Need Carrie & Austin info


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
If and when then this "loving and lovable" couple return to Salem to join in the celebration, I would imagine that their child will be driving the car...or flying the airplane?? Surely enough time has gone by that this "kid" is no baby, but an almost completely grown up (according to the rules of SORASing!!!)
Austin and Carrie are the two characters who should never darken Salem's portal again. I'd rather see Willow Stark come back from the dead and Jan Spears come out of her coma to fight over Shawn D than ever see the hag and her dimwhit husband.
All I was going to add is ,"I wonder what type of info needed on Austin and Carrie, and for Pete's sake, What to heck do we need the information for?" We have gotten along fine for a long time without the problems they bring with them to our little City, Salem. Why would anyone want to add to the problems by finding out about them? I would just like to see them for about five minutes, and with the baby preferably, and then they can leave again.

Now Philip, Chicago is not that far away from our little city, so he could have been visiting right along if he would have wanted. I am just surprised, that Kate has not gone to spend some of the time with him in his apartment...... hint hint. I now put the bug into someone's ear, so when they sit down to write the stories of life, that the writers are soooooooo good at doing, they will allow her to spend some of her time away from Salem, and bug Philip, perhaps he will spend more time there in stead.
I hope Carrie returns and marries Rafe. They can raise the baby together. Austin was a dope and I never cared for him and Carrie together. Plus, Rafe is very single, and it doesn't look like the writers will put him with Nicole anytime soon.
Oh, my gosh, I absolutely DETESTED when they tried to pair up the married Carrie with the single Rafe. Her and her ice cubes. Ugh. She is one vet I just do not want to see return to Salem, unless it is for one episode, maybe a guest for a special party, or Christmas. That would be it!To tell the truth, I liked young Carrie, with young Austin (Patrick Muldoon) who played piano, and yet was a prize fighter to earn money to help his sister, Billie. Just that story, way back then.
But since....especially her last visit. Thumbs down.
I liked her when I was growing up, with Austin Peck (ex-Austin). Of course, I rooted for Sami the entire time, but in those years, Carrie was alright. I liked her okay with Mike Horton, and the story they had with Craig and Nancy. But this last go-round, I picked Days back up toward the end of her thing with Rafe, and I hated it. I hated her, I hated Austin, and I saw zero chemistry. Some people liked Carrie/Rafe, I didn't. I hate to see Rafe pining over women, and I hate that Carrie and Sami have repeatedly shared men (for lack of a better term).
You know, Harley, I agree for the most part. I really love Craig & Nancy, and you have reminded me that I rather liked Carrie and her "adventures" with Mike Horton, though that spinning bed was a huge joke, and caused immediate dislike.
(And I did not like her with Austin Peck at all)
I really like Rafe, and I think Days treats the character abominably. But I suppose that is how they deal with a character with NO familial ties to Salem. Once they pulled Sami away from him, they have had the character dancing in the wind.
Can't stand Austin Peck's version of Austin. He became/got written to be a doofus when he took over. I like the piano playing boxer :) Patrick Muldoon, not that they ever went back to that. Carrie Cubes can stay gone if she is only coming back to fight with Sami :rolleyes:...again or make goo goo eyes at Rafe :sick:.
Oh, my gosh, I absolutely DETESTED when they tried to pair up the married Carrie with the single Rafe...To tell the truth, I liked young Carrie, with young Austin (Patrick Muldoon) who played piano, and yet was a prize fighter to earn money to help his sister, Billie. Just that story, way back then.
But since....especially her last visit. Thumbs down.

Actually married Carrie was with married Rafe, not single Rafe.

I adored the love story between Carrie and Patrick Muldoon's Austin. The actors had amazing chemistry and it was a good match. Good girl/Grey area guy. This last go around I was so excited that they were returning to Salem and then the writers screwed it up big time by pairing her with Rafe and also by writing Austin as a submissive, idiot. Remember folks same writers who wrote the hate boink in this same timeframe.
I had never seen Patrick Muldoon until this last time he was on the show. Austin Peck was the first Austin for me, there was nobody to compare him to. My mom swooned over Muldoon, also didn't care for Peck much, but I really didn't care for Austin in general this past time and likely wouldn't have no matter who played him. He was written poorly.