self respect/dignity


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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I cannot believe how Nicole is being written! The old Nicole would never be treated so disrespectfully by any man. Now she is being portrayed as desperate and needy. I don't know about anyone else here, but if any man had brushed me off as often as Daniel has to Nicole or spoken to me in such a disrespectful manner, he would have been ancient history no matter what his status.

The writers should just tattoo a great big M (MORON) on her forehead. On today's episode she was virtually pushed out of Daniel's apartment because he was involved with Jennifer. Instead of having what is left of her self respect, Nicole eavesdrops on their conversation and barges back in where she wasn't invited to pitifully ask Daniel if he wanted to get back together with Jennifer. This is getting too painful to watch.:cry:
I really hate what they're doing to Nicole.... and I keep hoping they'll do right by her. This has just been a non-stop throw-Nic-under-the-bus-athon and they need to find another target for this stuff. Or spread it out among the other women.
For once, I'd like to see Nicole stand up for herself and tell Daniel "too little too late" and move on with her life. She allowed the same treatment from Eric and I think he was even worse. These men will NEVER stand up for her. The old Nicole would have figured this out by now. Funny how forgiving Eric was when he wore the collar...
I think the difference between Eric and Daniel is that Nicole did something that was wrong and hurtful to Eric. She got upset when he broke up with her but then she recognized what she did and moved on.

With Daniel, she didn't do anything to Daniel per se. Yet Daniel continues to act like a jerk towards her. And she responds by continuing to chase him. It's pathetic and way out of character for Nicole.

And I know she did chase Eric a bit in the beginning but it was nowhere near what she is doing with Daniel now. And with Eric, we know that had a history and loved each other so it's understandable she would at least try to salvage the relationship. With Daniel, it's all a sudden and contrived relationship. I don't buy for a minute that they love one another in a romantic way.
Daniel doesn't know what he wants. One minute, he's upset because he thinks she's chasing after Eric. Then when she apologizes and comes onto him, he wants to take things slow and doesn't trust her yet. If Daniel wants anything to do with Nicole romantically, he'd better apologize to her for his actions and finally decide what he wants!
The problem is Daniel shows Nicole that he really wants her. Then he gets scared of being hurt since the last two women he loved hurt him badly; so he pulls away and tells Nicole that she is the reason he is gun shy about a real relationship where he has to feel real feelings. Nicole called him out on how Chloe's unfaithfulness hurt him. But she doesn't know how badly Jenn did when she told him that she just had no faith or trust in him. So now he's giving Nicole zero reason to think they have any future. She's gonna start feeling so unwanted that she will accept Xander's interest and then Daniel will scream about how he just knew she didn't really want a relationship with him.
Xander is charming, but I do not trust him one bit. He could easily be someone who would also hurt Nicole. She has admitted she always chooses the wrong guys. I remember Vargas, And the long string of men in the past, who have treated her like dirt. Colin, Victor, Eric, Brady, and not pinning any roses on her, as she has done her fair share to cause some of the problems. But overall, Nicole is always treated badly. I give credit to the actress, who is able, so very well, to show her street smarts, her strengths, while also showing her vulnerability
But she (Nicole) doesn't know how badly Jenn did (hurt him) when she told him that she just had no faith or trust in him.
From a viewer's perspective, Dan most certainly had that particular hurt coming to him.

Dan is very wise to be "gun-shy" of Nicole; she "protest(s) too much" about being over Eric. He could simply "so bag" her while withholding his trust for a lengthy time being.

I know you won't like to hear this, but Dan's ego-safe(est) potential love partner would be the Duchess, as she has no other love interest. They could end up being the new Alice and Dr. Tom.
I was screaming at my tv for Nicole to just leave Daniel's, for crying out loud. And then to follow him to the hospital after all that was way too much. I think that now because of Daniel humiliating her like that she accepts Xander's dinner invitation which, in turn, surprises Serena & Eric.
Xander is charming, but I do not trust him one bit. He could easily be someone who would also hurt Nicole. ...
Amen. The last thing that Nicole needs is to get involved with a diamond smuggler who threatens people (i.e., Serena) when he isn't getting what he wants. Poor Nicole has already had a relationship with an ethically-challenged man with an English accent who looked good in a suit, which didn't work out so well. It's about time that the foolish writers wised up and provided Nicole with a man who is worthy of her.
I know you won't like to hear this, but Dan's ego-safe(est) potential love partner would be the Duchess, as she has no other love interest. They could end up being the new Alice and Dr. Tom.

My two cents. The one thing that Dr. Dan and Prissy Jen have in common is that they each seem to feel that, while THEY must be told the truth BY ALL AND AT ALL TIMES, they are free to play fast and loose with the truth because they think they know better than anyone when the truth should be bent or ignored OR-completely re-fabricated. That said, they will NEVER hold a candle to Alice and Dr. Tom in my book.