Ratings Report for the Week of December 1-5, 2014


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)
Total Viewers

1. Y&R 4,572,000 (-26,000/-415,000)
2. B&B 3,487,000 (-110,000/-341,000)
3. GH 2,965,000 (-18,000/-340,000)
4. DAYS 2,400,000 (-28,000/-280,000)

1. Y&R 3.36/11 (+.03/-.15)
2. B&B 2.59/9 (+.01/-.12)
3. GH 2.29/8 (+.05/-.12)
4. DAYS 1.85/6 (+.04/-.14)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 774,000 (+22,000/-57,000)
2. B&B 603,000 (+20,000/-74,000)
3. GH 577,000 (-35,000/-303,000)
4. DAYS 534,000 (-2,000/-125,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.21/9 (+.03/-.09)
2. B&B 0.94/7 (+.03/-.12)
3. GH 0.90/6 (-.06/-.47)
4. DAYS 0.83/6 (-.01/-.2)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 240,000 (+39,000/-18,000)
2. GH 181,000 (-18,000/-108,000)
3. B&B 166,000 (-20,000/-44,000)
4. DAYS 129,000 (-1,000/-114,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.71 (+.12/-.05)
2. GH 0.53 (-.06/-.33)
3. B&B 0.49 (-.06/-.22)
4. DAYS 0.38 (same/-.34)

Monday: 1.98/2,600,000
Tuesday: 1.85/2,481,000
Wednesday: 1.85/2,376,000
Thursday: 1.76/2,316,000
Friday: 1.78/2,226,000

Monday: 1.98/2,600,000
Marlena calls Will in Hollywood and lectures him about not making time for Gabi and Sonny. Will gets defensive but promises to send Gabi some photos and videos of Arianna. He goes back to work only to be harassed by Lucas, who has been pressured by Adrienne to call and find out what is going on between him and Sonny. Will finally calls Sonny and angrily accuses his husband of bad-mouthing him to everyone. Looking for Abigail, Melanie walks in on a naked Ben, who is just out of the shower. Ben rushes to put his clothes back on when Abigail returns, and the two women have a happy reunion. Melanie warns that Chad may have gotten Abigail her job back, but he is still not to be trusted. Abigail then goes to work, where she has another run-in with Theresa and Anne. Theresa continues to pursue Paul with Anne's help. Jordan tells Chad she is over Rafe, and it's clear where her heart now lies as they share a kiss. Stefano calls Chad and reminds his son he can't afford for Jordan to know he's using her. Later, Chad runs into Marlena, who inquires how he is handling EJ's death. Chad then tries to provoke Ben into another fight. Jordan informs Ben that it was Kate who brought Clyde to Salem. She then goes to Clyde's hotel room to give him a piece of her mind - and is stunned to find he and Kate have just made love. Adrienne is thrown when she sees a familiar face in town.

Tuesday: 1.85/2,481,000
Melanie and Brady have a warm reunion. She invites him back to her place, where she is also reunited with Victor. Brady cuts off his grandfather before the man can go on a rant about Theresa and privately warns him to stop bad-mouthing his ex. At the same time, Daniel and Maggie continue to question Melanie about her sudden decision to return to Salem. Later, a worried Melanie goes online and assures herself she's in the clear. However, Daniel then gets a call from a mysterious woman who asks for Melanie. At Clyde's hotel room, Jordan and Clyde have an ugly argument as Kate listens in from the bathroom. Jordan demands her stepfather leave town but he refuses. After Jordan leaves, Kate and Clyde discuss his future plans. Meanwhile, Chad provides comfort to an upset Jordan. Adrienne fishes for information from Sonny. Victor breaks up a near fight between Chad and Ben, then has a few choice words for Chad about his business partnership with Sonny. Chad warns Victor to stay out of it. Paul continues to charm and impress Abigail. Later, Abigail urges Ben not to get riled up by Chad - nothing will come between them.

Wednesday: 1.85/2,376,000
Melanie literally runs into Theresa and although things start out sketchy, the two women soon bond. However, they don't catch each other's names before Melanie leaves. Meanwhile, Daniel receives a call from Kelly, who asks if Melanie is there. Daniel, twigging to her odd behavior, hangs up without giving away any information. After conferring with Maggie, Daniel questions Melanie about it. She covers her panic and is then relieved that her dad didn't tell the woman she was in town. She gives him a cover story, which he doesn't quite buy. In private, she fears "they" have found her.
Eve grills Paige about JJ, and Paige convinces her mom she's giving him space. Meanwhile, Jennifer tells JJ she wants him to see a professional to deal with his issues regarding his dad. JJ agrees, then meets Paige in secret. He tells her he wants to keep seeing her - but it must remain a secret. She agrees but the couple doesn't realize Eve has overheard - and is not happy. Earlier, Brady asks Eric to look out for Theresa. Later, Brady runs into Theresa, and she is stung to learn Brady is meeting with an "old friend" - a female one (Melanie). Meanwhile, Eric runs into Eve and they share a laugh. Nicole interrupts and reiterates what Daniel told him the other day - that she and Daniel are just friends. Eric claims he doesn't care but it's clear he and Nicole still have unresolved feelings for each other. Adrienne admits to Sonny she knows about his secret and gives him stern advice.

Thursday: 1.76/2,316,000
Jennifer runs into Paige and voices her hope that she and JJ can work things out. Meanwhile, JJ encounters Eve and fears she may be on to the fact that he's still secretly seeing Paige. Eve meets up with Theresa and asks her sister to help with a lie about Shane's health. Later, JJ shows up at Paige's door - only to learn from a gleeful Theresa that Eve has whisked her daughter off to California. Jordan drops a bomb on Rafe: Kate is the one who brought Clyde to Salem. Rafe goes off and confronts Kate. Meanwhile, Jordan bristles when Abigail makes a snide remark about Chad. Earlier, Ben and Abigail "work out" together, and when Ben later sees Chad talking with Abigail at the hospital, he doesn't let it push his buttons. He then confronts Clyde for lying about how Kate led him to Salem. As Hope and Aiden work a food bank table in the square, Hope learns Aiden grew up poor. She later overhears Chase say that all of Aiden's money came from Chase's mom. Meanwhile, a strange old woman recognizes Aiden and claims she knows that he did a bad, bad thing.

Friday: 1.78/2,226,000
Daniel questions Melanie's anxious state but she covers. Later, Melanie jumps when there's a knock at the door but she's relieved it's just Serena Mason, her friend from Europe. They have a brief reunion, then Serena goes to the hospital, where she recognizes Marlena from a distance. Meanwhile, Melanie convinces herself she's let her imagination run away with her and that no one is after her. She meets Brady in the square - then bolts when she spies the mystery woman. Nicole witnesses Kelly and her associate chase Melanie. As the two corner her in the park, Daniel returns home and finds some papers his daughter inadvertently left out. He reacts, realizing why she'd been lying to him. Hope's thrown to learn Aiden married into all his wealth and is even more thrown when Chase admits his father made him promise never to discuss it. At the same time, Aiden has a disturbing encounter with a homeless woman, who insists she knows the "terrible thing" he did. Abe comes to the rescue - the woman is well-known for being a little disturbed - and Aiden stuffs his unease when Hope and Chase arrive. Hope and Aiden steal some alone time to make love, and afterwards she opens up about what she'd heard. Aiden easily explains and Hope puts her questions aside... but later Aiden is clearly uneasy. Chad's curious about Kate's relationship with Clyde and warns her not to trust the man. A defiant Kate isn't interested in his opinion and ruffles his feathers when she expresses doubt that Rafe has given up on Jordan. Elsewhere, Stefano is shown pictures of Kate and Clyde in a close moment. He calls her and manages to rattle her cage a little. Rafe comes to Jordan, now fully caught up on how Kate pulled strings behind his back to bring Jordan - and later, Clyde - to Salem. Jordan insists she's not letting Clyde's presence drive her away... but she's not staying because of Rafe, either. Rafe is concerned about her involvement with Chad. Later, Jordan and Chad share a little romance.
Thanks for posting this. I just wonder how the ratings would have gone should the decision to go with existing actors leading the new stories with just one or two new folks rather than front loading a bunch of newbies that frankly I haven't come to love and hold in the same manner as the vets? But we shall never know.
The only big difference with all the soaps losing viewers is, GH, Y&R, and B&B can afford to lose viewers, DAYS can't! They have been in the basement for a long time!
Thanks for posting.

Will the people at Days notice? Do they even care?