

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Hi everybody! It's been almost 4 years since I last posted. So much happening in my life and now that things have slowed down a bit, maybe I can get back to a favorite vice - reading the Salem Spectator!

I just wanted to comment on Serena. I can barely stand to watch this elephant switch anymore. How many opportunities has she had to just switch those dang elephants? I'm just not into this storyline at all. It is just poorly written and not believable. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
Welcome Back maruuac! How can you say that about this riveting story?? How can you not be on the edge of your seat daily wondering what's in Fred, why Fred is important????:sarcasm:

You are correct it's poorly written and it's taken waaaaayyyy tooo long for the reveal. I care only because I have such little faith in what's inside making sense.
I like the actress and I liked Serena when she first came into town but this elephant business has been making the character unlikeable and not enjoyable to watch...I fast forward when there are scenes with her and Eric. If we knew what was inside the elephant and how it is relevant to the characters it would be more interesting to watch.
Again, I'm pretty sure the writers don't even know themselves, thus they are taking so much time for the reveal. They probably put more thought on what this shady Navidad should wear at the club, so they could ask the costume department to get a hooded dress for her, than they did about the elephant mystery. :rolleyes:
Serena had more than enough time to switch the damn elephants when she had them both in her hands before Nicole walked into the room! Why she stood there looking back and forth at both of them was the most ridiculous thing ever!!! This elephant story is almost as bad as the manilla envelope in Ciara's backpack story that dragged on for 6 months!