Nicole/Eric and evidence

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Upstate, NY
I'm a little confused. We saw Nicole shredding and burning all of the paper evidence - less the paperwork Nick scarfed up. Wasn't there a disk with evidence on it or am I totally dreaming this up. If there is/was what the heck happened to that? Did it just fall off the script?
No, there was no disk with evidence.

You might be thinking of the CD that had proof EJ was the one who had Sydney kidnapped. Rafe pretended to seduce Nicole and stole the CD and gave it to Sami as proof (as she was about to marry EJ in the DiMansion).
Originally, I think Daniel's files were also on a flash drive, but it ended up that all his files were taken by Dr. Chyka, while those on his computer, the flash drive, and the original testing lab were all destroyed. This is why Nicole & Daniel followed Chyka out to his cabin, and why Nicole knew she had a gold mine when she found all those files in the safe.
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