Ratings Report for the Week of May 4-8 2015


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,644,000 (+80,000/+147,000)
2. B&B 3,635,000 (+80,000/+224,000)
3. GH 2,854,000 (+79,000/+142,000)
4. DAYS 2,245,000 (-71,000/-203,000)

1. Y&R 3.38/12 (+.06/+.07)
2. B&B 2.68/10 (+.07/+.12)
3. GH 2.18/8 (+.09/+.12)
4. DAYS 1.69/6 (-.07/-.14)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 832,000 (+56,000/+109,000)
2. B&B 583,000 (-3,000/-26,000)
3. GH 530,000 (+13,000/-107,000)
4. DAYS 415,000 (-9,000/-219,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.30/10 (+.09/+.17)
2. B&B 0.91/7 (-.01/-.04)
3. GH 0.83/6 (+.02/-.17) <—— ties low (3rd straight week) *
4. DAYS 0.65/5 (-.01/-.34)
* Rounded down to 0.8

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 194,000 (+10,000/-26,000)
2. GH 145,000 (-10,000/-74,000)
3. B&B 144,000 (+23,000/-25,000)
4. DAYS 118,000 (-8,000/-72,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.57 (+.03/-.08)
2. GH 0.43 (-.03/-.22)
3. B&B 0.42 (+.06/-.08)
4. DAYS 0.35 (-.02/-.17)

Monday: 1.65/2,111,000
Tuesday: 1.71/2,291,000
Wednesday: 1.82/2,495,000
Thursday: 1.59/2,165,000
Friday: 1.67/2,164,000

Monday: 1.65/2,111,000
Nicole gets into it with Serena but stops short of questioning her secret business with Xander. In private, Nicole decides she's going to use Xander's attraction to her to get information out of him. Meanwhile, Victor reminds Xander of his place, and it's clear his nephew's only purpose is to carry out Victor's dirty dealings. He's not considered a real part of the family, which further fuels Xander's resentment of Brady and Daniel. Maggie interrupts, and the men cover. At the same time, Eric gets Daniel to see he needs to accept who Nicole is if he wants to be with her. Daniel goes to Nicole and asks for another chance - but when she spies Xander, she puts on a show by shutting Daniel down. Kate tries to persuade Will not to write the article on Clyde. Meanwhile, Clyde warns Ben not to trust Will. Later, Kate and Clyde learn who's behind the assignment of the article: the new owner of Sonix, Stefano DiMera. As Stefano presses his Italian contacts for details on Kristen's death, Chad covers his grief with Abigail and coldly pushes her away. Later, Stefano consoles his son, telling him that now more than ever they need each other.

Tuesday: 1.71/2,291,000
Daniel tries to apologize to Nicole, who continues to put him off, knowing Xander is watching from afar. A frustrated Daniel finally leaves, and Nicole goes back to her office, hoping Xander will pop by. He does indeed show up, and Nicole suggests they grab a drink together. Xander, playing it cool, declines and states it's not a good idea since Daniel is family. However, he later changes his mind - much to Nicole's relief. Meanwhile, Daniel opens up to Maggie about Nicole. Maggie thinks maybe she's not the right woman for him. Daniel disagrees and is determined to give Nicole a little time and make things right.
Will approaches Aiden about information on Clyde, but Aiden shuts him down. Will then runs into Rafe, who warns him that Clyde is a dangerous man. Off this, a shaken Will returns home to Sonny and announces he's turning down the piece on Weston. He's going to focus on Sonny and Arianna instead. Later, Clyde drops by to see Will. Earlier, Clyde and Kate decide to turn the tables on Stefano and use Will's article to their advantage. Hope wonders if Rafe has heard anything else about Clyde. He hasn't - and he warns Hope to be careful about investigating him. Lucas invites Adrienne to his hotel room, where he suggests they end things. However, both admit they don't want their affair to be over and they make love. Sonny is surprised when Justin arrives and informs his son he spoke to Paul and urged him to come back to Salem. Sonny isn't pleased with his meddling.

Wednesday: 1.82/2,495,000
Sonny's surprised to get a call from Paul, who floats the idea about returning to Salem to get to know John better. Paul wonders how Sonny would feel about that. Sonny makes it clear he's committed to Will; Paul should feel free to do what he wants but can't return with expectations. Later, Paul reveals to Tori and John that he has decided to go back to Salem with John. Clyde arrives to see Will, who reveals he has reconsidered and won't be writing the article on Clyde after all. Clyde surprises him by insisting that would be a mistake. He feels if anyone is going to write the article, it should be Will. Clyde subtly threatens him to do things his way. Later, Sonny is annoyed to learn Will is flying out to Poplar Bluff. Will can't exactly explain why and there's tension between them as he leaves. Elsewhere, Kate isn't pleased when she realizes Clyde threatened Will. Clyde reassures he'd never hurt her family. Caroline worries to Roman that Will is becoming more like Sami. Justin arrives just as Lucas and Adrienne share a kiss goodbye. The men nearly come to blows, and Justin eventually leaves to speak with Adrienne alone. She's thrown to learn her husband went to see Paul and encouraged him not to give up on Sonny. She angrily accuses Justin of turning on Will because of her affair with Lucas. A concerned Kate warns Chad not to get caught up in Stefano's games. Later, Chad offers Lucas a job at Countess Wilhelmina. Lucas immediately realizes Chad is purposely putting him in direct competition with Kate. Meanwhile, Stefano travels to Italy and gets confirmation that Marlena was with Kristen when she died.

Thursday: 1.59/2,165,000
Eve meets with Cole, determined to step up their plan to break up JJ and Paige. Unbeknownst to Eve, Cole heads off to put things in motion before she's actually ready. Meanwhile, JJ reveals to Paige he's going to transfer to a college near Stanford when she leaves in the fall. They can start a new life together in California. Cole arrives and tries to sneak a bag of dope into JJ's backpack but he's thwarted. He adjusts on the fly, breaking into Jennifer's house with the intention of planting it somewhere in JJ's room. At that moment, JJ arrives home with Paige, and Cole realizes he's about to be caught red-handed. Jennifer has returned from her trip, and she opens up to Daniel about Eve. Jennifer's worried her rival is just unstable enough to ruin things for JJ and Paige, even if it costs Eve her relationship with her daughter. Daniel offers to help but feels Paige should be told the truth. Later, Eve makes a show of telling Jennifer she knows she must accept JJ and Paige. Nicole is determined to get to the bottom of the encounter she overheard between Serena and Xander... and when Xander invites her to talk at his hotel, she jumps at the chance. Xander's outward demeanor is very respectful, and he says all the right things about hoping she and Daniel work out whatever problems they're having. Then he gets a little closer and leans in for a kiss. Hope and Aiden take the kids to meet up with Doug and Julie. Doug and Julie are thrilled to see Hope so happy in her new relationship. Hope confides to Julie that her and Aiden's jobs put them at odds sometimes... and later that proves all too true when she wonders to Aiden if they would benefit from making some changes. Aiden realizes she simply wants him to dump Clyde as a client and he gets annoyed. He goes off in a huff, and Hope knows she's made a mistake.

Friday: 1.67/2,164,000
The group from Italy returns to Salem with shocking tales of their adventure. Melanie updates Daniel and Maggie, and she admits she feels like an outsider now that Brady has a child with Theresa. At the hospital, Theresa and Brady introduce Jennifer and Eve to their child. While a doctor examines the baby, Brady informs Jennifer of Kristen's death. Daniel, Maggie and Melanie arrive, and Daniel checks in on the baby. Theresa makes a big show of thanking Melanie for all her help. However, in private, Theresa admits to Eve she still hates Melanie. Meanwhile, Brady has a touching moment with Victor when he comes by to meet his great-grandson. After Victor leaves, John arrives and is stunned to learn Brady has a son. Earlier, Victor and Marlena fill in John about Kristen's death. John is stunned, and there is a slight thaw between him and Marlena. John leaves to speak with Brady, not knowing he's in for a shock. Xander is about to kiss Nicole when Victor calls. Xander hurries over to the Kiriakis estate and is disappointed when Victor puts him to work securing the grounds before Brady comes home with his new child. Meanwhile, Nicole runs into Eric and Serena. While Eric calls his mother, Nicole and Serena have a tense exchange. Later, Nicole goes to the Kiriakis mansion, where she bumps into Daniel. She's about to let down her guard when she spots Xander and quickly ups her anger with Daniel when he tries to make amends with her. She blasts him again and flees, leaving Daniel confused. After a close call, Cole manages to hide the drugs in JJ's backpack and sneak out of the house without JJ or Paige spotting him. He then makes an anonymous tip to the police about JJ. Later, JJ tells Jennifer about his and Paige's plans to move to California together. They are interrupted by Roman's arrival. He grimly says he needs to speak with JJ.
Thanks for posting.
Wow, ratings are still awful, and not even Kristen's return improved them (I'm betting the writers were hoping it would!). Not really surprising, though, especially for Thursday's episode---so BORING!!!
Man, they keep losing more and more audience. But their May sweeps is NOT sweeps worthy at all, as many have mentioned already.
However, this is not the week where the Salem group meets up with Kristen, the baby, and Kristen meets her demise, which was the week before.

Thanks, cryin'. I sure do hope that whoever was influencing story from NBC & Sony have been reprimended, or demoted, or told in no uncertain terms to keep their noses out, and ideas to themselves. LOL
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,644,000 (+80,000/+147,000)
2. B&B 3,635,000 (+80,000/+224,000)
3. GH 2,854,000 (+79,000/+142,000)
4. DAYS 2,245,000 (-71,000/-203,000)


What was airing last year?? I mean to lose 203,000 viewers?? That is a boat load of people to stop watching. I've been tempted, but am willing to wait till Labor Day, but sheesh.
Heck, it was sweeps month last year at same time as well. There was the custody battle going on over Ari, EJ arranging for the hit on Nick, and finally, on the Friday Gabi shooting Nick, who appears in the square full of Salemites, and drops dead.