Ratings Report for the Week of December 29, 2014 – January 2, 2015


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 5,044,000 (+300,000/-269,000)
2. B&B 3,853,000 (+201,000/-274,000)
3. GH 3,000,000 (+171,000/-330,000)
4. DAYS 2,494,000 (same/-527,000)

1. Y&R 3.56/10 (+.21/-.11)
2. B&B 2.72/7 (+.13/-.05)
3. GH 2.19/6 (+.09/-.21)
4. DAYS 1.83/5 (-.01/-.35)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 813,000 (+113,000/-38,000)
2. B&B 698,000 (+162,000/-42,000)
3. GH 592,000 (+76,000/-156,000)
4. DAYS 485,000 (-52,000/-184,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.27/7 (+.18/-.06)
2. B&B 1.09/6 (+.25/-.07)
3. GH 0.93/5 (+.12/-.24)
4. DAYS 0.76/4 (-.08/-.28)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 222,000 (+24,000/-35,000)
2. B&B 213,000 (+68,00/-1,000)
3. GH 162,000 (-11,000/-78,000)
4. DAYS 136,000 (-12,000/-76,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.66 (+0.8/-.1)
2. B&B 0.63 (+.2/same)
3. GH 0.48 (-.03/-.23)
4. DAYS 0.4 (-.04/-.23)

Monday: 1.95/2,698,000
Tuesday: 1.82/2,422,000
Wednesday: 1.75/2,493,000 (did not count)
Friday: 1.73/2,363,000

Monday: 1.95/2,698,000
Will and Sonny get into a heated argument when Will learns his husband has emptied out their shared bank account for more work on the club expansion. Meanwhile, Paul learns from Daniel his shoulder is far too damaged, and he'll never pitch again. Reeling, Paul goes to his hotel and tries to call Sonny. Will arrives, ready to resume work on the article. He realizes Paul is upset and offers to leave but an emotional Paul asks him to stay.
Gabi is thrown when Melanie visits her in prison. There's residual tension over everything Gabi put Melanie through... but eventually they bond, having both been victims of Nick. Later, Sonny arrives with Arianna, and Melanie's moved to see how much Gabi misses her daughter.
Jordan wakes up in Chad's arms, in bliss after the Christmas they shared. She then goes to the hospital and runs into Abigail. Jordan gets defensive when Abigail questions the wisdom of dating Chad. Earlier, Ben reiterates to Abigail that he doesn't trust Chad with his sister.
Rafe meets with Roman, who's received an anonymous letter detailing how Rafe covered up for Gabi after learning what she did to Melanie. When Rafe doesn't deny protecting his sister, Roman is forced to ask for his gun and badge. Later, Rafe runs into Daniel and lets him know he's been fired.
Kate meets with Clyde, intrigued to learn he's made an anonymous donation to a hospital charity. Clyde's larger agenda becomes clear when he reveals it's the charity Jordan recently started, and he's counting on Kate letting his stepdaughter know just where the money came from - accidentally, of course. Later, Kate encounters Chad and makes her feelings about his new girlfriend quite clear. At the same time, Ben meets up with Clyde, who gives Ben a treasured family heirloom.

Tuesday: 1.82/2,422,000
Paul confides to Will that he'll no longer be able to play baseball. Will is sympathetic, and when Paul worries about having to face the press, Will offers him a chance to tell his story the way he wants by including it the article. Paul agrees to think about it. Once Will leaves, Paul calls Sonny and asks to meet. Once they do, Paul confesses he's never stopped loving Sonny. He's finally willing to have the relationship Sonny's always wanted - no more hiding. But before Paul can explain that his career is over, Sonny insists he loves his husband and that will not change. He leaves Paul heartbroken. Meanwhile, Will confides to Marlena that he and Sonny have had a few misunderstandings. He also thinks he might be onto something big with his new article.
Kate warns Chad he is making a mistake by falling so hard for Jordan. Chad insists that's not what's happening. He later runs into Abigail, who wonders if Chad thinks Rafe is a threat. Chad laughs it off. Meanwhile, Melanie meets Jordan. Off her earlier conversation with Sonny, Melanie realizes Jordan is dating Chad and can't help but warn her about her ex-fiancé. Jordan gets defensive and they part on frosty terms. Later, Jordan coolly tells Chad she met Melanie.
Earlier, a strong Jordan convinces Abigail that people need to stop worrying about her; when it comes to Chad, she can take care of herself.
Hope learns Rafe has been removed from the Salem PD because he covered for Gabi. She offers him support, then directs him to Aiden for legal advice. Earlier, Aiden meets with Clyde, who wants to hire him to help make his anonymous donation. Later, Kate assures Clyde she'll make sure he gets credit for his generosity.
Earlier, John asks Marlena for a chance to start over - and hopes she'll be his New Year's date. He later runs into Hope, and he wishes her the best with Aiden.

Wednesday: 1.75/2,493,000
Paige calls JJ and demands he give her an explanation for their breakup. JJ reluctantly agrees but first must deal with Jennifer, who has overheard his phone call. Concerned, she presses him for details and becomes suspicious when JJ overreacts to her question of whether Eve has anything to do with it. Meanwhile, Paige argues with her mom before heading out to meet with JJ. At the park, JJ finally gets around to declaring he's not good enough for Paige. At the same time, Jennifer confronts Eve and warns her that she better not be responsible for her son's misery.
Nicole is excited when Daniel invites her out for New Year's Eve for their first date. But first, he questions if she's truly put Eric behind her. Nicole insists she has. Meanwhile, Eric and Serena make plans for their New Year's date, then Eric learns from Derrick the bellhop that Nicole snuck into Serena's room. Eric angrily confronts Nicole, then relays what happened to Serena. Meanwhile, Nicole storms over to Daniel's apartment to blast Melanie, believing she blabbed. Melanie insists she didn't tell anyone about Nicole being in Serena's hotel room - and both women are horrified when Daniel overhears. Earlier, Daniel informs Jennifer of his date with Nicole, and she sincerely wishes him the best.
Earlier, Melanie runs into Brady while visiting Maggie. Feeling awkward after their Christmas Eve moment, Melanie quickly makes excuses not to be around him. Later, Melanie runs into Eve, and they have a scratchy first encounter.
Chad confesses to Jordan about his past with Melanie - and takes full blame. At first it's unclear whether Jordan will walk away from their relationship - but she surprises Chad by making love to him.

Friday: 1.73/2,363,000
As 2014 in Salem comes to an end, Paige presses JJ about why he is breaking up with her - and he finally drops the bomb that he slept with someone else. Paige demands to know who JJ cheated with - and just when it looks as if JJ might reveal it was Eve, Rory interrupts.
Sonny gets more potential bad news about his club and tells Will that it could be what kills the project since they are out of money. Will gets a call from Paul, who insists they continue their interview. Will promises Sonny he will make it back in time to ring in the New Year with his husband. At the hotel room, Will shares a midnight toast with Paul, while Sonny is all alone when he gets the call that his new club is sunk.
Daniel blasts Nicole for sneaking into Serena's room and cancels their date. Meanwhile, Melanie vents to Brady her regret that she covered for Nicole and hurt her dad. At the same time, Eric apologizes to Serena for Nicole's actions and offers to help file a police report against his ex. Serena takes the high road, not wanting to ruin their New Year's date. As fireworks usher in 2015 with a bang, Melanie and Brady unexpectedly find themselves locked in a hot kiss, and Nicole runs into Serena.
I'm sure some of this has to do with traveling and the holiday, but I think it also has to do with the fact that DOOL just isn't interesting to probably the majority of folks who watch the soaps. And I know that B&B lately has had some dull moments as well.
When I was but a wee child, an older child, I loved being home around the holidays so I could watch Days with my mom and grandmother. But really, I was home this year on vacation and I didn't watch an entire show, there was no hope, no joy, no reason to watch.

I guess I just don't understand where Corday is taking this show because it's not headed down a road I have any particular desire to travel with him at this point. And it appears I'm not alone with that thought.