Shoot already!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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So today with all the guns pointing and getting dropped in fights I found myself wanting two people shot: Marlena and Melanie.

I didn't think Melanie's babbling could get any worse. But then we saw her babbling to herself before going to the castle. That is when I had enough. So today I wanted her shot dead and put us out of our misery of having to sit through another babble-fest.

When Kristen had that gun on Marlena I was yelling "shoot her". I wanted her shot but not dead so Will would finally feel some guilt for his actions and John would pull his head out of his butt. At this point if Will feels any guilt it won't last for more than two seconds.
Melanie certainly deserved to be shot with her incessant babbling. I was laughing and saying THANK YOU when Clint told her to just SHUT UP!

The Marlena/Kristen scenes were fabulous. I didn't want Kristen to shoot her but I didn't want their scenes to end. It looks like the end of Kristen for now. I really wish these scenes would have played out over two episodes instead of just one.
I absolutely LOVED that they had this confrontation, etc. on a Wednesday! Usually mid-week is filler this was all fabulous.
Those who only want to watch on Monday or Wed....Definitely will have missed a goodie.
lol Salem style, get shot, shake it off.
Yes, that is the problem with soap villains. All these loaded guns and empty threats. Just shoot 'em!!

I was shocked you wanted Marlena shot but your logic is great SB. Injured so Will feels guilty.

As long as we're handing out shots, I'd love Kate and Will shot by Clyde!! :)
Even if Marlena was shot, Sami Jr. would still put the blame on Paul and Victor :rolleyes:. That boy is too far gone in his delusions now to turn back.

I was also tired of Melanie's incessant babbling. You could tell Clint was tired of dealing with her.
lol Salem style, get shot, shake it off.
Ain't that the truth. Half of Salem has been shot at one time or another and none of them have any bullet-wound scars, long-lasting physical disabilities, or psychological trauma. The all-time champ may be Philip, who was shot at point-blank range in the center of the chest by a DiMera thug, but who then bounced back with remarkable speed.

Yes, that is the problem with soap villains. All these loaded guns and empty threats. Just shoot 'em!!
Just shoot 'em, indeed. If Brady or Toddler Mel had fallen into the hands of any of the thugs who populated Atlantic City on the Steve Buscemi series, Boardwalk Empire, they would have been ruthlessly dispatched within minutes of arriving at Kristen's castle.
Let's not also forget Daniel getting stabbed in the abdomen by crazy Liam, falling unconscious, and literally walking out of the hospital a few hours later. Heaven forbid something actually happen to Dr. McScruffy.
I absolutely LOVED that they had this confrontation, etc. on a Wednesday! Usually mid-week is filler this was all fabulous.
I was actually trying to figure out if Wednesday's episode was supposed to be on a Friday, and got pushed all the way to Wednesday due to different pre-empted episodes over the last several months. Dare I hope the people with the power have decided to keep the show moving along?!:clap: