Ratings Report for the Week of May 19-23, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of May 19-23, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,341,000 (-58,000/-181,000)
2. B&B 3,577,000 (+89,000/+163,000)
3. GH 2,909,000 (+113,000/+400,000)
4. DAYS 2,407,000 (-14,000/-106,000)

1. Y&R 3.2/11 (same/-.1)
2. B&B 2.6/9 (+.1/+.1)
3. GH 2.2/8 (same/+.3)
4. DAYS 1.8/6 (same/-.1)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 719,000 (+7,000/-203,000)
2. GH 660,000 (+6,000/+56,000)
3. B&B 618,000 (+28,000/-118,000)
4. DAYS 585,000 (-33,000/-49,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.1/8 (same/-.3) <—— ties low (7th straight week)
2. GH 1.0/7 (same/+.1)
2. B&B 1.0/7 (+.1/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.8/7 (-.2/-.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. GH 223,000 (-3,000/+5,000)
2. Y&R 176,000 (-1,000/-67,000)
3. DAYS 173,000 (-6,000/-27,000)
4. B&B 162,000 (+20,000/-12,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. GH 0.7 (same/+.1)
2. B&B 0.5 (+.1/same)
2. DAYS 0.5 (same/-.1)
2. Y&R 0.5 (same/-.2) <—— ties low (2nd straight week)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,085,000 (+29,000/-151,000)
2. GH 890,000 (+28,000/+86,000)
3. B&B 864,000 (+15,000/-118,000)
4. DAYS 768,000 (+30,000/-20,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.8 (+.1/-.2)
2. GH 1.5 (+.1/+.2)
3. B&B 1.4 (same/-.2)
4. DAYS 1.3 (+.1/same)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.8/2,295,000
Tuesday: 1.8/2,463,000
Wednesday: 1.9/2,543,000
Thursday: 1.7/2,295,000
Friday: 1.8/2,437,000

05/19, Monday: 1.8/2,295,000
Nicole tries to come clean with Eric and tell him about destroying Dr. Chyka's evidence. However, she can't bring herself to do it, and they end up making love instead. EJ's hit man corners Sami and demands a meeting with her fiance. Sami rushes back to EJ, and they wonder if the hit man wants to blackmail them for his silence. However, when EJ returns from the meeting, he informs a shocked Sami that the man only wanted to return the money EJ paid him - because he didn't get a chance to complete the job. Someone else shot Nick! Hope questions Lucas, and it gets progressively worse for him when she reveals she knows he had arranged to meet Nick only minutes before the shooting. Meanwhile, Marlena visits Gabi, who opens up about her deeply conflicted feelings about Nick. John suggests to Brady that they go to Europe together to track down Kristen - it will give his son the closure he needs. Brady angrily insists he doesn't need closure and sure as hell doesn't want to help John assuage his own guilt. He storms out and winds up running into Theresa. She plays it carefully as he gets drunk... and they wind up in a sexy clinch. Earlier, JJ and Paige enjoy their first real date. While Paige fields a call with her mom, JJ runs into Theresa, who's interested to learn he's out with someone. It gets tense in a hurry as Theresa wonders how his new girlfriend would react if she knew JJ was dark and twisted. JJ gets Paige out of there before the two women can meet. Paige reacts to JJ's sudden change in mood, and when he refuses to tell her what's upsetting him, she calls an early end to the night.

05/20, Tuesday: 1.8/2,463,000
Jennifer asks Daniel what's going on with him and Nicole. Daniel, not wanting to explain until Nicole has told Eric the truth, assures her it's no big deal and promises he will fill in Jennifer later. Jennifer seems to accept this, but she later confides to Hope that she's worried Nicole has put Daniel in awkward spot. Meanwhile, Daniel is not happy that Nicole isn't returning his texts, and he finally confronts her in person. He's stunned to learn she hasn't told Eric the truth. Nicole begs him to let it go, but when Eric shows up, Daniel tells Nicole either she tells Eric the truth or he will. Earlier, Nicole sees Brady drinking with Theresa, and she tries to use this information to buy time with Daniel. At the same time, Eric informs Marlena that he and Nicole are engaged and are going to be married soon. She's not thrilled, but tries to bite her tongue. Later, John runs into Marlena, who rebuffs his overtures. At Theresa's apartment, Brady wakes up hung over and angry with himself. He receives a call from John, which propels him to have mid-morning drinks with Theresa. Later, Brady goes home and is confronted by his father. Earlier, JJ goes to Daniel for some advice, explaining how he shut down with Paige after running into Theresa. Daniel encourages him to forget about Theresa. At the same time, Paige decides to seek out JJ and finds Jennifer instead. Jennifer defends her son and suggests Paige give JJ a little space. Paige leaves and runs into JJ, who tries to explain why he shut down. They end up sharing a kiss, that unbeknownst to them, is witnessed by Theresa. Aiden pulls Hope's focus from Nick's case to focus on the St. Luke's gala, and she learns he's attempted some unethical things to get the ballroom back from Mr. Howell. Disapproving, Hope is relieved when it blows up in Aiden's face.

05/21, Wednesday: 1.9/2,543,000
Daniel is about to tell Eric the truth about Nicole, but she tries to tap dance out of this; and Eric follows her misdirection. Daniel all but forces Nicole back to his place, where she begs him to let her deception die with Liam. However, Daniel is adamant she come clean, and to ensure she follows through this time, he leaves Eric a message to call him after he's spoken to Nicole. Nicole grimly goes to see Eric, but in a desperate move, she tells him they must elope! Earlier, Eric goes to see Sami and reveals he's marrying Nicole. She's not happy and tells her brother he's making a big mistake. Sami worries Will might have been the one who shot Nick, but EJ strongly disagrees. Kate accidentally upsets Gabi, and Sonny tries to smooth things over. Later, EJ and Will show up at the apartment, and EJ goes over the joint custody agreement. To everyone's surprise, Gabi is adamant that Sonny and his rights be factored into the agreement. Lucas has a heart-to-heart with Will, telling his son he is here for him if he wants to talk. Will surprises Lucas by telling him the same thing. Later, Kate accuses Lucas of having taken her gun. Jennifer tries to console Maggie over Nick, but it's Victor who raises her spirits.

05/22, Thursday: 1.7/2,295,000
Nicole urges Eric to elope, and it looks like he might buy into her reasons. However, when he suggests Daniel and Jennifer go with them, Nicole freaks. She tells him she doesn't want anybody to know they're getting married. Eric reacts to this and senses she's hiding something. Nicole then comes up with a whopper of a lie - that Daniel is in love with her!
Daniel and Jennifer have lunch with Abe and Maxine. Daniel gets a moment alone with Maxine and asks for her advice about how he's handling a situation with a friend (he doesn't mention Nicole by name). At the same time, Abe gives Jennifer advice about not pushing Daniel to reveal what he's hiding. Kate gets Lucas to admit he took her gun and that he wanted to kill Nick. Kate thinks Lucas needs to flee, but he swears he's innocent. Later, Hope has more questions for Lucas, and Kate runs into EJ, who calls her on her love for Stefano's gifts. Earlier, EJ gives Rafe a copy of Gabi and Will's custody agreement to peruse. Rafe is suspicious, but it seems the enemies are able to agree on this one thing. Rafe finds Jordan, who is worried about Ben being questioned by Hope. Abigail apologizes to Ben for inadvertently roping him into the Nick mess, but he assures her it's fine. Abigail then meets with EJ, who admits he did hire a man to kill Nick.

05/23, Friday: 1.8/2,437,000
Nicole does her best to convince Eric that Daniel is in love with her. She feels it's best if she and Eric elope and stay away from Salem to give Daniel time to realize it's only an infatuation. Eric tells Nicole he needs some time to think it over. He leaves for a walk... and runs into Daniel. Earlier, Daniel is uneasy as Marlena admits she's judged Nicole unfairly. Lucas is hit when Hope reveals she can place him at the scene of the crime - she demands to know if he shot Nick. Lucas swears he arrived after Nick was shot, though he reluctantly admits he had a gun. Later, Hope receives mysterious intel about the case. Gabi, Will, Sonny, Sami, Kate and Marlena celebrate Arianna's first birthday. When Gabi notes Kate's expensive necklace, Sami pulls Kate outside for a tense chat. When they come back inside, their fight is in progress as Sami blasts Kate for allowing Stefano back into her life. EJ confesses to Abigail that he hired someone to shoot Nick. However, the hit man did not succeed - someone beat him to the punch. Abigail is still outraged by EJ's actions but agrees not to say anything. They squirm a bit when Sami arrives but are able to cover. Later, EJ tells Sami that Hope has been questioning Lucas - and Sami wonders if Lucas is guilty.

Don't think the suits are gonna be too happy with Days' showing during May sweeps. And just think, July sweeps is already filmed. Wonder if there was, or will be, any sort of "shakeup" ???
Well, IMO they have themselves to blame. They seem to have put all of their rotten eggs into one basket, and in the process alienated several other fan bases. So far instead of pulling back and trying to mend fences they continue to have actors throw more fuel on the fire, week by week, day by day. I guess I could be wrong, but so far that's what I'm seeing.
Thanks for posting. Yup, what a disappointing Sweeps. The only big thing that happened was Nick being killed-and I believe that technically, the reveal of his killer and Nicole's secret happen AFTER the Sweeps. But they reap what the sow. I just hope July Sweeps is better.