Monday July 21st Episode


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Today's episode is great for so many reasons: Nicole stands up to Father Eric and tells him some much needed truths about himself that he needs to hear.:love:

I will say again I am liking Eve and Daniel together. The actress is doing a great job.

Jennifer getting upset is :clap:

Lastly, Hope/ Aiden are :love:

Brady showing concern/remorse for how he has acted towards his father is about time, too. Nice to see Abe being given something to do.
Eve and Dan I like...... Jennifer's look: PRICELESS......

Today's episode is great for so many reasons: Nicole stands up to Father Eric and tells him some much needed truths about himself that he needs to hear.:love:

I really wanted Nicole to tell him he needs to go to confession badly because he is the biggest hypocrite the church will ever see.
Ok, let's lay it on the line: Eve picks the wrong men, all the time. We've heard that from Paige. Now she's going after Dr. Dan. That means, using associative properties, that Dan is a wrong man. WRONG. This can't possibly turn out well, so it's done before it's started.

And, from yesterday's episode, where does Eve get off calling Jennifer a b-word for locking Jen's own front door? Really? You've got some serious entitlement issues lady.

I need some good cat fighting on this show that doesn't involve Jennifer whining. We need Eve and Nicole to mix it up.
@TamiBelle I could not agree more. Eric thinks he's all that and a bag of chips but he is not just like his twin. I hope he does go back to the church and that Nicole is finally given a man that is worthy of her love because Eric is not. I think the Powers that be are trying to recreate something from over a decade ago and it just is not working. As for Jennifer she is way over the top and this "you can't play with my toys" attitude needs to stop. She looks ridiculous and its she who is so busy thinking of her recreated hate AGAIN see Eric and Nicole storyline from over twenty years ago to even see how its affecting her children. Last time I checked Dan is not her man so who he chooses to associate with is not her concern. Who cares if Eve has history with Jennifer ? That has nothing to do with Dan. I am so over this storyline and the repeated mentions of "the veterans", when its convenient for the plot but not prior and its just my observation but Jenny is more peeved that she sees Eve "stealing" in her mind another one of her toys than she is about actually giving the money to the veterans. We all know how she treated Jack as an after thought, until its convenient you know for her to tell anyone who will listen that Eve took Frankie away and then married Jack... who she has now called her husband for da plot but was an unbelievable witch to him this last go around. So she gets no sympathy from me.
That has nothing to do with Dan. I am so over this storyline and the repeated mentions of "the veterans", when its convenient for the plot but not prior and its just my observation but Jenny is more peeved that she sees Eve "stealing" in her mind another one of her toys than she is about actually giving the money to the veterans.
standing o.gif
That's been my problem, too. Would it really have been that hard to record some dialogue about "the vets" and insert them into an episode that aired 2-3 months before Eve showed up? Or to plan out a story in advance!?!?!
Actually to take it a step further, Days should have partnered with Wounded Warrior Project and had some real vets on the show thanking Jack's family for the support and explaining where the money goes.