Sami and Abby

No. Sami isn't married to or in love with Slappigail so most likely sees no reason to forgive her, if Sami is even thinking about her at all.

Just my opinion, I don't think Sami is in love with anyone but herself and that is the only person she thinks about: herself. As long as everything goes Sami's way she is happy. When things started to fall apart with her revenge, she wasn't long taking EJ back.
I don't think it would be at all realistic for Sami to forgive Abby. First of all, Abby doesn't seem to really be sorry about having sex with EJ. And why should she? Everyone except Sami has excused Abby's behavior by assuming that EJ must have seduced, coerced, or tricked her. Secondly, in real life, when one spouse cheats, and their husband or wife forgives them, very seldom does the person who was cheated on forgive the "other" woman or man involved.
Besides that, Abigail doesn't offer Sami a life of extreme wealth and power...and abuse. Maybe Sami craves those things.
Sami may crave the wealth and power, but I can't believe she craves the abuse. Perhaps the abuse is, for Sami, somewhat like cutting herself to relieve her own pain and stress. She is definitely a mess and may put herself into a total denial state. But I cannot believe she craves the abuse.
What is done to her, all EJ has to do is tell her how very sorry he is, that he would take it back, do it over, go back in time, etc. etc. and her pout turns into a smile and all is o.k. in Sami's world. So..their life life goes on in the pattern in which it has for the past few years.
I think Sami just loves/cares about herself, and having a man in bed. EJ still hasn't stopped being her last choice; we saw that when she was primping in the mirror and basically telling Rafe she wants him back, and even some of us here think the looks she gave at Lucas during the wedding was for him to come stop it.

But remember what Sami has told Kate: on one occasion, she blamed herself for the things EJ had done to her, like the romps with Abby. A common pattern in abusive relationships for the victim to blame him/herself. And more recently, Sami told Kate she wanted EJ back because she didn't want to be alone/single, like Kate. So basically, she is using him for sex. Sami just cannot and doesn't know how to be alone or independent.
I don't think it would be at all realistic for Sami to forgive Abby. First of all, Abby doesn't seem to really be sorry about having sex with EJ. And why should she? Everyone except Sami has excused Abby's behavior by assuming that EJ must have seduced, coerced, or tricked her. Secondly, in real life, when one spouse cheats, and their husband or wife forgives them, very seldom does the person who was cheated on forgive the "other" woman or man involved.

I actually meant this thread in a sarcastic manner, as I know there will be no way Sami would ever forgive Abby. It was just to poke fun at how easily Sami gave up her whole revenge plot against her smoochy-moochy and is easily falling for "charms" again.