Naive people in Salem


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Julie and Daniel are both naive people. Julie thinks her precious Nick walked on water and could do no wrong Daniel is still convinced Nicole was going to tell the truth. Either they are both naive or just plain stupid.
Nick was no angel but this secret was kept from Julie. The only family she seemed to care about was Nick. Daniel believing Nicole would tell Eric was kind of stupid he should have immediately told Eric and to heck with what Nicole wanted. She had herself so entangled with her lies she would have continued to spin more. When there are lies and secrets that others know about you can be sure it will eventually come out. No sympathy for Nicole from me.
considering Julie's last conversation with Nick..... she had to know he was troubled..... You would think that as angry as she would be she'd want to know just why he was so down.... and want to speak a bit with those who worked with him....
but then again... this is Salem and she is going to be a terror on wheels....cause it serves da plot sort of....

but really it is just a case of stupid juice that is served all over Salem...
Daniel is neither naive nor stupid in my opinion. He sees the best in Nicole and was working to get her to act in her best interest. Whether his approach was the best approach to use in order to inspire Nicole's best behavior is another story.

Julie isn't naive or stupid either. Julie is in denial and is grieving. There's a huge difference.
Every character is dumb when it serves the writers' agenda and smart when the same condition applies. Julie is a tool and Gabi is keeping mum about the sexual assault because it would lead to bigger questions. Frankly Julie can stuff her concern in her sock drawer and take off on her next cruise IMO. It would be much more interesting if Gabi were the ONLY person feeling bad about her killing Nick. Ms Julie Olson Banning Anderson Williams has been sadly abused in this story as a constant prop for Nick, right from the get-go where she was prodding Melanie at the hospital about speaking on Nick's behalf at his parole hearing.
As long as people keep watching it, they will keep dishing it out.
Which is why I stopped watching for a long time, and sometimes if I read a summary of a show that sounds boring, I will not watch. However, the show has improved a bit recently. Before my complaint was the EJ-Sami relationship, as well as the boredom of Jennifer and Daniel, that made me quit watching. Before this Nick shooting, my complaint was the overall slowness of the storylines, especially Jordan's and JJ's filler story.
I stopped watching about the time Lexie died. I will not support the ratings for this garbage. However, I do keep up with the stories in hopes they will improve.

As for Julie, I would describe her as a sheltered cheerleader where Nick is concerned. She has been sheltered from his misdeeds. At the same time, she believes him (and in him) so she supports him by being a cheerleader for him.
It bothers me that Julie has been so focused on Nick, she does not notice the hard time Hope is having without Bo in town, or the fact that Ciara has become a very troubled little girl.

As for Daniel, the defensive way Nicole was acting should have told him she would never tell Eric, so he should have went ahead and let Eric know. I can't stand Jennifer but she was right in this instance that Eric needed to know.