Ratings Report for the Week of November 10-14, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of November 10-14, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,845,000 (-136,000/+102,000)
2. B&B 3,691,000 (-86,000/-56,000)
3. GH 3,074,000 (+154,000/+95,000)
4. DAYS 2,411,000 (+38,000/-434,000)

1. Y&R 3.54/12 (-.06/+.15)
2. B&B 2.72/9 (-.03/+.09)
3. GH 2.32/7 (+.1/+.06)
4. DAYS 1.85/6 (same/-.24)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 799,000 (-40,000/-10,000)
2. B&B 636,000 (-38,000/-12,000)
3. GH 609,000 (+13,000/-144,000)
4. DAYS 504,000 (-24,000/-147,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.25/9 (-.06/-.01)
2. B&B 0.99/7 (-.06/-.02)
3. GH 0.95/6 (+.02/-.23)
4. DAYS 0.79/5 (-.03/-.23)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 207,000 (-31,000/-29,000)
2. B&B 184,000 (-23,000/-4,000)
3. GH 177,000 (-26,000/-78,000)
4. DAYS 115,000 (-5,000/-96,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.61 (-.09/-.09)
3. B&B 0.54 (-.07/-.02)
3. GH 0.52 (-.08/-.23)
4. DAYS 0.34 (-.01/-.28)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,136,000 (-65,000/-14,000)
2. B&B 900,000 (-45,000/+3,000)
3. GH 878,000 (+59,000/-123,000)
4. DAYS 630,000 (-5,000/-173,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.87 (-.11/-.02)
2. B&B 1.48 (-.08/+.01)
3. GH 1.45 (+.1/+.19)
4. DAYS 1.04 (-.01/-.28)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.92/2,584,000
Tuesday: 1.95/2,497,000
Wednesday: 1.80/2,295,000
Thursday: 1.87/2,417,000
Friday: 1.72/2,264,000

11/10, Monday: 1.92/2,584,000
Anne informs Theresa that Kristen has checked out of her hotel and apparently left Salem. Later, Brady confirms to Theresa it's over with Kristen. She's hopeful until he says it's over with her as well. A desperate Theresa blurts out that she's carrying his child! Brady confronts John about his lie. John admits he would withhold the truth all over again to keep his son away from Kristen. Brady's grateful for his honesty and is glad he's alive, but he needs time apart to process all this. In the meantime, he suggests John go to Europe to handle an important business transaction for Basic Black. John agrees, hoping they can work things out when he returns. John then shares a bittersweet goodbye with Marlena. Earlier, Stefano calls Marlena, and she blasts him for his part in Kristen's latest antics. Clyde challenges Jordan to shoot him, but she can't do it. He takes the gun from her, warning that next time he won't be so forgiving. Meanwhile, Chad and Kate clash over Jordan. Later, Kate and Clyde meet up, and he asks her advice about buying a place to live in Salem - he's decided to take up permanent residence. The two end up kissing. At the same time, Chad encounters Jordan, who's upset. He comforts her, and she kisses him. Kayla reveals to both Abigail and Ben that it was Chad who got Abigail reinstated at her hospital job. Ben is upset, and the couple fights about Chad's motives once again.

11/11, Tuesday: 1.95/2,497,000
Brady doesn't believe Theresa's pregnant, but she reminds him of the times they were together without protection. He finally concedes it's possible, but that doesn't mean the child is his. Theresa slaps him. Brady says they need a test, and Theresa asks Kayla to perform one. Hope and Aiden are making plans for a date when Nicole interrupts, wanting to do a story on Aiden. He refuses. When she pushes, he totally overreacts. Aiden covers, and Hope leaves, seemingly buying it. In private, Nicole tells Aiden she gets he is hiding something and warns that this kind of thing always ends badly. Meanwhile, Hope confides in Rafe that she's curious about how evasive Aiden has been. Later, Hope decides to check him out online and is stunned to learn that Aiden was held for questioning regarding his wife's death. Rafe sees Chad and Jordan kissing. He holds back, but later gets into it with Chad. They almost come to blows. Meanwhile, Abigail learns Kayla thinks it's possible Chad had an agenda when he got her reinstated at her old hospital job. At the same time, Ben admits to Sonny he's still suspicious of Chad. Sonny introduces Ben to a landlord, who has a great apartment, available immediately. Later, Abigail surprises Ben at his new apartment, while Sonny tells Chad he hopes he was helping Abigail with the job for the right reasons. Earlier, Abigail and Jordan meet the hospital's newest patient, Paul Narita. He flirts with both of them. While Abigail has no idea who he is, Jordan recognizes him as a star baseball pitcher.

11/12, Wednesday: 1.80/2,295,000
JJ and Eve make plans to get together and talk about their big mistake - but are waylaid by Paige and Eric, respectively. As Paige declares her intent to make a fresh start with a guilty JJ, Eric offers support to Eve. When Eve shows up at JJ's place and comes face-to-face with her daughter, Paige takes the opportunity to try to get her boyfriend and her mother closer. At Club TBD, Eve, JJ and Paige are having an awkward time together when Daniel shows up in the jacket that JJ borrowed the night he slept with Eve. Earlier, Daniel tells Maggie he and Jennifer are over, and she provides maternal support. Abigail goes to Ben's new place, and though things are awkward at first, they clear the air. Both declare how happy they are to be with each other, and after making love, assert they will allow no one (i.e., Chad) to come between them. Theresa blasts Brady for dissing her pregnancy, and he backtracks. As they wait together for the results of the blood test, they start to imagine what it would be like to raise a child together (but separately). It's clear there may be a real connection beneath all their pain. Later, Kayla arrives with the test results.

11/13, Thursday: 1.87/2,417,000
Daniel nearly lets it slip in front of Paige that JJ is the one who borrowed his coat. Before that tidbit can come out, JJ manages to pull Daniel aside, using Daniel and Jennifer's breakup as an excuse to talk privately. Eve is shocked when Paige, recognizing Daniel's coat, accuses her mother of sleeping with the doctor. Eve quickly dismisses this and claims her one-night stand was with no one Paige knows. Later, Eve shows up at JJ's house and informs him that he and Paige are over! Aiden confesses to Hope about the night his wife killed herself. It brings them closer together. Maggie comes by and invites Aiden to Thanksgiving dinner. Later, Aiden and Hope book a hotel room, and it looks like they will consummate their relationship when Hope suddenly stops. After speaking with Kayla, Theresa and Brady deal with the results of Theresa's pregnancy test. Theresa later confides in Anne, while Brady and Daniel make amends regarding Kristen. Meanwhile, Dr. Mandrake makes a mysterious call.

11/14, Friday: 1.72/2,264,000
JJ's angered when Eve comes to him and says he must break things off with Paige since he and Eve slept together. JJ accuses Eve of purposefully sleeping with him as a way of breaking up him and Paige. She makes him see that isn't true. When she leaves, JJ is left wondering how to break things off with Paige... who then shows up on his doorstep. Earlier, Paige connects with her friend, Daphne, and relates how hopeful she is that things are back on track with JJ. Eric arrives, and overhearing Eve's bad news about her surgery, introduces himself to Paige. Paige encourages him to go support her mother. Aiden and Hope are kissing in the hotel room when she hesitates. Aiden fears he's pushed things too far, too fast. But she opens up about how long it's been since she's done something like this, and Aiden understands because the same is true for him. They connect on a deeply emotional level, and Aiden is ready to suggest they leave... but that's when she kisses him once more and things turn passionate. They make love, finally. When Hope goes to shower, Aiden calls up the story about his wife's death on his smartphone and has an enigmatic look on his face. Daniel prepares to perform shoulder surgery on Paul. Pre-surgery, Paul is flirty with Jordan and Abigail, while Paul's agent is nervous, reminding Daniel that Paul's entire career is riding on this. Jordan learns from Abigail that she's back on staff thanks to Chad. Abigail lets her know Ben is concerned about his sister getting too close to Chad but Jordan insists she can take care of herself. Against this, Chad suggests Ben would be perfect for his and Sonny's second club, which eventually will open up across town. Ben is sure Chad wants him working extra hours so he can't spend time with Abigail. Chad denies.

Heather, I'm not so sure that Hope/Aiden are the reason why the ratings went down on Friday. I think that you could be right and people are not watching the show due to the Eve/J.J./Paige fiasco.
When did I say that Hope and Aiden making love was the reason for the low ratings? I said that it was shocking that the day they made love was the lowest rated day of the week.
Not surprised by these numbers and actually they could/should be worse. This whole thing with JJ/Eve/Paige should have never been an "A" story. Couple that with most of the other stories being boring, redundant, irrelevant and this sweeps was an epic fail. I actually wish the ratings were far worse than they are. Perhaps a change in writers/producers could happen then. Of course we wouldn't see any changes until next summer but at least there would be something to look forward to.
Seems like GH was the only soap that did well...I'm shocked because I think Y&R is on fire now, and B&B is decent right now. But I agree with Sparkster completely. DAYS has been awful--why were the teens and Eve made the alpha story? I guess I was wrong when I predicted that the focus would shift from the rapemance to Daniel & Jennifer (even if they were broken up), but I hope I didn't speak too soon. I really wish that Kate and Chad's business thing would be more in the forefront. And Hope & Aiden seem to be adored by most of the viewers, but the Eve & JJ romp added in with boring Paige seems to have turned people away.
DAYS has been awful--why were the teens and Eve made the alpha story?
TIIC at Days have been all about demographics for the past few years now. Its why everything centered around Elvis and Sami up until their departure (They "research" indicated that coupling appealed to younger viewers).
But as I've said before--seems most people that loved the rapemance couple were in their 30s-early 40s. Most people my age or in their 20s that I've talked to (or seen post on Facebook, boards, whatever) didn't like that couple, and wanted to see more romance. I guess their research, as always , was wrong.

I also don't get why they're targeting the teenage demographic. Besides a small group of people, most teens don't enjoy or don't watch soap operas--not nearly to the same degree as older viewers. Obviously there are some that do (such as myself), but they should be focusing on what the majority of their viewers want, and the majority are older people.
The idea is to focus on viewers that advertisers want (thus the younger demographic, who supposedly give up cash more freely than older viewers). They are also supposedly trying to build an audience for the future. Historically, most soap viewers started watching early in life, and as you've said, along with their parents and grandparents. However, in this day and age, family viewing doesn't happen as often. People generally watch television mostly with their own age group.