Ratings Report for the Week of August 4-8, 2014


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Jan 24, 2013
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Ratings Report for the Week of August 4-8, 2014

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings (Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,438,000 (+57,000/-82,000)
2. B&B 3,522,000 (+75,000/+77,000)
3. GH 2,805,000 (-63,000/+345,000)
4. DAYS 2,404,000 (+48,000/+8,000)

1. Y&R 3.2/11 (same/-.1)
2. B&B 2.6/8 (same/+.1)
3. GH 2.1/7 (same/+.2)
4. DAYS 1.8/6 (same/same)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 673,000 (-49,000/-113,000)
2. GH 602,000 (+27,000/+25,000)
3. B&B 591,000 (-10,000/-76,000)
4. DAYS 549,000 (+20,000/+23,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.1/8 (same/-.1)
2. B&B 0.9/7 (same/-.1)
2. GH 0.9/7 (same/same)
2. DAYS 0.9/6 (+.1/+.1)

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 179,000 (-14,000/-66,000)
2. GH 178,000 (+16,000/-17,000)
3. B&B 167,000 (+12,000/-33,000)
4. DAYS 147,000 (+12,000/-2,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. B&B 0.5 (same/-.1)
1. GH 0.5 (same/-.1)
1. Y&R 0.5 (-.1/-.2)
4. DAYS 0.4 (same/same)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,038,000 (-41,000/-75,000)
2. B&B 851,000 (+15,000/-75,000)
3. GH 797,000 (+18,000/+35,000)
4. DAYS 690,000 (+4,000/+28,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.7 (-.1/-.1)
2. B&B 1.4 (same/-.1)
3. GH 1.3 (same/same)
4. DAYS 1.1 (same/same)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 1.8/2,247,000
Tuesday: 1.9/2,476,000
Wednesday: 1.9/2,550,000
Thursday: 1.8/2,436,000
Friday: 1.8/2,310,000

08/04, Monday: 1.8/2,247,000
Kristen's men are closing in, but Daniel is able to keep her hidden. Kristen insists she's the only one who can save Brady, but Daniel balks at this, especially when it was her actions that caused him to fall off the wagon. She warns he'll never get out of the building alive, but Daniel is determined. Theresa, trying to assuage her guilt, shows up with annulment papers for Brady. Brady questions her about the night he hit his father, and she maintains he acted in self-defense. She wonders if she and Brady can ever be friends again, and he explains it's not possible. Eric and Nicole find themselves on the same plane to Rome, and Eric lays into her, saying her betrayal is worse than anything Kristen did to him. Nicole thinks maybe it was a mistake for her to fly halfway around the world to help him. Ben comes clean with JJ about his and Jordan's past. JJ understands but warns that Ben better not hurt his sister. At the same time, Sami tells Jordan that Rafe cheated on her with Kate. Upset, Jordan runs out, and Abigail lays into Sami, calling her a monster. Later, Abigail returns to Club TBD, where she's forced to tell JJ she lost her job because of Sami. JJ later runs into Sami and rips into her. Meanwhile, Ben gives Abigail a sweet gift he made. Jordan confronts Rafe about his affair and is devastated when he admits it's true. Privately thrilled, Kate "accidentally" makes things worse, and Jordan rushes out in tears.

08/05, Tuesday: 1.9/2,476,000
Eric weighs his feelings for Nicole and for God. Later, he heads out to meet with the cardinal and finds himself face-to-face with Nicole. Jordan lays into Rafe - she's not sure if she can ever get over him sleeping with Kate. She makes a slip about Sami, which causes Rafe to realize his ex had something to do with the truth coming out. Meanwhile, Sami calls Kate out, yet again, on her feelings for Rafe. Later, Kate informs EJ he's lost yet another business that will take away vital cash flow. EJ darkens and warns that Kate has left him no choice. Kate then runs into Jordan, who goes on the attack. Earlier, EJ tries to explain himself to Will and reiterates how much he loves Sami. It makes Will question the story he's been paid to write. Meanwhile, Sonny tries to convince Victor to call off his editor, but Victor suggests Sonny let the chips fall where they may. Sonny goes home and learns Will's having second thoughts. However, Adrienne then calls and reveals how Sami went off on her. Will decides it's full steam ahead. Earlier, Adrienne tells Abigail she's furious about Sami causing Abigail to lose her job. Abigail is a good sport, but it's clear she's worried about her future. Afterwards, Adrienne visits Sami, who goes on the attack when Adrienne tries to defend Abigail. Sami then makes false accusations that Justin and Kayla had an affair. Meanwhile, Ben and Abigail share a warm kiss, until Abigail opens her eyes and is startled to see Clyde nearby.

08/06, Wednesday: 1.9/2,550,000
The tension is heavy as Nicole and Eric finally speak to the cardinal. Nicole expresses her regret that the Church might be punishing Eric for her sins. After hearing her testimony, the cardinal asks Nicole to leave, then tells Eric his decision: he's allowing Eric to return to the priesthood. Sami assumes Rafe has come by because he wants her back. She won't let him get a word in as she takes a trip down memory lane about their marriage. Rafe is incredulous and finally reveals he came to ask if Kate told her about his indiscretion. Sami tells him what she overheard. Meanwhile, Jordan attacks Kate, warning she'll never get Rafe back. Kate goes home and observes to Sami that people don't stray if the relationship they have is solid. This resonates with Sami, and Kate wonders if she's having second thoughts about EJ. EJ overhears this and is hopeful. Earlier, EJ makes a deal with Victor. He gives him information about the companies Victor acquired from Kate in exchange for some shady contacts. Victor warns EJ he's heading down a dangerous path. Ben rebuffs Clyde, who turns on the charm for Abigail. Abigail wonders if it's possible Clyde is really trying with Ben, but Ben doesn't trust him. Later, Clyde counts ill-gotten money from Jeremiah. Meanwhile, Jordan confesses to Ben that Rafe cheated on her with Kate. Abigail unsuccessfully tries to stop Rafe from interrupting the brother and sister, and Ben ends up punching him.

08/07, Thursday: 1.8/2,436,000
Eric admits to the cardinal that while he desperately wants to be a priest again, he knows that's not possible when he harbors such hatred and lust for Nicole. Later, he runs into Nicole and angrily reveals he is not going back into the priesthood. EJ is hopeful when he overhears Sami telling Kate she's having doubts about her anger towards EJ. But before he can walk in and capitalize on her softening feelings, he's called away. During that time, Kate reminds Sami that EJ will betray her time and again should she forgive him. Later, EJ is surprised and disappointed when his overture is rebuffed by Sami. He then meets with a new contact about expanding his shady business. Ben physically attacks Rafe for hurting Jordan. Abigail and Jordan manage to break things up, and Jordan takes Rafe to the pub to tend to his injuries. He tries to explain his actions, but Jordan gets angry when he defends Kate. She storms out, leaving a heartbroken Rafe behind. Meanwhile, Ben admits to Abigail that Clyde used to beat his mom and Jordan. He's worried he'll end up like his father but Abigail assures him he's different. Aiden informs Jennifer that there will be a ruling on the summary judgment today. In court, the judge rejects the filing - but warns Eve her case may not hold up during trial. A worried Eve returns home to Paige, who thinks she has an idea of how to solve their money problems. Meanwhile, JJ blurts to Jennifer that he loves Paige. Earlier, off a conversation with Eve, Paige makes JJ promise never to lie to her.

08/08, Friday: 1.8/2,310,000
Daniel's determined to get Kristen back to Salem to answer for what she did to Eric. She makes a surprisingly emotional confession about why she went to such extremes. Daniel manages to get them in the back of a moving truck, away from her thugs and - with any luck - back to Salem. Nicole is rocked when Eric reveals he was offered his position back in the priesthood. An emotional, tortured Eric says he has lost his vocation, and he hates her for what she did to him. Nicole reels. Marlena tracks down Theresa, certain she knows more about the night John was injured than she's saying. Theresa sticks to her story, increasingly uneasy. Brady and Marlena meet with Kayla to discuss John's case. They are rocked to learn the hospital is advising John be moved to a long-term care facility - in effect, they're giving up hope. Marlena isn't prepared to do that and neither is Brady. Later, Eve reaches out to Brady. Theresa spies them together and instantly hates what she sees. Earlier, Paige tells Eve she wants to defer going to Stanford for a year to stay in Salem and support Eve during the trial. Eve vehemently objects to the idea and refuses to discuss it further. Eve makes a beeline for JJ and tells him about Paige's offer. She insists he tell Paige it's nonsense. JJ does as he's told but gets a shock when Paige tells him it's too late. Paige already notified Stanford - she's staying. Earlier, JJ tells Jennifer he's in love with Paige. She's supportive and promises she will do all she can to not let her situation with Eve affect them. Later, Jennifer meets with Aiden about the case - and he promises not only to be her lawyer, but her friend.
