help wipe drugs out of Salem once and for all.

removed texting symbols....JS