Only in Salem, Part 1


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I haven't seen Wednesday February 4th show yet, but it doesn't matter because this happens all the time and bugs me to death.

Someone (Sonny in this case) learns something, hears something, grabs a coat and dashes out the door of his establishment. He leaves the cash drawer and customers. Ben was canned a while ago, but no worries. Customers, I guess,can come up and refill their beverages, leave some money on the counter???

Who does this in the real world??

I'm sure there are other things bugging folks.
I think Sonny told someone (I'm guessing an employee we didn't see) to cover for him. So that explains that.

But I do agree that some of the things happening in Salem are cringe worthy.

There's the "waking up and making out without brushing teeth". That's always a sexy situation ! :sick::sick:
I think this should be thread #3 or #4 or so...LOL....

My biggest pet peeve lately is the disparate time zones. Night in the square, Day at Club TBD. That and folks only going to work when it serves DA PLOT; just once I'd like someone to just have to go to work and NOT know some silly story is being telegraphed.
LOL, like today, for instance, Jen peeks into Dan's office, has a little conversation, then goes looking for Nicole
and finds her..heck with the job. But then, nearly everyone is able to "work at home". All the corporate execs, reporters, those who do press relations for the hospital. It's a shame that Daniel has to go to the hospital, Melanie, too, tho she only has to work an hour a day, so that is easy. Of course the human relations dept. only has to put in a couple hours as well, IF they show up at all.Heck, we don't even see CAroline at the Pub....of course she is always back in the kitchen, I guess. :)
Another peeve: ordering something, not eating it and not paying for it. I guess EVERYONE in Salem has a TAB and they are known on sight. This I guess makes sense as everyone's cell phone number is in everyone's cell phone. Upon birth you have a tab set up and it gets paid automatically wherever you go.

The fireplace one, yes Kerry, that one is super special, given it's been years since we've seen a firefighter, I guess the town won't burn.
Someone has said this before but it is buggy to me. Photos automatically on the cell phone when someone calls.

Answering the phone and having a "casual" conversation with an enemy (Marlena /Stefano). Weird. Someone does the things he has done...I wouldn't be answering the phone knowing it was him. lol
My biggest pet peeve lately is the disparate time zones. Night in the square, Day at Club TBD ....
Jason, why shouldn't Salem have it's own mini-time zones. It's already got it's own very strange climate zones. How else have some residents avoided hypothermia and frostbite?

Another peeve: ordering something, not eating it and not paying for it. I guess EVERYONE in Salem has a TAB and they are known on sight. This I guess makes sense as everyone's cell phone number is in everyone's cell phone. Upon birth you have a tab set up and it gets paid automatically wherever you go.

The fireplace one, yes Kerry, that one is super special, given it's been years since we've seen a firefighter, I guess the town won't burn.
Perhaps, kindly, civic-minded Uncle Vic is keeping Salem fed by picking up everyone's tab. As for the town burning, that sounds like a great idea. Imagine the spoiler: "Salem is swept by fire -- who will survive?!" As for peeves, once again the Salem P.D. is front and center. John Black comes riding in there on his white horse, and the first order of business is helping to drop the hammer on the hapless Ben. Meanwhile, Salem is awash in Clyde's drugs. If Victor knows all about this, why not Roman's cops?? Only in Salem.