Ratings Report Week of September 15-19, 2014


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

NOTE: This was the last week of Season 49 of DAYS OF OUR LIVES

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,522,000 (-180,000/-94,000)
2. B&B 3,429,000 (-9,000/-77,000)
3. GH 2,996,000 (-7,000/+219,000)
4. DAYS 2,534,000 (+34,000/+39,000)

1. Y&R 3.3/12 (-.2/-.1)
2. B&B 2.6/9 (same/same)
3. GH 2.2/8 (-.1/+.1)
4. DAYS 1.9/7 (same/same)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 787,000 (-42,000/-9,000)
2. GH 643,000 (+6,000/-41,000)
3. B&B 577,000 (-44,000/-108,000)
3. DAYS 577,000 (+53,000/-38,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.2/9 (-.1/same)
2. GH 1.0/7 (same/-.1)
3. DAYS 0.9/7 (+.1/-.1)
3. B&B 0.9/6 (-.1/-.2)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 231,000 (-13,000/+1,000)
2. GH 191,000 (+3,000/-42,000)
3. B&B 176,000 (-30,000/-23,000)
4. DAYS 153,000 (same/-51,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.7 (same/same)
2. GH 0.6 (same/-.1)
3. B&B 0.5 (-.1/-.1)
3. DAYS 0.5 (same/-.1)

Monday: 2.0/2,485,000
Tuesday: 1.9/2,671,000
Wednesday: 1.9/2,549,000
Thursday: 2.0/2,691,000
Friday: 1.7/2,275,000

NOTE: This was the last week of Season 49 of DAYS OF OUR LIVES

Monday: 2.0/2,485,000
Chad confronts EJ with a gun. He's furious that his brother slept with Abigail. EJ tries to explain, but Chad lashes out at him. Chad finally reveals the gun isn't loaded, and EJ fumes. At the same time, Ben is forced to delay his date with Abigail once again. Abigail is later stunned when she runs into Chad. Kristen has figured out Theresa's the one who hit John. Daniel thinks she may be right, and Kristen suggests they team up to expose Theresa. However, Daniel points out they have no proof - and he refuses to go on a witch hunt just so Kristen can get her hooks back into Brady. Jennifer then stops by and is thrown to find Kristen at Daniel's place. After Kristen leaves, Jennifer tries to reconnect with Daniel, but he insists they start with a coffee date - at a later time. Theresa tells Brady that Kristen threatened her. Furious, Brady confronts Kristen and warns her to stay away from Theresa and anyone else he cares about. Meanwhile, Theresa expresses her concern to Eve about John possibly waking up. Fed up with the lack of support from her sister, Theresa decides to take matters into her own hands. JJ is excited about his first college party with Paige, but little does he know that Eve has hired a hooker, Jill, to discredit him in Paige's eyes. Eve also enlists Marybeth, who feigns an injury to get Paige away from JJ. Jill is foiled when she tries to get JJ in a "compromising position," and he is the perfect gentleman. Jill is then forced to take the extreme measures to set up JJ.

Tuesday: 1.9/2,671,000
Jill manages to get a couple of convincing pictures that make it look like she and a drugged-up JJ are making out. She "accidentally" sends it to Paige from JJ's phone, then gives Eve an update before leaving town. Meanwhile, Daniel finds an out-of-it JJ and reprimands him for getting drunk or high. JJ insists he didn't drink and comes to the conclusion that he either drank a spiked soda by accident or someone drugged him on purpose. Daniel takes him to get checked out at the hospital, and as JJ waits for his results, Paige calls and reams him out for his apparent betrayal. JJ is shocked when he finds the incriminating photos on his phone and wonders if he has, indeed, been set up. Meanwhile, Marybeth reports back to Eve, who then waits for Paige, hoping her daughter will confide in her. But Paige instead avoids her mom and goes to bed. A desperate Nicole consults with Aiden about suing Kristen, but Aiden points out she doesn't really have a case. Hope interrupts, and once she's alone with Aiden, she emotionally admits she does have feelings for him - but isn't sure if it has more to do with being mad at Bo than her true feelings for Aiden. Earlier, Hope confides in Kayla. Meanwhile, Eric can't get Nicole out of his mind even as he tries to look to the future. After Eric has a brief heart-to-heart with Caroline, Nicole stops by and tries to offer comfort about the sacrifice he is making for John and Marlena. Eric rebuffs her and gets more upset when he realizes Nicole bought one of his pictures online. He again insists she stay out of his life. Abigail is stunned Chad is back in town. He, at first, seems happy to see her, but soon his true anger about her sleeping with EJ takes over. He blasts her, wondering if EJ was the DiMera brother she wanted all along. Just as things reach the height of intensity, Ben arrives and breaks things up. Ben comforts Abigail, who is shaken by the experience.

Wednesday: 1.9/2,549,000
Sami and Kate learn Chad has moved back into the mansion and plans to stay for good. Sami admits to EJ she sent Chad a copy of the article. She thinks Chad will come around, but EJ is sure his brother will hate him forever and will try to destroy the progress EJ has made with Sami. Sami promises she'll try to reason with Chad, and EJ kisses her passionately. In private, Chad tells Kate he wants to help her destroy EJ and Stefano. Hope is honest with Aiden about her growing attraction to him. Aiden suggests they go out on a real date. Later, Hope writes a heartfelt goodbye letter to Bo - and with a heavy heart, she files for divorce. Jordan reveals to Rafe she saw Kate kissing him. He explains it was out of gratitude, but Jordan is determined to keep her distance from him. Meanwhile, Clyde meets up with Jeremiah to discuss business. Later, Jeremiah encounters Jordan, who's upset to see him. Things get tense, and Chad soon comes to her rescue. At the same time, Clyde meets privately with Kate. She assumes it's about business, but he wants to buy her lunch. JJ explains to Paige he wasn't drinking and believes Jill slipped him a roofie. He finally convinces Paige to trust him, and they reconcile. Meanwhile, Eve is hopeful her plan for breaking up JJ and her daughter worked. Theresa stops by, and the two sisters end up arguing.

Thursday: 2.0/2,691,000
Sami and EJ share a passionate kiss when Roman arrives and blows his stack. In private, Roman tries to get her to see how crazy it is to go so over the top in getting revenge on EJ and then turn around and possibly reconcile. Sami defends herself and eventually gets Roman to calm down. After Roman goes, EJ returns, and Sami folds into his arms. Meanwhile, Roman visits Kate and recounts what happened. Earlier, Clyde invites Kate to lunch, saying it would be a "nice beginning" for the two of them. She says if he got the impression she was interested, he has it wrong. But Clyde's undeterred, insisting on a dinner date since she's unavailable for lunch. He goes, and she's intrigued despite herself. Chad intervenes when he finds Jeremiah coming on to Jordan in a creepy way. After Jeremiah beats a hasty retreat, Chad and Jordan catch up. He's sorry to hear that she and Rafe hit a speed bump. Later, EJ finds Chad and strongly lets him know he's not going to stand idly by and let Chad get in the way of the progress he's been making with Sami. Chad is all bravado, but when EJ goes, Chad is a little shaken. Later, Chad reveals to Ben that he's his boss. Abigail lets Jennifer know Chad's back, and Jennifer worries his return will spell trouble for her daughter and Ben. Abigail then goes and meets Jordan for lunch. When Jordan spots Clyde, she angrily confronts him about bringing Jeremiah to Salem. Earlier, Clyde hands Ben the money Jordan gave him, insisting he doesn't want it - he just wants to make amends with them both. Will receives his first assignment from Zoe - he's to write about Chad's return to Salem. Will balks. Zoe says he's free to turn it down, but then she'll have to assign it to someone who may not be as protective of Chad as Will might be. Sonny returns, and Will lets him know about his surprising assignment.

Friday: 1.7/2,275,000
EJ tells Sami he knows they still have a steep hill to climb, but he is hopeful and grateful she's giving him a chance. They share a meal, and it leads to a close moment. They share a look, full of meaning and intent... and then EJ leads her upstairs. Kate is furious Roman did nothing to stop Sami from reconciling with EJ. Roman says he's learned the hard way that there's no telling Sami what to do. Later, Clyde drops in, looking to firm up their plans for dinner. Kate again resists and openly wonders if there are consequences if she declines. Clyde, gentlemanly, says the only consequence will be his disappointment. As Abigail chats with Rafe, Jordan confront Clyde about Jeremiah suddenly appearing in Salem. Clyde warns her not to make threats. He wonders how Ben will react if he learns what Jordan did back home. Jordan's shaken, and that's when Rafe arrives. Clyde covers. Chad informs Ben that he's his boss. Chad then discovers the envelope full of cash that Clyde gave Ben earlier and accuses Ben of stealing from the club. T alerts Sonny, who shows up with Will. Abigail arrives just as things get violent between Ben and Chad. Sonny stands up for Ben, who declines to say where the money came from. Later, Ben meets with Jordan and gives her the money that Clyde returned. Abigail witnesses the exchange and then approaches Ben, wondering what the heck is going on. Will and Chad talk about the article Will wrote. Chad exits before Will can ask if he can interview him for his next article. Will asks Sonny if he should just decline the assignment, and to his surprise, Sonny says no.

It's hard for any faction of viewers to take credit for a perceived ratings increase right now since for the last few months ratings have bounced up and down without there being much movement in story. There have been heavy Dan, Jen, Paige, JJ and Eve centric days that have garnered a 2.0 but there was essentially nothing happening.

I've only watched one episode in the last month and that was the episode where Chad accused Ben of stealing. The summary of their dialogue was so good, I had to watch and was glad I did. None of the plots currently airing interest me.