Ratings Report for the Week of July 7-11, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of July 7-11, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,478,000 (+157,000/-176,000)
2. B&B 3,687,000 (+238,000/+178,000)
3. GH 2,872,000 (+64,000/+423,000)
4. DAYS 2,391,000 (-12,000/-59,000)

1. Y&R 3.3/11 (+.1/-.1)
2. B&B 2.7/89 (+.2/+.2)
3. GH 2.2/7 (+.1/+.4)
4. DAYS 1.8/6 (same/-.1)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 716,000 (+93,000/-160,000)
2. B&B 654,000 (+47,000/+23,000)
3. GH 583,000 (+5,000/-27,000)
4. DAYS 562,000 (+3,000/+14,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.1/8 (+.1/-.3)
2. B&B 1.0/7 (+.1/same)
3. DAYS 0.9/6 (same/same)
3. GH 0.9/6 (same/-.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. GH 171,000 (-29,000/-5,000)
2. DAYS 156,000 (+21,000/-1,000)
3. B&B 141,000 (+19,000/-55,000)
4. Y&R 131,000 (+18,000/-144,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. DAYS 0.5 (+.1/same)
1. GH 0.5 (-.1/same)
3. B&B 0.4 (same/-.2)
3. Y&R 0.4 (+.1/-.4)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,200,000 (+142,000/+8,000)
2. B&B 972,000 (+49,000/+62,000)
3. GH 827,000 (+40,000/+25,000)
4. DAYS 739,000 (-11,000/+29,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 2.0 (+.3/same)
2. B&B 1.6 (+.1/+.1)
3. GH 1.4 (+.1/+.1)
4. DAYS 1.2 (same/same)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.9/2,551,000
Tuesday: 2.0/2,599,000
Wednesday: 1.8/2,254,000
Thursday: 1.9/2,317,000
Friday: 1.6/2,231,000

07/07, Monday: 1.9/2,551,000
Sami tricks EJ into making a major mistake. Stefano calls Kate with a favor, playing right into her hands. Later, Sami gets an unwelcome surprise from Kate. Nicole tries to use the situation with Sami and EJ to make inroads with Eric. However, he sees right through her plan and rips into her. Later, Nicole visits EJ to gloat, then offers her help. Meanwhile, Theresa runs into Eric and when she starts to badmouth Nicole, Eric is put in the strange position of having to defend his ex. Clyde arrives in Salem, and Kate gives him key information about Jordan and Ben. She reminds him to keep her name out of it when he reunites with his children. Meanwhile, Jordan and Rafe make love. She’s about to confess her past when he’s called into work. He promises to hear what she has to say at a later time. Maggie finds a hungover Brady and tries to reach out to him, but they’re interrupted by Theresa. When Maggie asks for a moment alone, Brady tells her the meetings aren’t really "resonating" with him. Later, Brady invites John over and offers him a proposal.

07/08, Tuesday: 2.0/2,599,000
Sami makes a big, game-changing move. EJ turns down Nicole’s offer, unwilling to play into her personal agenda. After she leaves, EJ summons Abigail, who tells him she will no longer lie for him. Earlier, Abigail insists to Ben that she doesn’t care about EJ. Clyde watches Rafe and Jordan share a kiss. He accidentally steps on a twig and is almost caught but Caroline interrupts to ask Rafe about EJ. Later, Jordan visits Ben and tells him she is definitely going to come clean with Rafe about her past. After spying on Ben at the club, Clyde breaks into Jordan’s apartment. John is crushed when he realizes Brady doesn’t want to work on their relationship; instead, he wants his father to move back to Europe. John balks, especially after Brady lets it slip that he is abusing drugs again. Brady lashes out at John, blaming his addiction on his father. Henderson arrives in time to hear Brady warn John to stay away from him - or he’ll be sorry. Brady later meets up with Theresa who, off her conversation with Eric, hesitates when he wants to get high. But Brady reels her in with the promise of an exciting adventure. Earlier, Eric’s talk with Theresa gives him insight into Nicole. But it’s not enough for him to reconcile with her and he later turns his back on Nicole.

07/09, Wednesday: 1.8/2,254,000
EJ urges Abigail to keep quiet about the hit he put out on Nick. Later, EJ receives shocking news from Sami. Abigail returns to Ben and apologizes for leaving so abruptly before. In turn, Ben apologizes for the things he said about EJ - he’s sure Abigail knows how to handle herself with that guy. Daniel gets a surprise when Eve says she can no longer use his services for the surgery they discussed. Daniel’s thrown but Eve reveals she is Theresa’s sister and has just learned Theresa and Daniel have had "issues." Eve makes clear her low opinion of Theresa and claims she doesn’t want to put Daniel in an uncomfortable situation. He’s grateful - and then Eve makes a play for him, now that they’re no longer doctor/patient. Daniel’s flattered but confesses he’s still dealing with the end of a recent relationship. Jennifer tries to reassure JJ she’s going to settle this issue over Eve’s lawsuit as painlessly as possible. Meanwhile, Marybeth points out to Paige that she’ll have to decide where her loyalties lie - with her mom or with JJ. When Paige and JJ finally connect, she warns him that her mother knows about him overdosing with Theresa. Against this, Jennifer meets with Aiden and considers making a deal with Eve so JJ and Paige won’t be hurt by the tension between the two families. Eve arrives and Jennifer offers to settle, letting Eve have half the royalties. However, Eve has a surprising reaction. Jordan’s nervous about opening up to Rafe about her past, but Ben’s sure it will be fine. They’re both unaware Clyde is in town, picking over items in Jordan’s apartment. Later, Jordan encounters Kate, who’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.

07/10, Thursday: 1.9/2,317,000
Sami and EJ have a major confrontation. Later, Sami pays a visit to Jennifer and Abigail. Earlier, Ben wonders what is troubling Abigail. Jennifer’s encounter with Eve goes from bad to worse when Eve starts making even bigger demands on the money that will be generated from Jack’s book. Jennifer’s taken aback. She was willing to meet Eve halfway, knowing that would help JJ and Paige. But now Jennifer puts her foot down, and it ends on an ugly note. Jennifer tells JJ things with Eve are deteriorating. Meanwhile, Eve insists Paige stay away from JJ, dropping the bomb that after Theresa overdosed, JJ was involved in entrapping Theresa into committing a crime. Paige is shaken and when JJ later calls her, she’s too upset to talk. JJ charges over and confronts Eve. Hope and Aiden are in countdown mode for the big fundraising gala tonight. Victor swings by, angry that Brady has pulled yet another disappearing act. Later, Father Louis comes by with a minor emergency but Hope and Aiden already have it handled. They both realize the end of this project is in sight and they get a touch wistful about their partnership. Later, when they both arrive, each changed and looking like a million dollars, they spot one another, and there’s a charged romantic feeling in the air. In Las Vegas, Brady and Theresa drink and gamble to great excess - and Brady eventually passes out.

07/11, Friday: 1.6/2,231,000
Aiden compliments Hope on how beautiful she looks. She makes light of the moment, but his breath is taken away. Marlena interrupts with a crisis: the celebrity emcee she had lined up can’t make it. Marlena is roped into serving as emcee herself, and despite a rocky start, she ends up doing really well. Roman is appreciative, Giselle not so much. Later, Hope and Aiden get roped into dancing the waltz - and end up sharing an electric moment. Abigail’s worst nightmare comes true. JJ blasts Eve for torturing his mother. Eve fires back she won’t let him hurt her daughter. JJ swears he has changed. He ends up telling her the whole story of what happened with Theresa... and owns up to his part in the debacle. Eve defends her actions with Jennifer, insisting the lawsuit is only because she wants to provide a great education for Paige. The two end up discovering a new grudging respect for one another. Meanwhile, Marybeth tells Paige it will never work out with JJ and Eve hating each other so much. She suggests Paige forget about JJ and concentrate on meeting someone new at Stanford. Paige goes back home and is stunned when she learns her mom and JJ have called a truce. However, Eve makes it clear to JJ the jury is still out.

Too bad Sami didn't act this way years ago with junior, we would have a totally different show and viewers probably would be watching. TIIC thought if they forced fed us junior/Sami long enough they would catch on, but only a few enjoyed watching them and lost most of their viewers, who don't appear to be coming back! It's SAD they let things go this far! But I can't say I'm surprised, just disappointed.
They seriously need to up the budget for the show & bring on some new sets. That combined with the micro-management of the executives at Sony and/or NBC and writers that would rather bring on boring new characters to fit their storylines, rather than write storylines for existing, known & loved characters/veterans is just crushing the show. I don't mind new characters now & then, but seriously - there are a LOT & they are front-burner without us knowing enough about them to be emotionally invested in what happens to them.