Revenge Ideas For Sami


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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We're having so much fun with sirramix's DNA thread that I thought we could use another fun one. The show won't be back until Monday, so this may give us something else to do.

We know that Sami is heck bent on revenge. Some of us agree with her; some of us don't. It's obvious that she is going to do what she wants, as usual. Maybe she could use some ideas.

What could she do to Abigail and/or EJ and stay within the law?
While I feel Sami has gotten revenge on them both, being Sami, SHE doesn't feel that way. (o.k. I take it back, EJ got out on bail, and he should not have done so, lol)
So....let's see. How about baking him a chocolate cupcake or brownie, which contains a laxative. Hey, in house promo at the same time. LOL
She COULD try and scrawl Abby's name and phone number in men's bathrooms. You know, the ol' "for a good time, call_____________.
She could change the ledgers/financial records to show EJ had been embezzling.
She could post the picture on You-tube....One of those Our wedding albums, and after a few lovely ones of her & EJ getting married, there is the fatal pic of EJ and Abby.
But truly the best would be for her to find the evidence that EJ took all that money from those pension funds, and turn it over.
She can let EJ overhear her talking to Johnny about what a wonderful man Rafe is, yada, yada
And then, since Sami is so good at changing records, she could get into the Salem University's computer and lower Abby's grades, maybe take away her degree??? Like she was still a couple credits short??
Sami sends Abigail a belated Graduation gift addressed as coming from Austin. Inside is a gray skullcap beanie with a note saying "Those were the days"

EJ receives something in the mail addressed from Taylor. Inside is a scarf with a note saying "Those were the days"
I want Sami to dig up more criminal evidence on EJ and Stefano. She's got access to all of DiMera Enterprise's records, and she has hacked computer before. It's time for the Dimeras to go to prison forever. If Sami has a video of that conference room scene she could post it on the internet.

edited to write out company name....JS
Oh I know something original.

Sami could secretly enlist EJ in the service where he gets sent to Crimea or the Gaza Strip (to relate to current events) then dress as a guy calling herself something like Stanley. Stanley can coax Abigail to run to Crimea or Gaza where she & EJ are kidnapped & almost killed.

Oh wait. That sounds familiar. :)
Sami could enroll EJ in a "Cupcake of the Month" club. A new cupcake flavor each month. The gift that keeps on giving!

As for Abby, Sami might provide for the delivery of periodic pumpkin baked yumminess. Along with a childish note on each delivery: "Cheater, cheater, pumpkin-eater!" You know, just to rub salt into the wound.

She could also mix up some cow pies and water for a nice, thick pre-car wash. EJ would LOVE that! Especially on a hot day when the windows were cracked. Though we all know that poor Harold would end up paying for that one. :)