Nicole: The Barney Fife of Salem


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Nov 22, 2006
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Just like ol' Barn, Nicole is going to shoot herself in the foot again. She will regret getting what she wants if Eric marries her.

If he finds out, he will probably leave her. We have seen how unforgiving and judgmental Eric, the holy man, is.

Secondly, if he doesn't find out, or does forgive Nicole, there is no way on Earth he can make Nicole happy in the long run. Nicole will never be a pious, law-abiding citizen. It's just not in her nature. Eric will always be judging her or trying to rein her in, and that is not a formula for happiness.

Sadly, I think Nicole loves the idea of "Eric & Nicole" from the past, but she could not have thought this through. She's counting on "what might have been" to make her happy now and in the future.

Even their personalities (if Eric even has one) seem to clash. He's a boring, stick-in-the-mud, while she is a vibrant, fun-loving woman.

Nicole is going to lose again and her heart will be broken, again, whether Eric forgives her or not.

Yep, KathyLu has it nailed. Nicole is her OWN worst enemy, which is what Daniel is trying to make her see, but Nicole insists she is going to have her perfect life, no matter what. And there really is no such thing.
It's unfortunate they keep Nicole in this box of a character.
I would rather she be allowed to evolve into a person who is allowed to be happy.
I also wish they would have her job as a reporter be more involved in some Salem stories.
Did she ever even do the story on "Father" Eric or was it shelved? Why not have Nicole investigate Nick's murder and solve it! I would enjoy that.
I would love for Nicole to be a complete character, flaws and all, who feels she can stand on her own two feet without a man in her life. Especially not Eric, who's a saintly snooze fest for me, with his constant martyr look (in that sense, he'd be better with gloom and doom saintly Jennifer).

But see, to have Nicole actually be developed as a leading character, with actual storylines, would require some effort on the writers' part. And I doubt they are willing, if even capable, of doing that.

Indeed, Nicole could be the investigative reporter, really digging up stories and dirt, maybe even along with Rafe, who used to be a private eye. And I'm sure those two would find much more than a darn lost cat. But nope, for the writers, it's always the same pattern : let's have Nicole paint herself into a corner, and let's have the whole town spit on her when it's found out. No surprise there, since the writers of that boring and stupid storyline of shredding the evidence, are the same writers who thought a poignant interview consisted of only one darn question to Eric, which had to be edited !!!!! Ridiculous and frustrating ? Oh, yeah !

Then again, why bring Nicole in the forefront ? There isn't enough space there for her, since Sami and EJ, as well as their understudies, Jennifer and Daniel, are already there, sucking up all the screen time. Then again, this will all be worth while, and so much more entertaining, when all is found out and Sami gets her chance to say to Eric : "I told you Nicole hadn't changed". :sarcasm: :beat:

So back to the original subject, yes, Nicole digs her own holes. But it's like every other character on the show gives her the shovel to do it by putting her down, Eric being the first one to blame lately. But we all know he will never admit it. Neither will the rest of the Salemites. :beat:
my question is : What is the purpose of eloping? What is that going to do in this situation when If and when Eric finds out he can easily get a divorce or annulment? Just cause they get married doesn't mean that its forever! When Eric finds out he is going to be *bleep* that Nicole has been lying to him this entire time and now Dan is dragged into it as well. The person he loves so much cant even tell him the truth because of her own selfish reasons.
Some folks think that sex smooths over everything. And there is scientific evidence that this can be true, at least for the short term. Witness Maury Povich/Steve Wilkos.
She will regret getting what she wants if Eric marries her.... Even their personalities (if Eric even has one) seem to clash. He's a boring, stick-in-the-mud, while she is a vibrant, fun-loving woman.
Very true. Nicole aching for Eric is a classic case of be careful what you wish for. She's stuck in the past and doesn't see Eric for what he is now. Nicole would soon be so bored living with him that she'd be sneaking out to Club TBD or some place in Chicago looking for excitement. And would she really want screechy Sami and judgmental Marlena as in-laws? For Nicole, Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with that pair wouldn't exactly be a festive event. As for Eric, he should find somebody who'll go to Mass with him on Sunday mornings, and who might be interested in First Friday devotions, teaching catechism classes, joining the Rosary Society, and singing in the parish choir.
The truth will come out. When it does (if they are married) he will leave her and get the marriage annulled. It will come to light that Daniel knew. Ms. Jennifer will kick him to the curb and he and Nicole can commiserate together. St. Marlena can become Grand Marshall of the "I knew Nicole was no good" parade

My only hope in all of this is Fr. Eric has super sperm and the frolic in the sheets results in a pregnancy for Nicole. She needs to be a momma!
Some folks think that sex smooths over everything. And there is scientific evidence that this can be true, at least for the short term. Witness Maury Povich/Steve Wilkos.
Maury Povich and Steve Wilkos are worse than Days. At least we know Days isn't real but some people actually think Steve Wilkos is real. I watched him once and just laughed at the stupid phony garbage he was doing, screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing a chair while the stupid audience yells Steeeevvvve. That's worse than any soap opera.

But then we'd be getting ANOTHER recycled storyline in that Daniel is shagging a pregnant Nicole
Whaaaatttttt? Dr. McPervey would never cheat on Jennifer :) ROFLMBO!!!

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It kills me that they keep letting Nicole dig herself in deeper and deeper. I like the character and the actress. Honestly, I really liked her with EJ and Brady too. She was a good mom to Sydney. I hate how they keep killing her babies and now all this. She had really become a good person but they are just killing her. I could not believe it when she said Daniel was in love with her. How on earth does she think that is going to work out!? And it ends today with Daniel and Eric gonna talk. Bet they end up talking around it so they can drag it out for awhile. Just crazy stupid. I wish they would have had her give Eric the evidence and let him decide.
KathyLu, you have both characters pegged. And sadly, you are not a Days writer, and instead we are forced to watch the buildup of Nicole only so she can be knocked down by the good team currently employed by Corday Productions, who do not understand her character, or Eric's character, and instead change them weekly in order to suit their plot of the week.