Off canvas character mentions

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Last week Gabi was mentioned and I had wondered if she was forgotten already. Eve mentioned Maggie's daughters (unnamed) which was a surprising nod to history (Eve running over Melissa).

Have there been any other characters mentioned? (The scene with Maggie and Eve was pretty funny).
No, there really haven't been any other off-canvas characters mentioned lately, other than Gabi and the brief reference to "Maggie's daughters". I guess you can count Chloe and Nancy Wesley since Daniel was supposedly talking to Parker (on the phone) about "his grandma" and also mentioned something about Parker being with Chloe.
My sad face is gone, my dead horse is still around. Used to if I typed :( the sad face replaced it, I hadn't even thought to check if it was gone.

Also I haven't watched regularly in awhile but I haven't caught any off-canvas mentions aside from those named. I assume Justin is still in Africa or wherever he was said to be the last time he was mentioned, which was a couple months or more ago.
I think Abby mentioned Carrie recently when talking about the thing with Austin and now with EJ....something to the effect of "Sami and Carrie can compare notes about me". Eve has talked about Shane.

I noticed that too about no mention of Belle. Tsk Tsk tsk, writers!

I swear someone said Justin's name recently but I can't remember what the context was.
<-------------can you tell I miss Justin? :cry:
Justin's in Dubai.

Jack has been mentioned more the last 3 months than in the entire time since he died, I believe.

Chad is mentioned frequently. And Kate mentioned her children being taken from her when she was meeting Captain Sleazeball (Clyde), but no names.

Seems to me they were better 18 months ago at the name-dropping. Kept things interesting.
They've mentioned Melanie quite a bit lately and have showed her picture repeatedly

Today we got the Grandma Horton reference too and there is still a Tom/Alice photo on the mantle at Jen's house I believe

Does Stefano count?

Hope mentioned Shawn-Douglas when she read the letter from Bo because he was mentioned in it

Shame on the TIIC in charge for not mentioning Belle and Shawn-Douglas and even bigger shame for not bringing them back on-screen right now! :sick: