Most disappointing return of a classic Days character

Most Disappointing Recent Return

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Jungle Madness

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
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Dimera owned island
TIIC have during the past several years brought back many a classic character only to savage said characters beyond recognition through nonsensical storylines, out of character behavior, bizarre interactions with others and lackluster exits. Of all the returns which was the most disappointing for you personally and why?
I would have to say it was Jack Deveraux. Matt Ashford is a wonderful actor who brought such depth AND variety to the role of Jack. And after being held hostage for a year, they have him sneak into town, fall stupidly into a cake, have his wife keep him at a distance. They had him wandering around town here and there, until she finally decided (though it was Daniel, not her) to reunite with him, barely saw him, until he got into the elevator to rescue his daughter, then was ignored by all, to plunge to his death. What a horrible way to treat a really great character and fantastic actor.
The best scene of that year of few scenes, was Marlena taking Jack into the group therapy with vets who also had PTSD.
I voted for Steve and Kayla. I love those characters so much- I'm only really disappointed that Steve didn't stay... I feel like the writers missed an opportunity there! (I feel they miss a lot, so what's new?) and Kayla just fills in random spots, never a good story- she deserves a good story (bring Steve back! lol) I guess I could also have voted for Marlena and John... but eh, they have never interested me much, I find them over the top... so I wasn't expecting much- therefore it's not really disappointing, I got what I expected. It's the writers fault- they just don't give these characters much to work with.
Tough question here. I voted Other because I think Eve Donovan is one of the worst returns I've ever seen, partially due to a bad recast and partially due to the absurd writing for the character.

That said, I'll go down the line here:

Carly Manning was ok I suppose but back in the day, she never would have done drugs. Once upon a time, she was the Sami or Melanie of the show in that she was involved in every storyline and aired constantly. She was more of a supporting character on the the return.

I've never cared for Vivian so there is not much they can do to redeem her at this point.

Kristen's last return was ridiculous and a waste of Eileen Davidson (Kristen)'s talent. That said, stealing the baby is not exactly out of character for Kristen.

I am annoyed about John's lack of airtime and storyline since his recent return. The fact that he is not moving mountains to be with Marlena is way out of character. And don't start me on all the meddling with his idiot son.

As for Marlena, I just wish she was written as more than a meddling mom. Deidre Hall (Marlena) is NO supporting actress! She is one of the faces of this show and should be treated as such.

I too was annoyed by Jack. So much potential with Nicole, his kids and ever resurrecting The Spectator. But TIIC have no respect for history.

I actually thought Steve's return was done ok. What I didn't like was the way he and Kayla were written as a couple during that return. Kayla came off as very desperate. I remember a scene shortly after he returned and still didn't have his memory where she asked him if he wanted to shop for houses. And It was hard to believe she was single all those years when she was "in love" with Shane shortly after Steve "died".

I was also very disappointed in Carrie and Austin's return. They are one of my favorite couples and I too prefer Patrick Muldoon as Austin. There was no reason for the Carrie and Rafe storyline, especially after she had already cheated on Austin with Mike Horton. And there is still so much need for them onscreen but I'm afraid the writers would just screw it up again.

TIIC seem to have a thing for single, veteran women on this show. Kayla, Hope, Jennifer, Marlena, Adrienne, and now Kimberly are all shown while their spouse is either dead or offscreen somewhere. Will Adrienne and Kimberly be the next to divorce an absentee husband?
Wow. All of the above. But I voted for Carly, Kayla, Kristen.

Carly: My absolute favourite character from the 1990s, after she was fired from Days, I followed the actress to OLTL and later GL. Was thrilled when it was announced she was coming back. Within a month of her appearance, I was horrified, due to the horrible storytelling. And it only got worse. Temporary Bo & Hope wedge? Ick. Connected to Ms Pout? Gross. Had an affair with an apparently 12-year-old Dr McScruffy? Vomit. Then there was the doing-drugs-over-losing-Daniel tripe. She became the first character I loved that I was glad to see leave, so she couldn't be further wrecked.

Kayla: Silly return in '06, worse this time around because they had her divorce Steve to do DiMera hospital bidding and help Caroline at the Pub. Oh, and "keep an eye" on attempted murderer Jeannie Theresa. I love the actress but what a waste.

Kristen: Here's a surprise!! :wink:
LOVED Kristen back in the day, even during all the craziness. She slowly turned from a true romance for John, and a good-hearted woman, to the woman scorned. And Eileen Davidson played her so well, even after her attempts to kill Marlena, Susan, and John, you still felt a little bad for her. But she comes back, no mention of the harem, what she's been up to other than the probable lie about 'years of therapy', and it's obvious from the get-go that she's a baddie bent on revenge. A terrible waste. [And I've brain-bleached the memory of her latest return, although someone here said she returned recently, I don't recall it....]

I should have also voted "other" because Austin, Carrie, and Billie's returns were complete wastes under the last headwriters. It's almost as if since 2010 the sole intention of the suits et al at Days is to destroy every good memory I have of Days from the 1990s. :(
The most disappointing return of a classic character in my opinion is Eve Donovan. I just think that her storyline would have been so much richer had Charlotte Ross reprised her role. The powers that be could have very easily used old flashbacks of her relationship with Nick Corelli, as well as the events that lead to her committing suicide, as a justication/motivation for her wanting Paige and J.J. apart. She could have made it clear that she didn't want Paige to repeat her mistakes.

I am also very disappointed that they brought Jack Deveraux and Tony DiMera back only to kill both characters off yet again.
Jack's return was bad -- he starts by falling into a cake, is forced to endure Jen Jen's absurd and degrading dating contest with Dr. McScruffy, and then he vanishes down an elevator shaft.

Kayla's was also pretty terrible -- a contrived divorce from Steve; despite her medical credentials she's tending bar at the Pub; and then on her return to the hospital, she joins the Dr. McScruffy cheerleader squad.

To me, the worst was John Black, the one-time Days superstar, who was reduced to a bumbling idiot. He's shown treating his long-time wife like dirt, then absurdly tries to "save" Brady from Kristen by sleeping with her, and then tries to recoup the situation by pathetically trying to make amends with the drunken lout. How many times did he approach Salem's biggest coke-head, saying: "Please, son." Then, despite these dismal failures, he appoints himself as Brady's savior during the Jeannie T. affair, only to be conked on the head and fall into his latest endless coma. Once recovered, he covers up for the brat girl and flees town on a supposed business trip. Really, is this any way to treat a Days legend?
Oh, shoot, did not know I could vote for more than one. So you can add one more for the latest return of John Black.
And while his return was fine, the way Steve Johnson (and Kayla) were last written out was appalling! She is in a hospital bed, he is in the room. And next we HEAR Stephanie tell someone his dad took his mom home....and that was the last we even heard of them. Shameful.