Ratings Report for the Week of July 28 – August 1, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of July 28 – August 1, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,381,000 (-140,000/-311,000)
2. B&B 3,447,000 (-66,000/-150,000)
3. GH 2,868,000 (-14,000/+427,000)
4. DAYS 2,356,000 (+70,000/-100,000)

1. Y&R 3.2/11 (-.1/-.2)
2. B&B 2.6/8 (same/same)
3. GH 2.1/7 (same/+.3)
4. DAYS 1.8/6 (+.1/same)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 722,000 (+21,000/-61,000)
2. B&B 601,000 (+23,000/-36,000)
3. GH 575,000 (+25,000/-6,000)
4. DAYS 529,000 (+73,000/-15,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.1/8 (same/-.1)
2. B&B 0.9/6 (same/-.1)
2. GH 0.9/6 (same/same)
4. DAYS 0.8/6 (+.1/-.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 193,000 (-7,000/-20,000)
2. GH 162,000 (-15,000/-30,000)
3. B&B 155,000 (-22,000/-32,000)
4. DAYS 135,000 (+6,000/-16,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.6 (same/same)
2. B&B 0.5 (same/-.1)
3. GH 0.5 (same/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.4 (same/same)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,079,000 (-13,000/-40,000)
2. B&B 836,000 (-28,000/-59,000)
3. GH 779,000 (+32,000/+8,000)
4. DAYS 686,000 (+81,000/-7,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.8 (same/same)
2. B&B 1.4 (same/-.1)
3. GH 1.3 (+.1/same)
4. DAYS 1.1 (+.1/same)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.8/2,340,000
Tuesday: 2.0/2,630,000
Wednesday: 1.7/2,352,000
Thursday: 1.9/2,482,000
Friday: 1.6/1,975,000

07/28, Monday: 1.8/2,340,000
With Victor by his side, Brady learns he will not be facing any criminal charges. Meanwhile, Theresa's relieved John will likely not be coming out of his coma. She tells Brady she hopes they can still be friends. Eve, after getting discouraging results from Dr. Chung, needs a favor from her sister, but Theresa's in no mood to help. Later, Eve overhears Theresa and Anne talking about John, and she wonders why Theresa is so concerned about John waking up. Daniel and Eric talk about Eric's possible return to the priesthood. Nicole interrupts, and Eric leaves. Daniel makes it clear he still wants nothing to do with Nicole, and she's heartbroken. Eric encounters Nicole again after visiting with Marlena and blessing John. He asks if Nicole is going to Rome to testify on his behalf, and she says yes. Eric goes to the monastery to pray and encounters Brother Timothy. Timothy observes Eric still has strong feelings for Nicole, which Eric can't deny. Nicole goes to Brady, and they make amends. After a terse run-in with Eve, Daniel goes to St. Louis for a conference. At the hotel, he's knocked out by an unknown assailant - who is revealed to be working for Kristen! Roman sees Marlena's devotion to John and realizes she still loves him. Marlena admits she didn't realize it herself until now. Later, Marlena gets a strange feeling that something horrible is about to happen. JJ apologizes to Paige for pushing too far the night before, and Paige concedes she may have overreacted. They admit to each other that they're falling in love. Victor offers support to Jennifer regarding the lawsuit and hopes she and Daniel can find their way back to each other.

07/29, Tuesday: 2.0/2,630,000
A guilt-ridden Brady struggles over what he thinks he did to John. Marlena sees his pain and reconciles with him. Meanwhile, Eve presses Theresa about what really happened that night. Although Theresa admits nothing, she still agrees to donate blood for her sister's throat surgery to keep her quiet. Kristen coolly demands Daniel tell her about Brady, but he refuses to give her any insight into his friend's life. Later, Brady calls Daniel's cell - and Kristen decides to pick up! Sami meets with Anne and shares that she is taking EJ's seat on the hospital board. She's very interested in the disciplinary policies regarding inappropriate behavior. Later, Sami meets with Kayla and threatens to withhold a huge DiMera donation - unless she fires Abigail! EJ tries to explain himself to Sonny but gets nowhere. Meanwhile, Abigail confides to Will that what she had with EJ was anything but love. Abigail is eager to put this all behind her, but Will cautions that his mom's fury may be never-ending. Later, Abigail runs into EJ while Will tells Sonny he's decided to use his article to let the whole world know just how much his mother is out of control.

07/30, Wednesday: 1.7/2,352,000
Kayla's horrified by Sami's demand that Abigail be fired from the hospital. Kayla tries to talk sense into Sami, but she can only convince her stubborn niece to allow Abigail to resign. On her way out, Kayla lets Jennifer know Sami's on a rampage. Jennifer confronts Sami, and they have a heated exchange. Meanwhile, EJ approaches Abigail. She's reluctant to even speak to him, but EJ surprises her with his emotional honesty, regretting what they did while hoping Abigail can find a way past it all, and most importantly not to think any less of herself. Abigail goes, grateful for EJ's efforts to make her feel better. Later, Abigail is stunned to learn she's out of a job. Having had enough, Abigail charges over to confront Sami. Kate makes a mysterious proposal to Victor. Later, she runs into EJ, who's worried she and Sami are going to harm DiMera Enterprises beyond repair. Victor calls EJ and summons him for a visit. Kristen has Daniel tied up when Brady calls on Daniel's phone. Daniel does his best to alert Brady, but Kristen hangs up and expertly covers her tracks. Daniel realizes Kristen wants to use him to lure in Brady, and she happily confirms that will happen - tonight. Nicole runs into Maggie, who surprises her by not objecting to Nicole reaching out to Brady as a friend. Later, Brady confesses to Nicole he's been thinking about Kristen. Eric prays for guidance at the monastery, confessing to Brother Timothy that he hates the attraction he feels for Nicole, given all she did to him. It makes him worried about taking the trip to Rome with her, even though he knows she's the only one who can clear him with the Vatican and allow him to return to the priesthood.

07/31, Thursday: 1.9/2,482,000
Kristen's intent on messaging Brady using Daniel's phone to lure him to St. Louis. However, Daniel undermines her confidence in the ruse, and she resorts to Plan B. She leaves him with her thug, who is all too happy to use force to get Daniel to cooperate. However, Daniel manages to get the upper hand - and quickly turns the tables on Kristen. EJ is rocked to learn Kate sold two important companies to Victor. He realizes how far Kate and Sami are willing to take their revenge, and Victor relishes seeing his rival suffer. Abigail confronts Sami over getting her fired and twists the knife regarding EJ sleeping with her. Sami is hit and things get physical. Abigail warns she will go through with writing a resignation letter, but after that, she and Sami are done. If Sami tries anything further, Abigail will go after her, full throttle. When EJ returns home, he tries to talk sense into his wife over what she's doing to the company. Sami, wounded from Abigail's visit, doubles down, intent on seeing her revenge through. Meanwhile, Abigail gives an update to Ben, who is supportive. Kate interrupts and takes a dig at Ben. Earlier, Will gets Kate to open up about how she and Sami managed to dupe EJ and Stefano. Kate's happy to fill him in but is unaware her grandson is collecting information for his article. Later, he tells Sonny that his mom and EJ are going to get exactly what they deserve. Jordan attempts to pay off Clyde to get him to leave Salem and forget about her and Ben. But while Clyde accepts the check, he warns it doesn't begin to pay him back for what she owes him. He threatens to let her new friends learn exactly what she did - and that's when Rafe arrives.

08/01, Friday: 1.6/1,975,000
Jordan has no choice but to introduce Rafe to her stepfather, Clyde. After Clyde goes, Rafe sees Jordan is upset, and just as it looks like they might connect, he's called into the station.
Abigail lets Ben read her resignation letter, and after she leaves to take it to the hospital, Clyde shows up. He tells Ben he's done nicely. Angry, Ben lays into Clyde, who doesn't appreciate his mouthy son. Clyde promises to break him - he did it before and he can do it again. Sami and Kate continue to wreak havoc on EJ and Stefano's holdings. Sami is pleased when Kate tells her how she slighted Abigail and Ben. Later, Sami goes to the hospital and runs into Jordan and Abigail. Jordan gives Sami grief, and Abigail adds to it by saying Sami never had what Rafe and Jordan have. Sami balks, then drops the bomb that Rafe is still sleeping with Kate! Eve pays Maggie a visit and asks for some help regarding the lawsuit. When Eve talks about her troubles with Jennifer, Daniel's name comes up, and Eve quickly learns he is Maggie's son. Maggie makes it clear Eve will get no support from her. Paige spends the day with JJ at the lake and realizes how hard it will be on them both when she goes off to school in the fall. Paige goes home and tries to talk to her mother about something but Eve is riled up over her encounter with Maggie. Daniel gets the better of Kristen, and they're nearly caught by her men... but once he's able to get her under his thumb, he informs her he's taking her back to Salem to pay for her crimes.

Actually, Days has been gaining viewers, while other soaps seem to be losing some.
And in the 18-49 category, all seem to have gained, but then in the 18-34 category, the other soaps lost ground, while Days gained..meaning a decline in the younger voters for those other soaps, while the older ones stayed.
And in the 25-54 category, the top 2 soaps lost viewers, while GH & Days gained.

Looks like Sami on a rampage, Clyde finding Jordan & Ben, plus Brady thinking he whacked his father, putting him in a coma pulled in some viewing. Not bad for summer.
By Friday? I'd say they have been fed up with her for weeks. The episodes where she confronted EJ and Abigail, and then this week when she had the showdown with Abby, were not terrible. But I think they didn't pull in the numbers the suits expected. I certainly thought more people would be watching those episodes.