Ratings Report for the Week of July 21-25, 2014


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
NOTE: Please do not copy and paste the entire ratings. Thank you.
Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,521,000 (-15,000/-227,000)
2. B&B 3,513,000 (-64,000/-82,000)
3. GH 2,882,000 (-17,000/+343,000)
4. DAYS 2,286,000 (-217,000/-276,000)

1. Y&R 3.3/11 (-.1/-.1)
2. B&B 2.6/8 (same/same)
3. GH 2.1/7 (-.1/+.2)
4. DAYS 1.7/5 (-.2/-.2)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 701,000 (-28,000/-130,000)
2. B&B 578,000 (-32,000/-83,000)
3. GH 550,000 (-22,000/-63,000)
4. DAYS 456,000 (-141,000/-131,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.1/8 (same/-.2)
2. B&B 0.9/6 (-.1/-.1)
2. GH 0.9/6 (same/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.7/5 (-.2/-.2) <—— ties low

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 200,000 (+46,000/-30,000)
2. B&B 177,000 (+43,000/-28,000)
2. GH 177,000 (-32,000/-16,000)
4. DAYS 129,000 (+11,000/-48,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.6 (+.1/-.1)
2. B&B 0.5 (+.1/-.1)
2. GH 0.5 (-.1/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.4 (+.1/-.1)

Monday: 1.7/2,218,000
Tuesday: 1.7/2,237,000
Wednesday: 1.9/2,446,000
Thursday: 1.6/2,185,000
Friday: 1.8/2,343,000

Monday: 1.7/2,218,000
Nicole is surprised when Eric shows up at her hotel room. He asks her not to exploit Sami and EJ's situation on her newscast. Nicole uses this as an opening to talk about the two of them, but Eric is wound tight and unforgiving. It gets tense between them, and finally they wind up nose-to-nose, both feeling something very different than the animosity that preceded it. Jennifer lets Eve know she's got a full-fledged battle on hands over Jack's royalties. Confident she's going to win in court, Jennifer no longer wants to negotiate. Eve starts to wonder if she's gone too far. Eve heads out and crosses with Daniel. Once more, she tries to engage and this time gets a little further with him as they bond over the trials and tribulations of parenting. They start to get closer and that's when Jennifer arrives - getting an eyeful and not liking it. At the hospital, Theresa worries Abe will uncover the truth about what happened to John. Meanwhile, an anguished Brady is by John's side, wracked with guilt. Summoned by Theresa, Aiden arrives and offers his services to Brady. Daniel announces John's in a deep coma... and he may never wake up.

Tuesday: 1.7/2,237,000
Sami gets a shock when Marlena tells her about John's condition. Sensitive to her mom's distress, Sami holds back from telling her about EJ's infidelity. Meanwhile, EJ is outraged when he learns Kate has moved into the mansion. Sami returns home, and he makes another heartfelt attempt to get through to her. As things reach a fever pitch between them, Caroline arrives and interrupts. She gets Sami alone and asks if her granddaughter still loves EJ. Nicole and Eric start to give into the sexual tension between them, but a phone call from the bishop interrupts. Eric recovers and stuffs his feelings. Nicole receives a news alert and tells Eric about John's condition. He races to the hospital to be with Marlena and Roman. Jennifer comes upon Eve and Daniel in a fun, lighthearted moment and can't help but see history repeating itself in the worst possible way. She charges up to confront Eve, and Daniel's taken aback. Jennifer has trouble believing Daniel didn't know how Eve was connected to Jennifer, and it leads to an all-out airing of grievances from both of them. Daniel leaves and runs into Eve, letting her know he thinks she's been deceiving him. JJ worries what Paige thinks of him now that she's learned more about his past actions with Theresa. Paige has to admit she's wondering if she knows him as well as she thought she did. Once she's gone, he runs into Eve, fresh off her fight with Jennifer. She admits even though the tension is ratcheting up with Jennifer, she likes JJ and doesn't want to ruin his relationship with Paige. Later, Paige returns to JJ, and they agree to get together later.

Wednesday: 1.9/2,446,000
Sami finally breaks down and reveals to Caroline how much EJ's betrayal has hurt her. She also admits, despite all, she still loves him. Caroline advises her granddaughter not to focus on anger and revenge but to deal with her emotions so she can heal. After Caroline leaves, Sami sees how much being a family with EJ means to Allie. When EJ returns home with Johnny, Sami reaches out to him... is she ready to forgive? Earlier, EJ spends quality time with Johnny. They run into Rafe, and EJ expects him to throw his affair with Abigail in his face - but to his surprise, Rafe refrains. Later, Jennifer comes upon EJ and lets him have it, accusing him of using her daughter. Kate meets up with Clyde and is disappointed when he relays he had a "happy" reunion with his kids. He then warns if she doesn't help him break up Rafe and Jordan, he will expose her part in bringing him to town. Later, Rafe confides to Kate he's going to tell Jordan about their night of sex. He then pressures Kate to explain why she participated in Sami's revenge, and she finally blurts she did it to avenge what Stefano tried to do to Rafe. Jordan and Clyde clash over the past. Meanwhile, Ben finally confesses to Abigail that Clyde is his father and Jordan is his sister. Earlier, Abigail supports Jennifer in her decision to take a hard line with Eve. JJ is upset, knowing this will complicate things with Paige. Later, JJ asks Aiden about the lawsuit, and Aiden makes a cryptic remark about bad marriages. Earlier, Hope and Aiden are skittish around each other after the feelings they experienced at the gala. Aiden makes a quick exit, and Kayla realizes Hope has feelings for him. Flustered, Hope rushes out and tells Ciara they are going on a summer vacation - immediately.

Thursday: 1.6/2,185,000
Sami starts to open up to EJ, and just as it looks like she might forgive him, Johnny rushes in and inadvertently reminds her of EJ's affair. EJ tries to stop Sami from shutting down, but it's too late. Later, Will strongly warns his mother to back off Abigail, but she refuses. Things get heated to the point where she slaps him. Will leaves angry as Sami insists she will not stop until she destroys Abigail. Earlier, Will tells Sonny he agreed to write the magazine article about his mom and EJ. They later meet up with Abigail, and Will is horrified to learn how Sami has been going after her. He storms off to confront his mom while Abigail maintains with Sonny she must take responsibility for what happened. Earlier, Abigail reels from Ben's confession about his family. Ben takes off to track down Clyde and Jordan and finds Jordan shaken up by her encounter. Rafe arrives, wanting to talk, but Ben gives Jordan an excuse to leave. Earlier, Kate is forced to admit she was seeking revenge on Stefano on Rafe's behalf. Rafe realizes Kate's feelings for him may be deeper than he thought, but she insists she only considers him a dear friend. Rafe heads out to tell Jordan about his affair with Kate. Hope's plans to get away from Salem (and Aiden) hit a snag when Ciara invites Chase and Aiden to join them on their vacation. Hope and Aiden pull themselves out of the awkward situation, but their attraction is clear. Hope and Ciara head out of town while Aiden darkens when Chase mentions wanting to visit his mom's beach house.

Friday: 1.8/2,343,000
Victor and Maggie return to Salem to provide support for Brady. Brady admits to Maggie his guilt over what happened to John. He knows now he has a problem with drugs and alcohol and vows he will stay sober. Meanwhile, Victor tears into Theresa. Brady and Maggie interrupt, and Brady privately assures Theresa he has nothing but gratitude for her. However, he believes it's best if they go their separate ways. Theresa pretends to be cool with all this but later freaks out and makes plans to skip town. But Eve catches her and suspects her little sister is fleeing trouble. Back at the hospital, Abe informs Victor and Brady the final forensics report will be delivered tomorrow - and then they will know if Brady with be charged with attempted murder. Earlier, Eve tries to cover her tracks with Paige about her hitting on Daniel. Paige buys it but still blasts her mother for always needing a man. Meanwhile, Daniel advises JJ to stay out of the lawsuit mess and enjoy his time with Paige. When Paige later comes by, she and JJ start to make out, and it looks like things might progress even further. But with her mother's words ringing in her ears, Paige put on the breaks - and freaks when JJ doesn't stop right away. She flees, leaving behind a mortified JJ. Nicole tries to apologize to Jennifer - she feels guilty about being part of the reason she and Daniel broke up. However, Jennifer is wary of Nicole's motivations, and the two end up arguing. Later, Aiden tells Jennifer he submitted a summary judgment on her behalf - hopefully they won't have to go to trial. Eric meets with Bishop White and learns drastic measures must be taken to clear his name. Nicole later also meets with the bishop, who explains he is sending Eric to the Vatican to plead his case - and Nicole must go with him. Meanwhile, Eric explains the same thing to Caroline.
Does not pasting each day's ratings from the other shows exempt that NOTE disclaimer? I ask out of curiosity, not to be combative. It was funny to read that part 1st.

I really appreciate when these are posted even tho I can't make out how they get the numbers or which set means what to the network execs.
WOW. Goes to show that forcing the same characters down out throats repeatedly is not working. And I'm talking about Sami, EJ, Daniel, Jennifer, Eve, Jeannie Theresa. Where are Rafe, Kayla, Lucas, Roman, etc?