Scenes with Kristen and Daniel in the laundry truck

I enjoyed them, though I thought the boxes falling on Daniel today was silly and dragged things out for no good reason. I liked seeing Kristen struggle to overcome someone who actually has no fear of her or her family and not understand why her usual tactics aren't working. I also liked that today Daniel seemed to realize while working on bringing Kristen to justice that Jen was indeed wrong about him.
Yeah, HM, and since he called it off with her, looks like we just may be in for another round of Jen/Dan on again/off again junk.

Meanwhile, I really had a problem with box cutter & first aid kit being in the back of the truck, and then with the way the boxes were stacked. To give credit, at least they had the noise of the truck and a bit of shaking to indicate "on the road". LOL
And box cutters are retracted, not left open like that. tsk, isk.
Yeah, HM, and since he called it off with her, looks like we just may be in for another round of Jen/Dan on again/off again junk.

Ugh, you're probably right but I hope not. I would love to see Nicole and Jen both run to check on Daniel and for him to immediately forgive Nicole and ignore Jen:love:. But I know I'm most probably in dreamland.