Possible storylines


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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JasonDiSpeech started a thread about a possible link between Jordan & John....a storyline he invented. But it got me thinking about what might be "good stuff".

Caroline has Alzheimer's and has been managing pretty well. Better than friends of mine who had it. So, it seems it would be time for Caroline to become even more forgetful. Perhaps forgetting an ingredient for her famous chowder. Forgetting to order supplies, pay her taxes. This would have to have her children/grandchildren rally up to take up the slack. Either hire a manager, have Caroline "retire" with a companion, which would make her cranky beyond belief, but would be necessary. Not know the names of her children, or not recognizing them. Sell the Pub, bring in other family (hey Belle & Shawn D) to take over. Even Kim & Shane..!)

And then Lucas. Can he cut those apron strings, work for someone else, get involved with Eve maybe, or how about Anne? Lucas is very able and experienced in handling out of control females (Sami, Nicole).

Bet you have an idea or two on what could be good story.
I like the idea of Caroline's Alzheimer's getting worse. It would give Kayla and Roman more to do/more airtime. Similarly, I'd also like to see a storyline involving Theo's autism. That would possibly bring Maxine into the picture to help find someone he could talk to, like a specialist, and she can bond with Abe more, as he'd have more screentime. These are pretty realistic storylines that have nothing to do with conniving or having sex, and they also involve family. I think we need more storylines like this.

I'd also like to see Lucas working for Victor and Brady somehow. Maybe he could be the one investigating Clyde, as he'd be interested in stopping his mother from seeing him (By the way, we still haven't seen Lucas interact with Clyde, or react to his mother seeing him). But also, it would allow Lucas to possibly end up getting closer to Jordan, maybe saving her, and they could end up as a couple. And a twist could be that Jordan has also gotten close to Lucas' boss, Brady, and there's an attraction there...a good ol' fashioned love triangle, but one that would be difficult to determine who to root for. Both guys have made mistakes, but deep down are good people. Jordan could be someone who could tone Brady down a few notches, but she's also developed a friendship with Lucas, and they already know each other, so...

I'd like to see Abigail do some investigating with Nicole and somehow uncover that Eve was the one who hired Jill to drug JJ, and reveal it. It would give both women a storyline--we all know how Abby needs something to do besides have sex with Ben. In addition, the fallout from such a reveal would be delicious--especially considering how both JJ and Eve still have to keep quiet about their romp.

edited to write out text-speak phrase....JS
Belle and Shawn come back to Salem. I'd like for Shawn to be a cop but I'd like for Belle to work for Basic Black and go up against Kate. Belle also sets her brother Brady straight and the 2 of the work together to reunite their parents. Meanwhile, Shawn does not like Aiden and Ciara does not like Claire. Fun times at the Hope home set which we finally see again.

Eric starts to take on a larger role at the Brady Pub in addition to photography. One night one of Clyde's deals goes wrong and Nicole ends up being shot. This causes Eric to re-evaluate. After some much needed therapy, he discovers he has been clinically depressed all along as a result of PTSD from both the rape and his time in Africa. He forgives Nicole and apologizes profusely and repeatedly for his actions. He also shares the findings from his therapy with her, all while she is in a coma. Eric eventually brings her out of the coma and they reunite, marry and have a baby. Nicole keeps her reporter job but also helps out at the Pub, thus allowing her and Eric to interact with other characters.

Sheryl returns to Salem with Lucas' baby. She hid her pregnancy those times he went to Houston. It turns out Sheryl is Serena's sister as well. Allie also decides that she'd rather live with Lucas so she too returns to Salem. Lucas has hands full between this and Will and Sonny.

Kim and Shane return to Salem permanently as does Andrew Donovan who immediately sets his sights on Melanie. Shane is recurring so we don't see him as much as Kim.

Rafe and Jordan reunite briefly but she ends up accidentally killed in a struggle with Clyde. Sami conveniently returns to town at the same time as she misses Allie and in a rewrite of a rewrite, she admits that Rafe has always been her true love and that the time with EJ was a mistake. They slowly work their way back to each other. Sami also helps Eric deal with his issues as does Belle to a lesser extent.
Justice finally prevails and Dr. Baker, Vargas, and Gus are all released from prison. With his continental savoir faire and financial support from Madame, Gus opens a nightclub that takes all the "best" people in Salem away from Club TBD. Vargas becomes a Salem P.D. informant and helps Rafe send Clyde to prison where, after the other prisoners learn that he once raped his young step-daughter, he doesn't last a week. Dr. Baker makes a huge fortune counting cards and opens a free clinic in the Town Square, which finally gives Salemites competent medical care.

Anne Milbauer finally becomes the head of University Hospital, promotes Jeannie T. to assistant chief administrator, fires Prissy Jenny and her perfect daughter, assigns the Love Doctor to emptying bed pans, and to prove that she's not completely vindictive, promotes Maxine to head of nursing.

Maggie goes back to taking an active role in running Chez Rouge meaning that Victor and everyone else in Salem get a break from her busybody ways. Salemites get more breaks when Julie goes on a round-the-world cruise with Doug, and Adrienne become Justin's legal secretary (meaning that she has no time to give Sonny worthless advice).

Eve goes to a real hospital, gets her vocal cords fixed, and leaves Salem forever along with her impossible daughter, meaning that JJ can at last find a nice, sensible girl who can put up with Jen Jen and Ms, Perfect, and has a mother who doesn't think that she's Mrs. Robinson.