Ratings Report for the Week of October 20-24, 2014


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,673,000 (+95,000/-246,000)
2. B&B 3,663,000 (+126,000/-7,000)
3. GH 2,842,000 (-14,000/-13,000)
4. DAYS 2,517,000 (-80,000/+12,000)

1. Y&R 3.39/12 (+.06/-.14)
2. B&B 2.64/9 (same/-.01)
3. GH 2.19/7 (+.07/-.01)
4. DAYS 1.95/7 (-.05/+.06)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 841,000 (+100,000/+26,000)
2. B&B 691,000 (+56,000/+1,000)
3. GH 639,000 (+36,000/-104,000)
4. DAYS 526,000 (-45,000/-57,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.31/10 (+.15/+.04)
2. B&B 1.08/8 (+.09/same)
3. GH 1.0/7 (+.06/-.16)
4. DAYS 0.82/6 (-.07/-.09)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 235,000 (+12,000/+21,000)
2. B&B 206,000 (+4,000/+9,000)
3. GH 166,000 (-3,000/-86,000)
4. DAYS 149,000 (+28,000/-65,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.69 (+.03/+.06)
2. B&B 0.61 (+.02/+.03)
3. GH 0.49 (-.01/-.26)
4. DAYS 0.44 (+.08/-.19)

Monday: 2.10/2,777,000
Tuesday: 1.96/2,541,000
Wednesday: 1.94/2,469,000
Thursday: 1.88/2,413,000
Friday: 1.85/2,386,000

Monday: 2.10/2,777,000
Paige slips into JJ’s bed - and doesn’t understand his panicked reaction. JJ can’t bring himself to tell her the doubts he’s been feeling about how much he’s really like Jack. Paige, confused and a little insulted about being pushed away, wonders if there’s something JJ is keeping from her... like whether he’s been with another girl. She then storms out into the night. Eve and Eric go out for a drink after their photography session. She subtly flirts with him as Maggie happens upon them. There’s instant tension between her and Eve, and Eric gets that Eve and Jennifer aren’t on good terms. He assures Eve he takes people one at a time and won’t judge her, despite his friendship with Jennifer. Later, Eve goes home and sees Paige is upset, but Paige won’t confide in her. Kristen summons Daniel to make another pitch for his help in bringing down Theresa. She suspects Theresa must have confided in Anne or Eve, possibly both. Daniel confirms that is indeed possible and tells Kristen to knock herself out in uncovering proof. However, if she plans to use this to get Brady back, she’ll have to come through Daniel first. Flirty Kristen finds that an intriguing possibility. Jennifer arrives and is surprised to find Daniel in Kristen’s hotel room. After Daniel goes, Jennifer warns Kristen about setting her sights on him. Kristen promises she’s not the enemy here but it ends badly between them. Kate brings bad news to Sami about some questionable moves she made at the company that could well land her and Kate in hot water with the S.E.C. Kate and Lucas brainstorm with Sami to find a way out. Will arrives, unseen, and overhears. Earlier, Will explains to Chad that his editor wants a new angle on the article.

Tuesday: 1.96/2,541,000
Sami has a dream about being led off to prison. Kate tries to rally her spirits, saying she and Lucas will do everything they can to fix her problem. Curious Sami wonders why Kate is doing this, and while Kate dances around it, it’s clear she really does care about Sami. Later, Victor shows up and offers his help (after Will privately tells him what’s going on). Afterwards, Sami gets a surprise visit. Abigail gives Sonny advice about Will. Sonny then seeks out Will and says he wants to spend some time with him but Will wants to work on the article about Chad. Will comes off a little crass in his reasons for doing it, and Sonny calls him on it. At the same time, Chad finds an excuse to visit Abigail. They share a warm moment... which Ben interrupts. Earlier, Clyde offers Ben a job and promises to help his son however he can. Theresa informs Anne she and Brady slept together and that things seem to be progressing. However, Brady arrives and tells Theresa he needs to put the brakes on their relationship. Kristen’s messed with his head and he won’t use Theresa to make himself feel better. Theresa covers her deep disappointment. Later, she receives a panicked call from Eve. Earlier, Kristen lures Anne into her trap and plants a bug in her purse. Then Kristen visits Eve and warns her that she knows what her sister did. Eve covers, and Kristen also manages to plant a bug in her apartment as well. Later, Theresa arrives at Eve’s place, and Kristen listens in from her hotel room. Just as Theresa’s about to incriminate herself, Kristen is forced to stop listening to answer the door to Brady.

Wednesday: 1.94/2,469,000
Before Kristen can hear a confession from Theresa, Brady shows up and tries to pay her back for saving John’s life. Kristen won’t accept any money and tries to get Brady to accept that there is still something between them. Meanwhile, Eve promises Theresa she didn’t slip up, but warns her to be careful - Kristen is clearly gunning for her. Later, Kristen scores a major victory. John and Marlena talk about their future. Alone, he realizes Kristen is still a threat and once he deals with her, he’ll go after Theresa. A frantic Sami calls Kate for help. Kate rushes home and realizes all is not what it seems. Sami is given a life-changing offer. Chad arrives and thinks it’s time the three of them had a chat. Clyde offers to pay for Ben’s college education - that way, Ben can use his own money to get a place to live. Ben considers, but when he tells Jordan, the siblings argue. Jordan tracks down Clyde and threatens to tell Ben what Clyde did in the past. But Clyde thinks Ben will find what she did much worse. Earlier, Abigail gives Jordan her blessing to date Chad. Later, Abigail confronts Chad, wondering if he’s going after Jordan to get back at her or Ben. Chad takes offense.

Thursday: 1.88/2,413,000
JJ invites Paige over and prepares to tell her the truth about his dad. Meanwhile, Jill returns to town and tries to blackmail Eve. However, Eve turns the tables on Jill and orders her to leave. Later, Eve runs into Kayla, who defends her nephew, JJ. Eve insists JJ is just like Jack - and Kayla, of all people, knows what Jack Deveraux was like. Meanwhile, Rory spies Jill and chases after her. Jordan rails against Clyde, insisting she didn’t kill her mother, but Clyde thinks differently. Clyde warns if she continues to poison Ben against him, he will make sure everyone knows what she’s done. Later, Chad runs into devastated Jordan and tries to comfort her. Chad demands to know what Sami and Kate are hiding. When Stefano calls and Chad threatens to alert him, the women finally agree to confide in Chad, who surprises them by offering his help. Later, Sami is alone with Sydney when Nicole shows up. Earlier, Rafe and Nicole catch up and support one another, and Rafe encourages Nicole to go see Sydney.

Friday: 1.85/2,386,000
Nicole and Sami reminisce about their turbulent past and in a rare warm moment, Nicole offers Sami advice about her future. Later, Sami gets good news from Kate and moves ahead with her plans. Meanwhile, Nicole bids a heartfelt goodbye to Sydney. Sonny urges Will to talk about their problems. Will admits he feels Sonny doesn’t respect or support him. He wants to live out his dreams just like Sonny has. When Will leaves for Sami’s, they are still on bad terms. Sonny confides in Kate. Abigail accidentally lets it slip to Ben that Chad wants to date Jordan. They track down Chad, who is consoling Jordan. Ben warns Chad to stay away from his sister, and in private, Jordan tells Ben she doesn’t deserve his protection or love. Ben questions why as Clyde listens in. Meanwhile, Chad accuses Abigail of being jealous of his interest in Jordan, and she makes clear that’s not the case. Earlier, Clyde gets Kate to agree to another dinner. Rory tells JJ and Paige he saw Jill. They try to track her down to no avail. Paige is upset when she overhears Rory accusing JJ of not wanting to find Jill. Earlier, Jill seeks refuge with Eve. They have a close moment where Paige almost finds Jill, then Eve orders the former prostitute to leave town immediately. However, Paige runs into Jill in the park. Meanwhile, JJ shows up at the Larson apartment - just as Eve slips and falls.

It was the title of the ratings article that grabbed my attention first: "Ratings: Good Week for Y&R/B&B/GH in Women 18-49 Demo". It was a good week in the demo for everyone BUT DAYS. That stings! But then again, when you lose viewers daily and have lost almost 400,000 viewers from Monday to Friday, not much can be expected.
Hey - they're showing ratings calculations with "more precision" now - to the hundredth of a point instead of to the tenth. That's new, isn't it?! Wonder why the change?
Thanks for posting. Yup, this is a big 'burn' for the idiots in charge and the writers. I'm sure they're still desperate to sell the crap airing on our screens as 'must-see TV'!