Ratings Report for the Week of September 8-12, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of September 8-12, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,702,000 (+135,000/+2,000)
2. B&B 3,438,000 (-10,000/-145,000)
3. GH 3,003,000 (+39,000/+228,000)
4. DAYS 2,500,000 (+33,000/+34,000)

1. Y&R 3.5/12 (+.2/same)
2. B&B 2.6/9 (same/same)
3. GH 2.3/8 (+.1/+.2)
4. DAYS 1.9/6 (same/same)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 829,000 (+30,000/-26,000)
2. GH 637,000 (+24,000/-28,000)
3. B&B 621,000 (+28,000/-107,000)
4. DAYS 524,000 (-3,000/-81,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.3/9 (+.1/same)
2. B&B 1.0/7 (+.1/-.1)
2. GH 1.0/7 (same/same)
4. DAYS 0.8/6 (same/-.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 244,000 (-7,000/-4,000)
2. B&B 206,000 (+41,000/-21,000)
3. GH 188,000 (+1,000/-34,000)
4. DAYS 153,000 (+11,000/-40,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.7 (same/same)
2. B&B 0.6 (+.1/-.1)
2. GH 0.6 (same/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.5 (+.1/-.1)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,202,000 (+71,000/+30,000)
2. B&B 881,000 (+60,000/-76,000)
3. GH 876,000 (+34,000/-41,000)
4. DAYS 687,000 (-2,000/-66,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 2.0 (+.1/+.1)
2. B&B 1.5 (+.1/-.1)
3. GH 1.4 (same/-.1)
4. DAYS 1.1 (same/-.1)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.9/2,508,000
Tuesday: 1.9/2,425,000
Wednesday: 1.9/2,505,000
Thursday: 1.7/2,329,000
Friday: 2.0/2,734,000

09/08, Monday: 1.9/2,508,000
Sami reluctantly backs up Kate's lie that she heard Stefano threatening to kill Kate. She freaks when Rafe says she's going to have to testify - today. In private, Kate reminds Sami the risk of a perjury charge pales in comparison to what Stefano would do to them if he were allowed to return to Salem. However, Sami is let off the hook when Rafe returns with new evidence that keeps Stefano at bay. Later, a grateful Sami tells EJ she knows he was the one who provided the evidence. Earlier, EJ listens to pitch from Clyde, who claims he can make EJ's drug business more profitable. EJ is noncommittal and later seeks more info on Clyde. Ben tells Abigail they are through, mistakenly believing she still wants EJ. Upset, Abigail runs into Jordan, who encourages her not to give up. Jordan later goes to talk to Rafe, but she is stunned to find Kate giving him a grateful embrace. Meanwhile, Abigail enlists T's help to lock Ben in the storage room so she can make her case. Will gets an offer from Zoe to work at a bigger magazine, Sonix. He cautions her he won't dish about family, and she assures he can pick his own topics. Will informs a cautious Sonny about this new opportunity.

09/09, Tuesday: 1.9/2,425,000
EJ tries to deny he helped Rafe keep Stefano out of Salem, but Sami has figured out the truth. He finally admits she's right but he needs to keep his name out of it for both his sake and Sami's. They get very honest with each other, Sami admitting how hurt she felt when she realized he'd been with Abigail. EJ swears he'd spend the rest of his life making it up to her, if he could... and they come together in a kiss! Abigail has locked herself in the storage room with Ben to explain why she pushed him away earlier. She admits she did suddenly find herself thinking of EJ while with him... and she only stopped their kiss because the memory made her feel unworthy of Ben. Ben is overwhelmed by her emotion and honesty, and they kiss. Hope and Aiden run into each other at the kids' school, the first time seeing one another since their surprising kiss the night before. It's awkward and tense, but she rebuffs his attempt to talk about it, saying it's best forgotten. But later, Hope finds herself having an unwelcome fantasy of Aiden. Eve observes a younger girl, Jill, working as a prostitute. After explaining she was once in her shoes, Eve offers Jill a way out... but Eve wants something in return - and it has to do with JJ. Meanwhile, Jennifer tries to make JJ and Paige's first day of college a special one. Later, JJ and Paige decide to attend a big party kicking off the school year - while Eve plots to break them up.

09/10, Wednesday: 1.9/2,505,000
EJ and Sami share a close moment just as Kate arrives. They cover but when EJ steps out to take a call, Kate makes it clear to Sami that she can see what's going on: Sami's giving up on revenge and wants to reconcile with EJ. Meanwhile, EJ talks to Stefano, who has no idea his son betrayed him. Eve lays out her plan to Jill to keep her daughter away from JJ. Meanwhile, Paige is uneasy when JJ lovingly says he hopes they can "be together" soon. Jill then shows up on her mystery mission from Eve and finds her target: Rory. Jennifer arrives for her coffee date with Daniel. She gets a surprise when she asks to see Parker, and Daniel says he'd rather she didn't. He explains he wants to take things slowly and until they're sure they're back on track, he doesn't want to send Parker confusing signals. Jennifer (sort of) sees what he means. Before they can leave for their date, Jennifer learns she must handle a work crisis, and they have to postpone. Hope is struggling with her feelings for Aiden when she encounters Kayla. She confesses how badly this all makes her feel, stressing that while Aiden has said he has feelings too, he's not interested in a relationship. Kayla advises Hope to come clean with Aiden about what she's been feeling. Meanwhile, Aiden runs into Nicole. After a scratchy start, they decide to have a drink together. Nicole picks up on his frustrations about Hope, and she trashes Hope a little. Hope arrives and upon hearing she's the topic of conversation, she shuts down and reiterates to Aiden that she thinks they should keep their distance.

09/11, Thursday: 1.7/2,329,000
The thaw between Sami and EJ continues as EJ offers his support in regards to Stefano's eventual return to Salem. Will and Arianna then pay Sami a visit. It's tense at first, but Will makes inroads with his mother when he notes Arianna isn't the only one who has missed her. EJ runs into Kristen, and she warns her baby brother he made a big mistake turning his back on her. Later, EJ has a tense meeting with Clyde to discuss business. Earlier, Clyde visits Ben and says he wants his son to see that he's changed. Later, Ben shares a romantic moment with Abigail. Theresa tries to tell Brady about Kristen's threat, but has a hard time getting his attention. Anne urges her to seize the day, and just as Theresa's about to tell him, Daniel and Kayla call Brady to the hospital. Theresa waits for Brady at the Kiriakis mansion, where she runs into Kristen. Kristen drops the bomb that John is about to wake up, leaving a freaked Theresa quaking in her heels. Earlier, Marlena warns Kristen the drug she provided better save John's life - or Marlena will make her pay. Later, Marlena learns Kayla and Daniel have Kristen's drug and that they have told Brady about it. Brady doesn't care that it's from Kristen, as long as it helps John. Daniel then injects the drug into John's IV.

09/12, Friday: 2.0/2,734,000
John has been injected with Kristen's miracle drug, and Brady and Marlena anxiously wait for it to work. Marlena keeps vigil while Daniel talks to Brady, explaining the price Eric has had to pay. Meanwhile, Nicole, having heard something is going down at the hospital, seeks out Eric, but he will only say it's good news and leaves it at that. Nicole tracks down Marlena, who reluctantly fills her in about Kristen. Meanwhile, Brady thanks Eric for his selflessness and assures his brother he has no intention of ever getting back together with Kristen. Theresa freaks out upon hearing the news about John's possible recovery. She accuses Kristen of making this all up simply because Theresa and Brady made love again. Furious Kristen snaps at this revelation and attacks Theresa. Maggie arrives and breaks up the fight. Later, Kristen goes to Daniel and confides that Theresa was upset about the possibility of John waking up. Kristen suddenly realizes why Theresa was a basket case – it's because she's the one who hit John – it wasn't Brady! Meanwhile, a panicked Theresa tracks down Brady and says they need to talk. EJ makes a trial deal with Clyde. Later, EJ returns home, where he has an unexpected - and violent - reunion with Chad!

And Days has made no improvement in the ratings. And they can't anytime soon, if they keep on the same path, with filming so far ahead.

Looks like all the soaps stayed basically the same as they were the week before. It seems gain a few, lose a few.