
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Days, you just have to stop it! Characters leaving, opening the door, and finding someone about to knock.

The "bumping into each other" by characters who cannot seem to watch where they are going.

The texting and walking/running/maybe driving, and not paying attention to where you are. If characters have to be texting, they should either sit down, stand still. It truly is a very bad message. It really is NOT O.K. to do that.

Also, it is truly irritating to have characters constantly having to "answer" their cells. If a business call, then stay in your office, and tend to your business. Too much reliance on using cell phone calls & texts to interrupt whatever is going on.

And I have not even touched on the inappropriate manner of dress for those at work, outside in winter, etc. etc.
Also, it is truly irritating to have characters constantly having to "answer" their cells. If a business call, then stay in your office, and tend to your business. Too much reliance on using cell phone calls & texts to interrupt whatever is going on.
Good point. Whatever would these writers have done if they had been producing scripts back in the Stone Age before had Salemites smart phones? On the subject of these phones, it's truly remarkable how often people in Salem leave them behind somewhere. The way they're tethered to the things, one would think that would be impossible. Switching to the subject of the favorite Salem sport of eavesdropping, it's surprising how often dark, dirty secrets get revealed this way. It's also amazing how oblivious other Salemites are to the nasty doings that are going on around them or in the apartment next door. (Just once, I'd like to have one of Eve's neighbors bang on the walls or confront her about what in the name of God is going on in her apartment.)
And what is with everyone now showing up at the Salem University? Yesterday Dan just randomly shows up and says he is some guest speaker there tomorrow? LAME. I doubt that will ever happen.

Just the fact that Eve shows up there daily is annoying!

Don't get me started on the park.
Some things are just plain idiotic. When Anne and Theresa are standing at the very public, nurses station-waiting room-because-there's no other place for anyone to gather-in-the-hospital area, supposedly stuffing employee's W-2s into envelopes, it just drove me over the edge. On what planet, would anyone from HR be doing anything related to confidential employee information anywhere, but in their office??
And what is with everyone now showing up at the Salem University? Yesterday Dan just randomly shows up and says he is some guest speaker there tomorrow? LAME. I doubt that will ever happen.

Just the fact that Eve shows up there daily is annoying!

Don't get me started on the park.

I liked how Paige once pointed out to her mom how unusual it was for parents to come heckle their students in the college.
My immediate reaction to those thrown against a wall/door glasses and whatnot: Who has to clean it up?? In real life, do so many people really truly throw things? Yes, you may want to, but do you actually throw it????:tsk:
That's what therapy is for! :rolleyes: Salemites just talk about it and throw things and don't actually help any problems going on. I would actually love to throw a few vases here and there but nah it would be bad for my image...