Ratings Report for the Week of October 6-10, 2014


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,740,000 (+172,000/+216,000)
2. B&B 3,685,000 (-31,000/+307,000)
3. GH 2,776,000 (-265,000/-17,000)
4. DAYS 2,474,000 (-10,000/-18,000)

1. Y&R 3.43/12 (+.11/+.14)
2. B&B 2.71/9 (-.04/+.22)
3. GH 2.09/7 (-.16/-.02)
4. DAYS 1.89/7 (+.03/+.03)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 823,000 (+61,000/+97,000)
2. B&B 686,000 (-5,000/+151,000)
3. GH 586,000 (-41,000/-149,000)
4. DAYS 550,000 (+7,000/-38,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.29/9 (+.1/+.16)
2. B&B 1.07/8 (-.01/+.23)
3. GH 0.92/7 (-.06/-.23)
4. DAYS 0.86/6 (+.01/-.06)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 238,000 (+26,000/+12,000)
2. B&B 209,000 (+6,000/+56,000)
3. GH 175,000 (-14,000/-110,000)
4. DAYS 149,000 (-11,000/-58,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.70 (+.07/+.03)
2. B&B 0.62 (+.02/+.17)
3. GH 0.52 (-.04/-.32)
4. DAYS 0.44 (-.03/-.17)

Monday: 1.99/2,527,000
Tuesday: 1.92/2,582,000
Wednesday: 1.91/2,463,000
Thursday: 1.79/2,262,000
Friday: 1.85/2,538,000

Monday: 1.99/2,527,000
Sami reaches out to Chad, urging him to forgive EJ. Chad insists his brother is dead to him. Stefano echoes the same sentiment as he blasts EJ for giving Rafe further evidence against him. EJ realizes Chad ratted him out to their father and angrily confronts his brother. JJ tries to tell his Aunt Kayla that Paige now knows his father raped her. However, he can't bring himself to say anything. Meanwhile, Bev needles Paige about JJ's bad-boy past. Paige then meets with Kayla, and the subject of Jack comes up. Kayla deflects as curious Paige asks for more information about JJ's dad. At the same time, JJ tries to open up to Daniel but again finds it difficult to express himself. Later, JJ mistakenly fears Paige now knows the truth. Jennifer enlists Julie to intervene with Eve, knowing they were once close. Eve refuses to listen to Julie and maintains Paige and JJ won't last. Daniel admits to Kristen he believes Theresa is guilty of attacking John. However, he refuses to be a part of fabricating evidence - either John will remember or he won't. Meanwhile, Marlena tries to talk Brady out of thanking Kristen but he cannot help himself and heads over to see his ex. In his hospital room, John finally does remember what happened that night - but when he speaks with a nervous Theresa, he keeps this information to himself. Before he can share his memory with Marlena, she springs the news on him that Kristen has returned. Meanwhile, Brady finds himself being drawn back into Kristen's web.

Tuesday: 1.92/2,582,000
JJ is mortified when he thinks Paige knows his dad raped Kayla. He then realizes that's not the case but he still doesn't know how to tell her so he covers. Later, things heat up between them, but JJ abruptly breaks it off. He beats a fast retreat, leaving Paige puzzled and upset. Kristen and Brady come close to kissing but he ultimately stands firm and tells Kristen while he will always be grateful for what she did for John, what they had is over. Kristen tries to argue but Brady gets a call from Marlena, who reveals that John would like to see him and Kristen. Brady lifts the restraining order, and the two go over to the hospital. John thanks Kristen for her help with the drug that cured him. Then John tells her, Marlena and Brady that he remembers what happened the night he was hit. EJ tries to make Chad realize that by ratting him out to Stefano, he's all but put a mark on EJ's head. Chad claims he doesn't care. At the same time, Sami explains to a stunned Will that she and EJ are reconciling. Will tries to be understanding but tensions arise when Sami realizes Will is doing a story on Chad. Worried for EJ, Sami warns her son not to write it but Will refuses to back down. Sami goes home and is about to tell EJ about the article, but EJ interrupts and warns her that Stefano is out for blood. At the same time, Chad visits Will and wants to finish the article. Eric tells Caroline about Sami and EJ's reconciliation, and she asks him to take her over to visit her granddaughter.

Wednesday: 1.91/2,463,000
John asserts that he is beginning to regain his memory but asks Brady and Marlena to bring in a few people first. He has Daniel check him over, then requests a nervous Theresa join them, followed by Roman. John has Roman read from the original statements Brady and Theresa gave the night he was bludgeoned. John takes it all in, then says he's ready to reveal what he's remembered of that night. Theresa privately freaks out. Caroline arrives at the DiMera compound with Eric, having learned that EJ and Sami have reconciled. She wants to hear it directly from her granddaughter. Sami declares her love for EJ, even though he hurt her terribly. Caroline hopes they can make it work. As Caroline and Sami talk, EJ is left with Eric - and it's awkward. After Eric and Caroline leave, EJ's heartened to hear that Caroline supports Sami. He gets a sock in the gut when Sami lets him know that Will's writing a profile on Chad. While EJ goes to see Will, Chad comes home and Sami confronts him over what's he's done by blabbing to Stefano. Chad's unfazed, telling Sami she's the one who put EJ in hot water with Stefano, not him. She's shaken. Will interviews Chad for the article and is surprised Chad is so bitter about EJ. Later, EJ arrives, and Will expects an argument from him over the article. But EJ takes the high road and says he'd rather have Will write the story than a stranger. He encourages Will to write anything Chad says about EJ word for word, but urges Will to protect Abigail and Sami. Later, EJ gets upsetting business news.

Thursday: 1.79/2,262,000
John has gathered Marlena, Brady, Kristen, Theresa, Daniel and Roman in his hospital room. In a surprising move, he affirms Theresa's story of the night he was bludgeoned. He insists he was the attacker, and Brady only hit him in self-defense. Kristen is frustrated and Theresa is vastly relieved. Later, Kristen gets a moment alone with John and accuses him of knowing Theresa is guilty. She thinks he took the blame believing that in some way it would keep Brady and Kristen from reconciling. Though John never confirms, Kristen warns he just backed the wrong horse and has put Brady in jeopardy. Abigail fears Chad is going to have Ben fired from the club just for being her boyfriend. Chad clarifies that he's voluntarily cutting down his involvement with the club so Ben can continue working there. Abigail leaves the encounter thinking she's judged him too harshly. Chad later encounters Jordan and they flirt. However, Jordan's back goes up when he makes an apparent slip of the tongue. Earlier, Jordan crosses with Ben, seeing just by his expression that he's falling hard for Abigail. When Clyde arrives, Jordan learns Ben borrowed money from his father. She's upset but she backs off when he explains it was so he could be with Abigail. Later, Abigail and Ben meet up and share a romantic kiss. EJ shares a warm moment with Johnny, then Johnny, Sydney and Allie head off to a party at Will and Sonny's. EJ and Sami make plans to meet up and go to the party together.

Friday: 1.85/2,538,000
While waiting for EJ, Sami makes a startling discovery. Will and Sonny throw a party for Arianna, Johnny, Allie and Sydney. Jordan is *bleep* when Chad blithely says he knew she had the day off because, as a DiMera, he's able to find out anything. She storms off, and Chad catches up to explain he was kidding. He then asks her out to dinner. Jordan is taken aback, and while she doesn't give him an answer right away, she's clearly charmed. Later, Chad meets with Kate, and it's clear he not only has plans for Stefano but others as well. Earlier, Kate runs into Rafe and expresses her displeasure with EJ. Rafe warns her to be careful about Clyde. Ben and Abigail break from their kiss, and the issue of not having any place to be intimate arises once again. They share a little romance before he goes back to work, where Clyde offers to help him pay for school.

I thought the number were rather disappointing seeing it was junior's final week.
After all he is half of the "golden couple" that made the show so fantastic, bringing great ratings, everything you could ask for in one person! :sarcasm:
Even for this week of more reconciliation for the 'golden couple', and that Friday cliffhanger, the ratings are still lackluster. In fact, the beginning of the week had higher ratings than the Friday cliffhanger episode!!
thanks for posting.

interesting numbers since they aren't rounding up (?) anymore