San Francisco?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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I guess San Francisco isn't nearly as big as I thought it was! How easily both John and Justin found this little park and low and behold- there is Paul and his Grandfather!! In one episode the park even had a table and a teapot and cups!! And- it is within walking distance to the Golden Gate Bridge!! It truly is a magical place!:)
So then, Paul Invites bunches of kids to his HOUSE so he can autograph their baseballs???

Just an aside, but people do bring their own things to a park. And if grandfather was there, he definitely would be having tea, & china cups.
Truly is sad how chintzy the sets have to be, and I do feel for those who must create the sets with props that have to be used over and over for different areas.
The sets are one of my biggest pet peeves with this show. The problem is they detract from the scene too.

It does look like the KMansion living room set is back. Let's hope that the DiMansion living room won't be far behind once the Italy stuff ends.
They could've at least used some kind of background poster that looks realistic---they do that in a lot of the talk show studios, having posters of Los Angeles or New York City, or some other such place, in the background, making it look as it you are actually looking out a window. Why hasn't Days done this with their "location shoots"?
The sets don't bother me at all, and I usually pay very little attention to them. I'm more interested in the action -- i.e. what the characters are saying and doing. I've seen stage plays that had almost no props. It was a little bit of a distraction initially, but once the action started I became caught up in that and tended to forget the lack of props. It can be done.
LOL, that works IF there is a lot of GOOD action. But when you have dialogue that does not move the story along, conversations that have nothing to do with whatever is going becomes difficult. I agree about stage plays, or musical, have been to them myself. But, they are telling just ONE story, in usally just ONE location. The soaps are dealing with a lot more character and a few tales going on at the same time.

For instance, the one group is is Italy, dealing with Kristen and a stolen baby. Back in Salem, Will & Sonny are having their problems, JJ & Paige are about to consumate their relationship, while Eve stews and makes plans to derail the couple with Cole's help, John is San Francisco trying to get to know his son, get him back to Salem, Hope & Aiden are on opposite sides when it comes to Clyde, Kate is interfering right and left in lives, especially Lucas's....... and I have not even started on Chad, Ben, Abby, Nicole, Daniel, Eric, Serena, Victor, Stefano......etc. etc.
Given the tea set, I imagine it is Paul's house... Unless John & now Justin have stumbled upon a really fancy picnic.

I just heard back and the set name is San Francisco Tea Garden.

UPDATE: I guess it is part of the Narita property. I just looked up Tea Garden on Wiki, and this is what it says about a Tea House: The ideal free-standing tea house is surrounded by a small garden having a path leading to the tea room. This garden is called roji (露地), or "dewy ground." Along the path is a waiting bench for guests and a privy. There is a stone water-basin near the tea house, where the guests rinse their hands and mouths before entering the tea room through a small, square door called nijiriguchi, or "crawling-in entrance," which requires bending low to pass through and symbolically separates the small, simple, quiet inside from the crowded, overwhelming outside world. The nijiriguchi leads directly into the tea room.

Tea houses are usually small, simple wooden buildings. They are located in the gardens or grounds of private homes.
If it WAS the Narita house grounds, then WHAT were all those kids doing there getting autographs?
They never said exactly where it was, but if the grounds are that large, how the heck did Justin (a complete stranger to the family) get to just come out of the shrubbery? And why did Tori bring her purse with her if she was just out in her back yard?
If it WAS the Narita house grounds, then WHAT were all those kids doing there getting autographs?
They never said exactly where it was, but if the grounds are that large, how the heck did Justin (a complete stranger to the family) get to just come out of the shrubbery? And why did Tori bring her purse with her if she was just out in her back yard?

Don't know. I had given it the name Park/San Francisco until I learned the real name.