Prayers please for child with a brain tumor

Was just stopping in to report, JS. I've been on the phone since I left work trying to learn what is going on. The grandmother's sister called me trying to find a newer cell phone number for the dad. The one the grandmother (who doesn't have a cell phone herself) gave her was no longer in service. I have his work cell number at my desk since he works for our agency, but couldn't drive back to my office in the dark. Ended up getting my boss on the phone who got the number for me. After relaying it, I'm now waiting for a call back from the great aunt.

The surgery is at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. It is east of State College (Penn State) and north of Hershey.
Thank you all for the prayers, but please keep them coming for Savannah.

I just got off the phone from receiving and making more calls.

The surgery did not happen today. Savannah was transferred from the children's hospital to Geisinger Medical Center yesterday for the surgery that was supposed to happen today. When the surgeon went over all of her tests this morning, he didn't like something he saw. Plus now the pressure on her brain is rising too high. The surgeon is going to drill a hole in her skull tomorrow morning in an attempt to bring it down. Then they're going to use some new fangled super MRI to get a closer look at the tumor which is at the base of her brain. If any part of the tumor is wrapped around or has entered the top of her spinal column, the surgeon said he will not be able to operate.
rs, thanks for the update on Savannah.

God please help the doctors tomorrow when they examine Savannah.
Please give Savannah and her family a miracle. Thank you
An update on Savannah.......

She had a horrible reaction to the morphine that she was given last night for pain. They had to counter that with other medications to fight the awful side effects, and find something else to help with the pain. Because of all that, she is now in ICU. The surgeon had to postpone the procedure today that was to help reduce the pressure on her brain. He still had the super duper MRI done, and didn't like what he saw. However, he thinks they may be able to go ahead with removing the brain tumor on Friday. No one should have to go through this let alone a 13 year old who has yet to experience so much in life.
Oh my gosh that poor girl... continued prayers for her and her family.
Poor little thing. She's the same age as my youngest daughter and far too young to be going through this. I can't imagine what the family is going through right now. Continuing to pray.

Savannah's surgery started yesterday afternoon, and didn't finish until late last night. The surgeon was able to remove 85% of the brain tumor that turned out to be malignant. They will now try to shrink the remaining 15% with chemo and radiation.

The doctors told the family that they're very encouraged because her speech and motor skills were already returning this morning.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support for this sweet girl. Please keep them coming since she has more ahead with her treatments and healing.