Ratings Report for the Week of August 25-29, 2014


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Jan 23, 2008
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Ouch for Days. Not sure from what site ImissTony retrieves the daily summaries, but everything went downhill from Monday (which should have been a Friday episode based on current schedule).

Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,425,000 (-43,000/-193,000)
2. B&B 3,463,000 (-27,000/-129,000)
3. GH 2,872,000 (+92,000/+199,000)
4. DAYS 2,247,000 (-143,000/-172,000)

1. Y&R 3.3/11 (same/same)
2. B&B 2.6/9 (same/same)
3. GH 2.2/7 (+.1/+.1)
4. DAYS 1.8/6 (same/same)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 757,000 (-9,000/-1,000)
2. GH 640,000 (+29,000/+4,000)
3. B&B 613,000 (+13,000/-52,000)
4. DAYS 478,000 (-12,000/-51,000)

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.2/9 (same/same)
2. B&B 1.0/7 (+.1/same)
2. GH 1.0/7 (same/same)
4. DAYS 0.7/5 (-.1/-.1) <—— ties low

Women 18-34 Viewers
1. Y&R 195,000 (+25,000/-8,000)
2. GH 172,000 (+3,000/-51,000)
3. B&B 171,000 (+25,000/-15,000)
4. DAYS 118,000 (-16,000/-40,000)

Women 18-34 Rating
1. Y&R 0.6 (+.1/same)
2. GH 0.5 (same/-.2)
2. B&B 0.5 (+.1/-.1)
4. DAYS 0.4 (same/-.1)

Women 25-54 Viewers
1. Y&R 1,150,000 (-26,000/+53,000)
2. B&B 892,000 (-2,000/-45,000)
3. GH 848,000 (+50,000/-16,000)
4. DAYS 638,000 (-30,000/-35,000)

Women 25-54 Rating
1. Y&R 1.9 (same/+.1)
2. B&B 1.5 (same/same)
3. GH 1.4 (+.1/same)
4. DAYS 1.0 (-.1/-.1)
Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers

Monday: 2.0/2,607,000
Tuesday: 1.8/2,227,000
Wednesday: 1.6/2,031,000
Thursday: 1.7/2,279,000
Friday: 1.7/2,092,000

Read more: Ratings: Good Week For GH - Soap Opera Network http://www.soapoperanetwork.com/2014/09/ratings-good-week-gh-2#ixzz3CZqx3GAL
Monday: 2.0/2,607,000
Kristen corners Brady in the park and tells him she wants to make things right. Brady blasts her for all she did to ruin his life. She sees his pain over John and gets an idea. Later, she shows up at John's bedside. Earlier, Marlena and Roman search for Brady to warn him Kristen is free, but they can't find him. Meanwhile, Nicole tells Eric she's not covering the Sami/EJ/Abigail story, even though her boss is demanding it. Eric is unimpressed, and when Marlena calls, he takes off to try to warn Brady about Kristen. Nicole follows him to the Kiriakis mansion, where Eric blasts her. He warns her to stay away from him, and they have a huge, electric moment. Sami asks EJ for help - things are falling apart at the company, and she can't hold them together anymore. EJ can't believe after all she's done to destroy his life, she'd expect him to help, and he walks out on her. Abigail angrily confronts Will about the article. Meanwhile, Sonny tries to defend Will's actions to Lucas and later Abigail. Sonny tells Abigail he feels responsible for this whole turn of events because he asked Victor to get Will the job. Sonny then tells Abigail it was Sami, not Will, who gave Abigail's name to the editor. At the same time, Lucas tries to comfort Will and reveals Victor is the owner of Truvista. Will puts two and two together and confronts Sonny for treating him like a child. Meanwhile, Abigail arrives at the DiMera mansion and slaps Sami.

Tuesday: 1.8/2,227,000
After getting slapped, Sami shoves Abigail and snaps that she's still the same wimpy girl she was before she slept with EJ. However, Abigail fires back and threatens to call Shin and tell him Sami has been lying to him. Abigail agrees not to talk to the board - if Sami agrees that her revenge against Abigail is over. Later, Abigail surprises Ben with a goodnight kiss. Meanwhile, Sami assumes EJ wants back in her bed in exchange for his help with the company. But all EJ wants is another chance to win back her heart - and Sami reluctantly agrees. Earlier, EJ confronts Victor about his ownership of Truvista Magazine. Will blasts Sonny for having Victor pull strings to get him the magazine gig. Sonny calls Will on how turned on he seemed over bringing down his mother and EJ. Will storms out and ends up getting advice from Marlena. Meanwhile, Sonny warns Victor that Will discovered the truth. Daniel catches Kristen in John's room, and she asks for a chance to talk. Kristen snidely thanks him for bringing her back to Salem - things are working out for her better than she could have ever imagined. Shaken off his encounter with Kristen, Brady briefly considers drinking but ultimately stays strong. He offers his support to Maggie regarding Abigail. Later, Brady rushes to John's side when Daniel tells him of Kristen's visit. As the two men try to figure out what she is up to, Kristen sends John's medical records to an unknown person.

Wednesday: 1.6/2,031,000
JJ asks Hope for gift advice for Aiden and finds it odd when she curtly says she can't help him. Later, Aiden and Hope get into it over a small police matter, and Aiden wants to know why they always end up yelling at each other. Hope then goes for a run and gets a cramp. Aiden happens upon her and, after some hesitation, offers his help. Paige recruits JJ to help her move some of her and her mom's things. JJ finds something Paige's father gave her, which leads to an emotional moment. They bond and begin to make out. Theresa interrupts, and JJ leaves, not wanting to cause any trouble. Theresa offers Paige some unwanted advice about boys. Meanwhile, Eve and Jennifer clash. Eve then goes to the Horton house and runs into JJ, who wonders what Theresa told Eve. Earlier, Theresa is caught bad-mouthing Abigail, and Jennifer takes her to task. Clyde approaches Rafe and Kate. He pretends he doesn't know Kate in front of Rafe, then urges Rafe not to give up on Jordan. Later, it's clear a smitten Clyde has designs, professionally and personally, on Kate. Jordan offers to help Abigail with a potential job, even though she'll have to ask Rafe for a favor. She then runs into Rafe and he is more than happy to oblige - he's just thrilled she's talking to him. At the same time, Abigail helps Ben clean out a storeroom, and the two manage to get trapped inside.

Thursday: 1.7/2,279,000
Abigail accidentally locks herself and Ben in the club's storage unit. They make the most of their intimate time together, and things start to heat up. Suddenly, Abigail remembers being in a similar clinch with EJ, and she tenses up. EJ has kept his end of the "bargain" - reaching out to DiMera board members and reassuring them all is fine with Sami - and now it's time for Sami to keep her end of the bargain and join EJ for lunch. As they eat, the wall starts to come down between them, but before this can go further, she gets a message on her phone and reacts. Hope has cramped up after a run, and Aiden insists on helping massage her leg. Aiden finally admits his attraction to her. He quickly adds he knows she is happy in her marriage, and he's not looking for a relationship, not with anyone. Hope is surprised and a little relieved. Aiden confides his marriage wasn't a happy one, and he's been full of regret since his wife died. He wasn't a good husband. Paige is annoyed when Theresa insists that once Paige sleeps with JJ, he'll disappear. Meanwhile, Eve encounters JJ, who at first he fears Theresa has blabbed about him and Paige getting hot and heavy. Once he realizes Eve is in the dark, he relaxes a bit. Eve sees his guitar and challenges him to play something and is surprised at the talent he displays. Eve's reservations about him start to melt and they even perform a duet - Eve knowing she'll never really be able to sing again until she has that surgery. Later, Theresa visits her sister, and when Eve expresses some optimism about JJ, Theresa sets her straight, revealing what she saw between JJ and Paige. Eve is resolved: JJ has got to go.

Friday: 1.7/2,092,000
Abigail gets an unexpected reminder of EJ and shuts down with Ben. Ben worries he's done something wrong, and that's when they're finally rescued by T. Abigail, flustered, makes a fast exit, and Ben is even more confused. Later, Abigail runs into Jordan, and she realizes she must go back and clear things up with Ben. She starts to do just that, but EJ arrives. Ben finds them together, and before Abigail can clarify her feelings, he takes off. Sami gets an alarming message about Stefano and abandons her lunch with EJ without explanation. She tracks down Kate and warns that Stefano has cut a deal with the authorities and may be soon on his way back to Salem. Worried about his plans for them, they go to the police station and alert Rafe. He learns strings were likely pulled - Stefano could be back in Salem almost immediately. Will opens up to Sonny that he's always felt inadequate compared to him, and so when he got the job writing for that magazine, it was something he could point to as an accomplishment. Now he's learned it isn't true, and that's why he's upset. Sonny tries to assure Will he got the job because of his talent but Will isn't buying it. The rift between them remains. Later, Will confides in T. Rafe informs Jordan he tried to put in a good word for Abigail with his friend, but the job was already filled. Clyde watches and realizes Jordan is softening towards Rafe. Later, Clyde seeks out his stepdaughter and manages to rattle her when he tells her Rafe introduced him to Kate Roberts. Victor lets Maggie know that the article blasting EJ and Sami was his idea - he owns the magazine that published it, and he told the editor to go for it. He didn't know Abigail would be named but that doesn't lessen his guilt. Maggie is furious, but they work through it.

Just when you think the ratings can't get any worse. It is like since they got the Emmy last year and were renewed until September 2016, that TPTB have given up on the show and just lets this drivel come out without trying to change anything to make it better.
Maybe the viewers of DAYS are getting tired of "garbage in" and "garbage out"! Everyone that takes a breath everyday knows that Kristen won't pay for her crimes, the "golden couple" will get back together. Dr. Tan will continue to solve crimes, save lives, be father of the year, etc. They wasted a year on Rafe/Jordan for I love you, a kiss, and a roll in the hay, viewers don't care anymore. When you know the outcome why watch? When they surprise the viewers like with EJ/Abby ratings went up, but you can't do it once a year and expect to hold the viewers interest until next year!

I have this vision of Ej, Sami, and Kristen cardboard cut-outs when they are gone, so TIIC can still feature them everyday!
I'm glad Monday pulled in good ratings, and am not surprised. That cliffhanger on Friday was pretty good, and Monday wasn't a bad show.

The rest of the week, especially Wednesday (minus the slap/showdown), was incredibly boring. Eve, Kristen, Daniel & Jennifer, Sami & EJ...NOBODY CARES! When will the writers get it through their heads?! I hope they do sometime soon, because this show is in desperate need of a shot in the arm, and Kristen ain't cutting it!

The soap has been at the bottom of the ratings competition for years, story lines drag out endlessly, and there are just too many villains/newbies on the show. What we like are surprises (Abby-EJ), realistic and beautiful love stories (Hope & Aiden), and story lines involving the vets (Kayla's recent scenes where she is actually doing her job as a doctor).

If the writers/suits can pick up certain snarky one-liners we write on message boards and have characters use them on-screen, surely they are able to pick up on what the audience likes and what we don't!