Redecorating DiMansion??

With the budget concerns you'd think they'd figure out a way to redecorate via product placement, but an actual design or furniture firm being the one that gets the product placed. (hoping that sentence even made sense...)

Upon returning home after charges against Stefano were dropped he walks into his living room to find everything redecorated and replaced.

Stefano to EJ: What have you done with my furniture and accessories? What have you replaced them with?
EJ to Stefano: Fatha, you simply must look at everything. These were found at Pottery Barn and you know what, fatha? Ill let you in on a little's not all pottery there. There are so many knick nacks to accessorize your home and the staff at Pottery Barn are so helpful. They will even help customize your home AND deliver for free.
Stefano to EJ: Pottery Barn, hmmmmm? I don't have time to go shopping.
Johnny to Grandpa Stefano: It's ok grandpa, the folks at Pottery Barn value their customer's time and have everything online. go to www.???.com to browse through their selection of products.
Stefano to Johnny: (laughs) Giovanni.....we will go together, huh?

everyone laughs and chats about Pottery Barn on the way out.
Harold didn't take care of it. The new portrait of Kate and Sami was back up in Friday's episode, with Stefano's on the floor propped against a chair. They really need to use a knife on that thing, or set a match to it.