Rapemance on Soap Operas


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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I found this article on My Earthlink Home Page.
Very Interesting.
The USA is not the only country that has rapemances on their Soaps.


Just thought it was an article that some of you soapies would find very interesting.

PS: not sure what forum this should be in and hope it is ok to post a URL of an article.
If not can JS or Poirot or Sparks please make it right?
Thank you so very much for posting. A good article to read, though some viewpoints there were disturbing.

I think this is very important. I agree that everyone has a right to an opinion, but I just hate it when people say "it's just a soap" when I, or others, criticize the EJ-Sami rapemance. What's next? Someone rapping (or maybe even singing) will talk about raping someone, and instead of being outraged, people will just say "who cares; it's just a song"? If we continue to numb ourselves to things like that and normalize rape or other such serious topics, people will think it is acceptable to do that and/or victim blame. If the soaps wanted to do a rape story to address how serious the topic is, and follow through with the victim pressing charges and all that, it would be different. No doubt a sad and moving storyline, but important. No reason to make it 'romantic' at all!
I'm not reading it but thanks for posting. It's only a soap opera yes but society often follows the lead of television and fiction. Young girls watch soaps as do teenagers and young adults. What kind of example does watching a rapemance give them?
Or even in actual videos! We now see things like "WW2 and Vietnam in Color!" or beheading videos of Westerners by ISIS barbarians. I'd never watch something like that, but some people do and it desensitizes them. I can understand certain horrible things that are broadcast because it is breaking news (9/11, the Shock and Awe Iraq campaign) but there is no reason to put up beheading videos and such for the public to see. It is very disrespectful to the families of the victims.
Or even in actual videos! We now see things like "WW2 and Vietnam in Color!" or beheading videos of Westerners by ISIS barbarians. I'd never watch something like that, but some people do and it desensitizes them. I can understand certain horrible things that are broadcast because it is breaking news (9/11, the Shock and Awe Iraq campaign) but there is no reason to put up beheading videos and such for the public to see. It is very disrespectful to the families of the victims.

Glad I'm old. When I watched Ken Burns Civil War, I was brought to tears. Ditto any other war. Not the subject here, but made me think of it. I have said the soaps could show how to save a marriage, instead always leading to divorce. Also the proper way to solve other situations.
I've always had issues with "rapemance" ever since Luke and Laura on General Hospital. I know they played with revisionist history to make it more like a seduction in later years, and then brought it back up as a rape later on (about 15 years ago). TPTB on that show revised things in flashbacks and history because the pairing resonated with viewers, people loved them as a couple (so did I, I'll admit it). Those in charge here probably were hoping for the same thing...
On General Hospital, Luke's rape of Laura was always portrayed as such. And he kept pushing her away (at first) saying he wasn't good enough to be with her because of the rape. It was dealt with and brought up frequently. Then, after they worked through it all, it was still mentioned. Decades later, it came up again, when their son found out about it.
To a point, JustSamanta, I did mis-speak... and not. On GH they kind of recut the scenes so that the flashbacks looked more like a seduction than a rape, no matter what they called it. That way it wasn't as shocking even when it was brought up in the intervening "supercouple" years (before Lucky found out)
I grew up watching Tarzan, yet I never wanted to swing through trees. I loved all "The Godfather" movies but I didn't want to kill anyone. Gone With the Wind was a spectacular movie and I watched it MANY times, but I don't want to wear corsets and big hoop skirts and I certainly don't want to use a chamber pot. Tombstone was a wonderfully romantic yet violet movie but it was great.

I watch a lot of things but that doesn't mean I let fantasy guide my own actions. I believe entertainment is just that and nothing more. Everyone has their own opinion, but I was raised to make smart decisions and never follow what I knew was wrong. If I don't like something on TV I just turn it off. That's just my opinion.
I grew up watching Tarzan, yet I never wanted to swing through trees. I loved all "The Godfather" movies but I didn't want to kill anyone. Gone With the Wind was a spectacular movie and I watched it MANY times, but I don't want to wear corsets and big hoop skirts and I certainly don't want to use a chamber pot. Tombstone was a wonderfully romantic yet violet movie but it was great.

I watch a lot of things but that doesn't mean I let fantasy guide my own actions. I believe entertainment is just that and nothing more. Everyone has their own opinion, but I was raised to make smart decisions and never follow what I knew was wrong. If I don't like something on TV I just turn it off. That's just my opinion.

Because your were raised right, these things don't influence you. Not everyone is, and they see things in a different light. I don't know how affected people are, but I know my kids (ALL over 50) think differently about TV shows and other things than I do.
Award-winning director Sitthiwat Tappan even describes some rape scenes as a sort of public service.
ehh well That could be said for any story if you reaaaally wanna say that ..but I wouldn't.
The difference in Luke Spencer and EJ Dimera is Luke was truly sorry and NEVER did anything physically to hurt Laura again.

@ Days Degrassi there are songs like that sadly. That hideous Robin Thicke song "Blurred lines" could be interpreted that way although it was insisted by Pharrell (co-writer) that it wasn't. In my opinion its still sick :sick: