Sami, Sydney and Mommy Nicole


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
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I think the last scene between them was beautifully done. It was nice too see Nicole and Sami being there for each other (even if we don't know what the NEXT episode will bring lol). I loved that we got to see Sydney and Mommy Nicole together. At least for me it was a very nice and sweet scene.:)
I loved how at first Sami had to try to withhold her irritation at Sydney excitedly saying "Mommy Nicole!" But then I think she realized the sincerity of Nicole's visit and knows deep down that Nicole loves Sydney and vice versa and that won't ever change. Nice to see the two adversaries come together in an embrace that really felt authentic and real.
Leave it to my favorite character, Nicole, and the actress who portrays her, to finally have me get emotional while seeing Sami and anything related to EJ. Up until now, I felt nothing regarding Sami's grief, or EJ's death, except relief that this is the end of this farce of a couple (my opinion, of course, no offense to their fans). But yesterday, seeing Nicole and Sami hug had me shed a few tears. :eek: Incredible, I know. I just hope today, this will not get ruined by things getting ugly and Sami going back on her "I hate Nicole, she's the devil incarnate" mantra.
Your wish just may be granted TheWriter & you may be surprised. :) Sami & Nicole were friends when Nicole first came on the show & again during the Grace dying storyline even though Nicole was being underhanded & manipulative.
If Sami can get past EJ kidnapping and faking Sydney's death, she really has no right to hold any sort of grudge against Nicole for the baby switch and running off with Sydney.

I'm just glad the twit didn't try and hate on Nicole for coming to see the kids and had to accept Sydney addressing Nicole as Mommy Nicole.
Wonderful scenes all around, with the noted exception of Sami's hysterical laughter over the movie crapola.

I wish the writers were creative enough to have Sydney stay with Nicole. I still don't understand why Sami needs to be in LA to have a movie made about her life. She could do a phone consultation.