Ratings Report for the Week of June 23-27, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of June 23-27, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,390,000 (-215,000/-166,000)
2. B&B 3,414,000 (-385,000/-80,000)
3. GH 2,983,000 (-41,000/+530,000)
4. DAYS 2,385,000 (+30,000/-280,000)

1. Y&R 3.3/10 (same/same)
2. B&B 2.5/8 (-.2/+.1)
3. GH 2.2/7 (same/+.4)
4. DAYS 1.8/5 (same/-.2)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 638,000 (-11,000/-156,000) <—— new low *
2. GH 632,000 (+7,000/+56,000)
3. B&B 568,000 (-9,000/-48,000)
4. DAYS 512,000 (-8,000/-83,000)
* Previous low: 642,000 (May 26-30, 2014)
* 4th new low in the past 3 months

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.0/7 (same/-.2) <—— ties low (3rd straight week)
1. GH 1.0/6 (same/+.1)
3. B&B 0.9/6 (same/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.8/5 (same/-.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. GH 227,000 (+30,000/+58,000)
2. B&B 143,000 (-2,000/-20,000)
3. Y&R 141,000 (-19,000/-62,000)
4. DAYS 128,000 (+12,000/-37,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. GH 0.7 (+.1/+.2)
2. B&B 0.4 (same/-.1)
2. DAYS 0.4 (+.1/-.1)
2. Y&R 0.4 (-.1/-.2) <—— new low *
* Previous low: 0.5 (June 16-20, 2014)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,028,000 (-14,000/-64,000)
2. GH 827,000 (-22,000/+74,000)
3. B&B 818,000 (-40,000/-48,000)
4. DAYS 690,000 (-29,000/-56,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.7 (same/-.1)
2. GH 1.4 (same/+.2)
3. B&B 1.3 (-.1/-.1)
4. DAYS 1.1 (-.1/-.1)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.9/2,447,000
Tuesday: 1.8/2,455,000
Wednesday: 1.7/2,357,000
Thursday: 1.7/2,379,000
Friday: 1.7/2,289,000

06/23, Monday: 1.9/2,447,000
EJ asks Abe to officiate his and Sami's wedding. He later invites Rafe to the wedding, and Rafe declines, hoping Sami finally sees EJ's true colors. Meanwhile, Sami thanks Abigail for agreeing to be her maid of honor. Later, Abigail returns to the mansion to work on decorations and takes a wrong step - and ends up in EJ's arms! Kate thinks Rafe needs to rely on Jordan for support and not push her away. As Rafe considers this, Kate goes to Jordan and advises her to stand by her man. Earlier, Jordan tells Ben that maybe Rafe pushing her away is a good thing because of her past. However, Ben still encourages her to support Rafe. Jennifer inadvertently sets herself on a collision course with an old rival. JJ is thrown by a case of mistaken identity.

06/24, Tuesday: 1.8/2,455,000
Abigail falls in EJ's arms and is unnerved by their physical contact. She rushes out, passing arriving Will and Sonny. Will goes after his cousin and she admits this wedding is causing her a lot of stress. Abigail goes home and tells Jennifer and JJ she must cancel on the family dinner. She reveals she is Sami's maid of honor and is helping to plan the wedding. JJ privately questions his sister's decision. Jennifer throws the dinner party for JJ and is stunned when Eve shows up on her doorstep! EJ asks Will to be his best man. EJ then tracks down Abigail and warns she can't keep freaking out. Sami tells Kate she thinks no matter what happens with Jordan, Rafe is never going to want Kate back. At the same time, Jordan reaches out to Rafe, and he urges her to tell him all of her secrets. But despite everything, she just can't.

06/25, Wednesday: 1.7/2,357,000
Jennifer wonders if Eve still holds a grudge against her because of Frankie. But Eve quickly insists she doesn't - she's here to talk about Jack. Theresa confides in Anne that Brady isn't quite as into her when they're not partying. However, she later realizes John is the key to keeping Brady by her side. John tries to get through to Theresa, asking her to leave his son alone, but his plea falls on deaf ears. At the same time, Brady seeks out Maggie, and he confides he's using cocaine. He admits he's scared, and Maggie gets him to attend a meeting. EJ tells Abigail her behavior will only draw suspicion. Abigail is having a hard time going through with being Sami's maid of honor, but EJ pleads for her to do this one thing. When Ben shows up, EJ invites him to the wedding to escort Abigail. Ben agrees, and after EJ's gone, Ben tells Abigail he doesn't get a good feeling about that guy. They share a kiss, and he promises he will take her to the wedding. Abe informs Marlena he's officiating at Sami's wedding. Marlena is glad he'll be there as she will not be attending. Later, EJ makes his case for Marlena to attend, but she declines.

06/26, Thursday: 1.7/2,379,000
Eve drops a bomb on Jennifer - when she gave Jack an annulment, they signed a document stating she gets half of whatever earnings he made from long-form writing, such as his book on Afghanistan. Jennifer points out the proceeds are going to the vets, but Eve still demands her half. As the old rivals argue, JJ and Paige return, astonished by the intense scene. Earlier, JJ and Paige start to fight when Rory and Bev arrive and end up reminding JJ how much Paige means to him. An upset Jordan tells Ben that Rafe demanded she tell him about her secret. To her surprise, Ben thinks she should do it - it's worth the risk if Rafe truly makes her happy. Later, Ben runs into Rafe and urges him to give his sister a chance. Meanwhile, Jordan runs into Kate, who messes with her head. Later, Rafe meets with Jordan and admits he misses her like crazy and vows they will find a way to work things out. He then pulls her into a kiss. At the same time, Kate gets word from Ortiz that he has a lead on Jordan - someone recognized the photo of Ben Rogers. He tells her to fly down to the Ozarks. Earlier, Kate and Maggie have a scratchy encounter, while Abe hopes Rafe can work things out with Jordan. While Anne points out to Theresa that marrying Brady will be a long shot, Brady attends a meeting. However, it doesn't resonate with him like it used to, and when he finds John arguing with Theresa, he blasts his father and gets drunk once again with Theresa. Earlier, John overhears Maggie leaving a message for Brady and learns his son went to a meeting. He leaves feeling hopeful.

06/27, Friday: 1.7/2,289,000
Daniel learns from Marlena that Nicole refused to help with the bishop's investigation of Eric's case. Daniel blasts Nicole for her selfishness, and she gives it right back to him. Nicole then overhears Hope sympathizing with Daniel about his break with Jennifer, and Nicole apologizes. But Daniel won't listen to her. Earlier, the bishop tells Eric some people are cooperating with the investigation, but others - most importantly, Nicole - are not. After Daniel gives the bishop the information he has, he's shocked when Nicole arrives at the office. Rafe and Jordan wake up together, having made love the night before. Later, Jordan tells Ben she plans to tell Rafe the truth about everything. Meanwhile, Kate travels to the Ozarks and meets Clyde Weston, a man who knows Jordan. Sami talks to Abigail and Ben and is happy to learn Abigail has a date for the wedding. Later, Sami encounters Rafe, who warns her about marrying EJ, but Sami defends her fiancé. Hope and Aiden meet Giselle to go over plans for the gala. Roman arrives, and Giselle flirts with him, which makes Marlena jealous. When Eric shows up, he pulls Marlena out of the awkward situation and confronts her about her feelings. At the same time, Hope and Aiden are pleased to see their children are getting along better. Aiden and Eric have a private moment, and Aiden makes a remark about his late wife that is a bit too revealing for his comfort. In the meantime, Hope is with Chase, and he mentions missing his mother. Hope questions him about his mom, which Aiden overhears - and he's not happy.

Thanks for posting. I am shocked the ratings are still in the crapper. With the reveal that Sami knows about the affair as well as her team up with Kate, plus Eve coming to town...thought ratings would have gotten better. Maybe people are just so tired of EJ and Sami that they aren't watching it anyways. I also think people mustn't care about the Eve storyline because it is something else to prop how nice and sainly Sleeveless Miss Muffet is.
On a personal note, as someone that hasn't watched in years, what stopped me from checking out the sudden turn of events in the EJ Sami relationship was all those interviews done by the exiting actors to assure one specific fan base of what the final results would be. Days might just get the boost that they desperately need in the end, but in my opinion making such publicized pushes to that single fan base also alienates many other fans.

edited to write out phrase....JS
Junior/Sami have been on the same merry-go-round for eight years, talk about getting old, and the out come seem the same! DAYS drags SL's out for years and viewers lose interest! DAYS continue to trash ALL couples they don't seem to think a true love interest is of any value, but yet the other 3 soaps all have couple that have been around for ever and are miles ahead of DAYS in the ratings. I hope giving one fan base what they wanted is worth it, because TPTB have ruined DAYS all by themselves and I believe there is NO coming back this time.

I am very happy for GH they climb the ladder a little more each week, and they deserve each and every number!
Thanks for posting. I am shocked the ratings are still in the crapper. With the reveal that Sami knows about the affair as well as her team up with Kate, plus Eve coming to town...thought ratings would have gotten better. Maybe people are just so tired of EJ and Sami that they aren't watching it anyways. I also think people mustn't care about the Eve storyline because it is something else to prop how nice and sainly Sleeveless Miss Muffet is.
This is how I feel anyways.
I have been tired of Sami/EJ for years now. I didn't care for their wedding either as I figured the reveal wouldn't happen then. I think this week the ratings will go up though with Sami revealing that she knows the truth about the EJ/Abby affair. I did watch the show to see Eve and I do like her. That seems to be the only highlight of the Jennifer/Dan storyline. I always fast forward through them generally. I fast forward through anything Brady/Theresa as well. There is a lot to fast forward on this show.
i'm hoping this trend reverses - the show has been really good the past few weeks, and sometimes ratings take a week or two to "catch up" (buzz, and all that). It's dismaying to see Days losing viewers every week.

DaysD I think you might have a valid point; I certainly couldn't tolerate this much EJ/Sami normally (by which I mean, how they've been written the past 18 months).
I think that the show gained viewers earlier in the year with the excitement around EJ and Abigail. Now that it seems they likely won't get back together, I think those viewers have disappeared again.
How far ahead does General Hospital tape? I know ABC has cut GH's budget in recent years, but I gotta believe their lead time is less than five months. Maybe people tune in to GH because they want to be surprised by story developments?

It is my hope that NBC gives Days a little more money in its next budget negotiations to get the show off the dime. There's such a thing as saving money and quite another as a show produced so cheap that it shows on camera at times.