Serena, Eric, Nicole and Daniel


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
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I am so fustrated. I knew I wouldn't like Serena, because she would just be another person hating on Nicole. The writers are doing such a bad job, because even if it will turn out that Nicole was right, they would still not treat nicole right. Serena thinks she is such a bad girl!

I was happy when Daniel defended Nicole too Eric and Serena, but that did not last for long. The way he is treating Nicole, asking her to skip work, and acting like a baby untill he has his way. It was soo childish, and when he has to run because of the hospital she has to be understanding, because he is the great Dr. Dan.

Eric is just apparently being Eric, angry and all. He can not forgive Nicole for her lies, but she forgave him for accusing her of being his rapist. Double moral much? At least, if he wants too be angry, then leave her alone. Don't use every chance you get too put her down. And why is the writers making Nicole put up with it?

I'd rather have them give her a martini in her hand and some sassy comebacks. Or give her a mystery where she can find one of her kids (alone, be her own hero) and be a single mom until she finds someone worthy of her.

Sorry, but had too let it out. I'm soo frustrated with the writers! Thanks!

edited disguised word....Poirot
Nicole has been the punching bag for everyone in Salem, and it is a credit to the actress that she handles it well. Nicole, though, has never been a really strong person, even though she has had to be on her own so much. She is constantly mistreated, the recipient of vile comments. All in all, a very misunderstood character.
Accolades to Ari Zucker who portrays Nicole's vulnerability, while giving the impression she is able to stand alone just fine. Nicole is loving, loyal, caring, which is more than can be said for those she is loyal to or cares about. Tired of Salemites treating Nicole as their doormat, wiping their feet on her, after kicking her down.
I want her with Rafe. I think they would be perfect. Daniel and Eric are not right for her after the way they have treated her. And Rafe doesn't have anyone right now. They have a good relationship and are funny together. I actually think that's why the writers haven't put them together, because the would be the most popular. Rafe could help Nicole find her son, like a mystery they could solve together.
I've also been saying for a long time that I want Rafe with Nicole. So much chemistry and storyline potential! Plus, she's been attracted to him for a while, and they've had a long-lasting friendship, so it wouldn't be like the junk that the writers come up with for other pairings, a la random romps in the hay, cougar couples, grief/angry sex.