Rory should tell JJ


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Rory should tell JJ to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Rory is an upbeat kid who is JJ's ever faithful friend, much like T is to Will, but with one exception. JJ is a complete butthead to him. JJ treats him like he is beneath him and uses him for someone to chew on when he's mad. Sorry, but JJ is not a prize and needs to stop acting like he allows Rory around so he can feel superior.
I don't know if Rory is still using drugs, but he does love to party, and I understand JJ being in no mood to do so. But I do agree that when Rory has come over, or run into JJ, things do not go well, and JJ more or less tells Rory to get lost. And he could say, sorry, honestly, just not in the mood right now....he does not. He mopes and broods and I would like to see him go looking for Rory at some point, just to hang with, and Rory tell him .....yep. Get lost jj, not in the mood.
In my opinion the problem is that Rory is written one note. He's shown mainly as a bad influence who wants JJ to get back to partying, has no sense whatsoever and doesn't back down from pushing JJ to party unless yelled at. If he were written properly I would not feel he deserves JJs treatment. As is its unfortunately very understandable.
One wonders how Rory is even able to afford college. We saw his mother once, and it does seem his home life is not all that great. We also saw his brother.
Well, Tad can't get on contract, Rory never will either, both "good friends" will just stay exactly that.
Although I think Rory often makes bad choices, and can therefore understand why JJ distances himself from him, I agree that maybe JJ should stop treating him like dirt. I think Rory is far more interesting and has more potential than that bland Paige.
You know I think the real problem is TIIC think that in order to be a good person, one has to be like Paige. I think having JJ accept Rory more but not give in to bad ideas would be better. But ever since JJ turned his life around, they want Rory and Bev to be horrible, one note people, maybe because the suits are afraid to imply people who smoke pot have any decent qualities.
Rory has a bit of a goof-ball side, and unfortunately that is what we usually see. There have been glimmers of gold in him- he's a loyal friend, he's apparently passing his classes and often has better relationship advice for JJ than Dr. Dan. Writers: PLEASE give poor Rory a last name AND a better friend than JJ! Please?
Rory and JJ remind me of Spike and Chester from the old Looney Tunes cartoons...Rory: you wanna chase some cars??? JJ: Nah (smacks him)...etc.
Perhaps, Rory should tell JJ to take a hike, and concentrate on getting that A in organic chemistry. That said, he could be asking for trouble by doing this. Typical convoluted Salem thinking might lead Prissy Jenny to become enraged that anyone would ditch her son, leading to one of her sleeveless rants against poor Rory in the Town Square. Ms. Perfect might jump on the anti-Rory bandwagon and dull, dazed Page might somehow conclude that depression over social rejection caused JJ to cheat on her. Ask Nicole about what happens when Salemites all decide that you've done a bad, bad thing.