Should Eve take the money?

Should Eve take the money if she is awarded it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh, wow, hard question. It would probably depend on circumstances. In Eve's case, she appears to be very desperate. She is losing her voice, needs surgery. Her daughter is accepted at a prestigious college, and she cannot afford to send her there. (Though I am really wondering why not scholarship?) Without surgery, her singing career seems doomed. Rock and hard place.
Whether she should....I think she will get a lot of static. But yes, I think she WOULD take it. She seeme to feel she is definitely entitled, at this point in time.
Yes she should get and yes she should take it. With that money Paige could have a good portion of her tuition paid for and if Eve needs a surgical procedure so she could support herself then she absolutely should take it.
Take it, Eve!! Do what you want with that money!!!

My big fear with this storyline is that Eve will be lying or the document will be found at the last minute to be invalid, and all of this is just to bring Daniel & Jennifer closer. :sick: Frankly I had hoped Eve would come back mature and maybe a little scheming, but not as an outright "baddie" in this black & white writing style. :(
So far, I don't find Eve an out and out baddie. Unlike her stupid half sister, she seems to me to be more of a mixed character than someone who is evil for no apparent reason. I see Eve as a woman who wants the best for her daughter, doesn't want her kid to make the same mistakes she made and is on the fence about letting bygones be bygones, but feels it's unfair she can't just get the little bit of money she thinks she's entitled to, especially when Jen had so many advantages that Eve never had.
Ugh don't get me started on that stupid music. I have successfully managed to completely block it out of my consciousness.

[Edited to add: The thing I dislike the most, as I mentioned in the daily thread, is Eve believing Theresa's version of events regarding JJ and her overdose. Wasn't Eve saying 30 seconds earlier that Theresa had no business bothering a high school kid??? So she should assume that Theresa corrupted JJ, not that JJ is this evil overlord. THAT is just contrived BS to create extra drama between JJ and Paige.)
To answer the question, I say Eve should take the money. And what I hate so far is that nobody mentioned the fact that Eve needs surgery. Oh, no, we have to have the Pure angelic Jennifer against Pure evil Eve, now don't we ? Seriously, why hasn't Paige said anything to JJ about her mom singing career and her need for surgery ? Oh, I know, the writers can't write anything else but cheap drama. :rolleyes: Never mind.

Edited to add : Frankly, this whole storyline is a waste in my view. Not interesting, not riveting at all : just divide the money, Jen Jen does what she wants with her half, Eve does the same with hers, problem solved, let's move on.
The more I see of this storyline, the more I'd like to see a friendship between Eve and Nicole. After all, they're both more or less pariahs at the moment for doing something that is "bad" in the eyes of Salem's most judgmental citizens, both have a past that includes sexual abuse and scheming and both are none too happy with Jen at the moment.
I say yes. If legally Eve is intended to receive that money then why not? The other half is being donated to the veterans so that is still happening and it's not like Jenn needs the money (other than to buy a new wardrobe or new furniture for her house)
Oh, wow, hard question. It would probably depend on circumstances. In Eve's case, she appears to be very desperate. She is losing her voice, needs surgery. Her daughter is accepted at a prestigious college, and she cannot afford to send her there. (Though I am really wondering why not scholarship?) Without surgery, her singing career seems doomed. Rock and hard place.
Whether she should....I think she will get a lot of static. But yes, I think she WOULD take it. She seeme to feel she is definitely entitled, at this point in time.

I don't think she should take it, but I think she *would* take it.
As for scholarship - Paige is completely qualified. It's Stanford. If Paige and Eve don't have enough assets and income (and I'm pretty sure they don't) to a certain amount, they qualify for free tuition from Stanford (says a woman who has two college age daughters, lives a half hour away from Stanford, and has one daughter who is looking at that as an option)
Yes Eve should get the money. Just because Jack is a dunder head and forgot his contract with Eve doesn't mean she should not get her share. I get Jack was doing a very nice thing for the Veterans but a contract is a contract it is not like she is getting it all. There will be plenty for the Vets.